Paintrain 06-19-2014, 04:51 PM all you guys who think they should change the name need to not watch football ever again or your words are just air. If you are still watching the team or league your an intellectual hypocrite.
I'm not meaning to insult you,just typing an example of what should take place as an argument if you mean it
Anyone else pick up on the irony? #you're
To echo what others have said, my emotional attachment to the team goes beyond the name. I honestly don't care what they're called it's not that serious to me. I've been a fan since '81 and if they are called the Redskins, Redfins, Redmins or whatever, it won't impact how fervently I am rooting for a win each and every time they step onto the field.
I lean towards a name change for 2 simple reasons, primarily because I believe it's the right thing to based on if there is a group that's being offended. Secondarily because I'm tired of the debate and our team name and reputation getting bandied about on each side of things. I wish we could just focus on football for once.
Giantone 06-19-2014, 04:55 PM Interestingly enough, there was a thread regarding the word "jap" on this very board almost 10 years ago to the day. Bill Parcells said the following:
"Mike wants the defense to do well, and Sean, he's going to have a few ... no disrespect for the Orientals, but what we call Jap plays. OK. Surprise things."
Why were you offended ?
itvnetop 06-19-2014, 04:58 PM Why were you offended ?
How are you not?
ram29jackson 06-19-2014, 05:00 PM Anyone else pick up on the irony? #you're
To echo what others have said, my emotional attachment to the team goes beyond the name. I honestly don't care what they're called it's not that serious to me. I've been a fan since '81 and if they are called the Redskins, Redfins, Redmins or whatever, it won't impact how fervently I am rooting for a win each and every time they step onto the field.
I lean towards a name change for 2 simple reasons, primarily because I believe it's the right thing to based on if there is a group that's being offended. Secondarily because I'm tired of the debate and our team name and reputation getting bandied about on each side of things. I wish we could just focus on football for once.
LOL ok, you are a spelling and grammar Nazi
SirLK26 06-19-2014, 05:12 PM Chris Cooley ridicules name-change effort, says he’s now protesting the Chargers - The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/dc-sports-bog/wp/2014/06/19/chris-cooley-ridicules-name-change-effort-says-hes-now-protesting-the-chargers/)
This issue is so ridiculous. If they are going to go against our trademark our name because of it offending people, then why not start a fire storm where every team name offends somebody. *SMH*
I was amused by Cooley's comments about being him offended by the Charger's name, but that situation would be quite a bit different than someone offended by "Redskins."
Also, they shouldn't have said some of the things they said, especially in such a public setting. Some of their comments will do nothing but add fuel to the fire.
Counter-Tre 06-19-2014, 05:23 PM Change the name to Washington Generals and have the Harlem Globetrotters come to town to kick the crap out of us week in and week out.
ram29jackson 06-19-2014, 05:26 PM The Official ES Redskins Name Change Thread---All Things Related to Changing the Team's Name Go Here - Page 141 - The Tailgate - Extremeskins (http://es.redskins.com/topic/365985-the-official-es-redskins-name-change-thread-all-things-related-to-changing-the-teams-name-go-here/page-141)
Okay, I just wanted to add my opinion.
First off, I am Cherokee and have a CDIB card, which by no means makes me an expert on Native American affairs or opinions, I did however grow up on an Indian reservation(Osage County in Oklahoma)
I also spent 10 years living in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Which is the Capitol of the Cherokee tribe(well ONE of the Cherokee tribes). Needless to say I have been around countless Native Americans from almost all the tribes my entire life. I have always proudly supported my teams colors, and never given a thought to term Redskins being offensive. I've NEVER had anyone, other than white people recently, tell me that its offensive.
Oklahoma football has a long history of Indian mascots, even a professional team in the 1920s "Hominy Indians" who beat the New York Giants. The Union Redskins(suburb of Tulsa) are one of the most dominant 6A High School football teams in the state every year.
Basically my point, as a Redskin fan hearing about how offensive our teams name is to Indians. I feel I'm kind of at Ground Zero here in Oklahoma.....And I've yet to meet a Native American that cares what our name is. Honestly I've meet some that wore the colors/logos just for the Indian representation and didn't even watch football.
Also, keep in mind when you see things like the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma finds the name offensive, so that must mean the 189,000 members of that tribe find it offensive.
No. Just because the Tribal Government issues a statement doesn't mean that is "the view" of that tribe. It's all just politics.
EARTHQUAKE2689 06-19-2014, 05:27 PM How are you not?
Because I have more important things in life to be worried about than to wast time being offended by a word.
itvnetop 06-19-2014, 05:41 PM Because I have more important things in life to be worried about than to wast time being offended by a word.
Yes- because being offended by a word takes too much of our brain space to process other information. It takes me a half a second to refrain from using a pejorative and another to speak up if I don't like it. Hardly enough to prevent me from my responsibilities.
I won't delve into how words shape communication, culture and influence- there's no point in discussing this if people think words have no power. (There's a reason why the Civil Rights movement came to pass- great leaders emboldened masses of people with words. Some German guy also used words to dehumanize an entire group. Ugh- Godwin strikes again).
ram29jackson 06-19-2014, 05:56 PM lol for no particular reason...