04-05-2005, 05:22 PM
If I am not mistaken, I think they said Patrick Ramsey will be there to talk to them..but I'm not sure about that. Anyways, I had just gotten the NFL Network back in March and I have been watching it alot..but yeah...the training camp of the Jaguars is getting quite old! Not to mention the Playbooks. It seems like the past few times I have turned on NFL playbook, they have been rerunning the outlook on the NFC South. I don't think I have ever gotten a chance to see a playbook on the NFC East.
04-05-2005, 05:26 PM
I wasn't sure about posting this thread about Ramsey, because I know now that the NFL Network has been rerunning stuff like crazy, so I wasn't sure if this was a rerun of a story that has already been reported or if this is something new. I figured since it's coming on around 7pm when most people would watch, that it would be new.
04-05-2005, 06:06 PM
If I am not mistaken, I think they said Patrick Ramsey will be there to talk to them..but I'm not sure about that. Anyways, I had just gotten the NFL Network back in March and I have been watching it alot..but yeah...the training camp of the Jaguars is getting quite old! Not to mention the Playbooks. It seems like the past few times I have turned on NFL playbook, they have been rerunning the outlook on the NFC South. I don't think I have ever gotten a chance to see a playbook on the NFC East.They did the NFC south about a week ago I did not catch the whole show so I can not give any details. I figured I would catch it next time but I think its the only show they only played once. I thought with all their reruns I would get tired of seeing it.
04-05-2005, 07:41 PM
Here's a summary of what Ramsey said on the NFL Network:
Says its been great for him to play in different offenses (Spurrier & Gibbs)...says he feels that gives him an advantage and now it's time for him to step up and perform. Added that they went from a pass oriented offense to a run oriented offense last year and this year he hopes the offense is more balanced.
Mentioned that there was a stat that stated that if the Redskins had scored one more touchdown and each game, they would have been 11 - 5 last season. Basically stated they were very close to being a winning team.
His relationship with Brunell is great. Considers Mark his best friend on the team.
Speaks highly of the acquitions of Patton and Moss. Feels their experience of being in the playoffs and SB(Patton) will help the offense out.
Spoke very highly of Joe Gibbs...basically says he[Gibbs] is everything and more than what people say about Joe Gibbs(those that actually say good things about the man.)
Says they are in the weight room right now and working on passing.
That's really about it. Anyone else who watched it might be able to add some other things, but that was an overall summary.
Here's a summary of what Ramsey said on the NFL Network:
Says its been great for him to play in different offenses (Spurrier & Gibbs)...says he feels that gives him an advantage and now it's time for him to step up and perform. Added that they went from a pass oriented offense to a run oriented offense last year and this year he hopes the offense is more balanced.
Mentioned that there was a stat that stated that if the Redskins had scored one more touchdown and each game, they would have been 11 - 5 last season. Basically stated they were very close to being a winning team.
His relationship with Brunell is great. Considers Mark his best friend on the team.
Speaks highly of the acquitions of Patton and Moss. Feels their experience of being in the playoffs and SB(Patton) will help the offense out.
Spoke very highly of Joe Gibbs...basically says he[Gibbs] is everything and more than what people say about Joe Gibbs(those that actually say good things about the man.)
Says they are in the weight room right now and working on passing.
That's really about it. Anyone else who watched it might be able to add some other things, but that was an overall summary.
thanks for the recap
04-05-2005, 09:26 PM
thanks, I wish he said that hes been workign hard with the receivers alreayd.
04-05-2005, 09:35 PM
thanks, I wish he said that hes been workign hard with the receivers alreayd.
Do npt sweat what he said. The offseason is based on a strict training schedule. They do things in order. First they get stronger then they get conditioned, and so on and so fourth. He will start getting on the same page as his receivers soon enough.
04-05-2005, 11:42 PM
Was anyone surprised at anything reported here?
He did what athletes are taught to do these days; praise everyone and everything and mention how hard you are working and how you need to take your game to the next level. :frusty:
Even if he believed that Joe Gibbs was a senile old fool who could not put his own Depends on without assistance {I'm sure Ramsey does not think that!] he would not say it. He'd say that Gibbs is a wonderful and creative genius who thinks only about winning and making each roster member a better person and player tomorrow than he is today.
Recap of interview:
1. Information Content = ZERO
2. Fan evaluation = Warm and Fuzzy
3. Team Evaluation = Excellent because now it is over and no one wet themselves in the process.
04-05-2005, 11:52 PM
C'mon, Sports! WHat's next? You'll be telling us there's no Santa Claus and that wrestling is fixed! ;>)
04-05-2005, 11:55 PM
Was anyone surprised at anything reported here?
He did what athletes are taught to do these days; praise everyone and everything and mention how hard you are working and how you need to take your game to the next level. :frusty:
Even if he believed that Joe Gibbs was a senile old fool who could not put his own Depends on without assistance {I'm sure Ramsey does not think that!] he would not say it. He'd say that Gibbs is a wonderful and creative genius who thinks only about winning and making each roster member a better person and player tomorrow than he is today.
Recap of interview:
1. Information Content = ZERO
2. Fan evaluation = Warm and Fuzzy
3. Team Evaluation = Excellent because now it is over and no one wet themselves in the process.
Man, it must suck to go thruough life with such a negative outlook on things that you had to denigrate this interview just for the sheer purpose of crapping on it.. In the boring period before camp forgive people for getting a little excited to actually see and hear from someone on the team for 5 minutes..