sportscurmudgeon 04-06-2005, 01:05 AM Actually, my life is really great. With few exceptions, I get to do whatever I feel like doing when I feel like doing it. So, I'm really not unhappy.
When folks start toget rhapsodic about the most meaningless of events - like an interview that reveals that Patrick Ramsey likes cuddley kittens and does not enjoy having a proctological exam - it is time to add a small measure of reality to the discussion. If you prefer to continue to hand on every word that drops in interviews such as these, go right ahead. But they don't mean squadoosh!
Oh, by the way, rasslin' is indeed "predetermined" in terms of its outcome. Just wanted everyone to be sure they were on board with that...
That Guy 04-06-2005, 01:13 AM wrestling is fixed?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?????
JoeRedskin 04-06-2005, 01:39 AM But SC, what if I don't want reality? Reality is a depressing 6-10 season. I don't want even a dose of that until I must, in fact, accept it. So, in the offseason, let me please imagine that PR's affinity for cuddly kittens will ensure that next season we are in the Superbowl.
Perhaps, just perhaps, we recognize the absurdity of such an event choose not to acknowledge it.
AND wrestling is NOT fixed. It only pretends to be fixed to confuse those who don't think it's real.
John Hasbrouck 04-06-2005, 01:50 AM According to Ramsey the foot operation he had March of 04 really set him back. Physically he could not workout. wasn't able to do anything till 3rd mini camp in June. Still was not rehab much and learning another offensive system. Ramsey says he is ready to lead the team back this year.
EternalEnigma21 04-06-2005, 04:02 AM It probly didnt help his foot when my 280 lb ass stepped on it in his little blue boot christmas shopping at Nordstrom's year before last.
SC is right, it was pretty much a fluff interview, not much different from what Skins.com had, and that was fluff too.
That being said, since it's an extremely slow time for news right now, of course we're going to eat up whatever little nugget we're fed!
Schneed10 04-06-2005, 10:54 AM Sure it's a fluff interview, but is there reason to think that Ramsey doesn't believe what he said? We'd all expect Ramsey to paint a rosy picture, but that doesn't mean that Ramsey is necessarily exaggerating.
Looking at the recap:
"Says its been great for him to play in different offenses (Spurrier & Gibbs)...says he feels that gives him an advantage and now it's time for him to step up and perform. Added that they went from a pass oriented offense to a run oriented offense last year and this year he hopes the offense is more balanced." I would agree with that, in today's NFL with all the player and system turnover, you're at an advantage if you can adjust to change more quickly. Ramsey has dealt with change before, so if Gibbs brings in new WRs and add downfield passes, I think Ramsey believes he'll be ready to deal with that change.
"Mentioned that there was a stat that stated that if the Redskins had scored one more touchdown and each game, they would have been 11 - 5 last season. Basically stated they were very close to being a winning team." So true in the NFL, it's a fine line between winning and losing.
"His relationship with Brunell is great. Considers Mark his best friend on the team." This part I think is exaggerated, I thought he and Jansen were best buds, they go hunting and stuff. But still, I see no reason to believe his relationship with Brunell isn't a good one.
"Spoke very highly of Joe Gibbs...basically says he[Gibbs] is everything and more than what people say about Joe Gibbs(those that actually say good things about the man.)" Would he trash Gibbs on TV? No. Have you ever heard a former player trash Gibbs? No. Ramsey loves him just like everyone else does.
So what does all this mean? Not a lot, you're right about that SC. But just because Ramsey is supposed to say all the right things doesn't mean he doesn't believe them. I think he has faith in the team's direction and I think he truly believes they'll be good this year.
Daseal 04-06-2005, 11:06 AM Didn't Riggins say some fairly harsh things about the coaching staff during the season?
Riggins says anything that will draw attention to himself. I love the guy as a player, off the field is a different story.
jermus22 04-06-2005, 11:28 AM Yeah, I'm not big on being negative about the interview. I agree that most of it is fluff, but from all I know about Ramsey, he is a good guy and a team player which makes his statements more believable. If he continues to build on last season's progress, we could make the wildcard playoffs this year. Expect big things from his this season. :twocents: