04-12-2005, 02:28 AM
Does anyone think this tirade about the 6.5million and his knees might go hand in hand because he knows he only has a very limited time to play well because of a bad diagnosis from the doc and he is trying to get every cent now?
SportsC mentioned this during the year. No one agreed with him, he may have been pretty on.
04-12-2005, 04:06 AM
As a loyal skin fan since 1967,Ihave seen it all.Lavar is a STUD!He ended Troy Aikman`s career.Pay that man his money.
04-12-2005, 07:36 AM
Maybe he needs the money to pay for the 56 Plasma tvs he got for his house.
04-12-2005, 08:13 AM
LA is full of crap and this mess is all his fault not the skins. If memory serves it was LA not the skins who rushed him back last season. In fact Bubba Tyre tried to stop LA from practice and LA got up in BT's grill and threatened to get physical with him for stopping him. Then LA slipped reinjured his knee and the rest is history. Once again this goes back to my post last week about the skins drafting million dollar bodies attached to 10 cent heads. Who cares how hard LA hits or whose career he may or may not have ended, he's too often out of position and always seems to have some dispute with the FO that is a result of an oversight on his part.
If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, the skins should have traded LA when they had the chance and he had some value.
04-12-2005, 08:19 AM
As a loyal skin fan since 1967,Ihave seen it all.Lavar is a STUD!He ended Troy Aikman`s career.Pay that man his money.
Welcome Skinfan184! Glad to have you! He is making a ton of money already. His money dispute is really not with the Redskins, it is and should be with his agent!
Ask any player about being on IR and the rehab process and they'll always say it's a lonely road. It feels like you're not part of the team anymore, like nobody cares, etc.
Did we learn anything new from this? LaVar talks when he's upset, not exactly big news or anything to get too excited about.
Welcome Skinfan184! Glad to have you! He is making a ton of money already. His money dispute is really not with the Redskins, it is and should be with his agent!
Except his agent isn't going to cough up that money!
04-12-2005, 08:33 AM
aehs - There's no way he's leaving. His contract is too massive to move. Not like anyone would traded for damaged goods anyways...
From what I'm hearing... he's due a large roster bonus soon and it may actually be a good financial decision to dump him if he's not improving physically.
04-12-2005, 08:42 AM
From what I'm hearing... he's due a large roster bonus soon and it may actually be a good financial decision to dump him if he's not improving physically.
Nope. It would be a financial disaster to move him. His cap hit would be massive.
04-12-2005, 08:51 AM
Seriously, people turned on LaVar damn quick before knowing the facts. Taylor is already wanting a new contract and no one is ready to crucify him yet (not saying we should, but let's give people a break before we know the facts).
Absolutely agree. It's pathetic, ABSOLUTELY PATHETIC, to see some people who were already predisposed to disliking the guy use the misfortune of an injury like this to get up on their soap box and crucify him even more. He's a passionate guy. Period. He wants to be out there cracking skulls with his team. And because he can't be, he is very, VERY frustrated right now. He's never given anything less than 100% for this team and anybody that doubts his intentions or his passion for the game in my book isn't even worthy of a direct response. So I'm going to stop and leave it at that before I say something that gets me kicked off this site.