SirLK26 06-02-2014, 10:53 AM Bruce's letter doesn't mean squat. If many members of race of people are offended by a name, then they are offended.
The name must go. In time, it will go. Dan Snyder is on the wrong side of history on this issue.
I'm sure you're aware that there's a number of high schools here in America with a majority Native-American population that still use the nickname Redskins. Suzan Harjo should perhaps unite her fellow "offended" Native Americans if she wants to succeed.
In addition, there's considerable evidence that the name did not begin as a racist term. And obviously it's not used as a derogatory term today. So why must it go?
Hail To the Redskins: NFL Must Save Name, Image, Legacy (http://www.coldhardfootballfacts.com/content/hail-to-the-redskins-nfl-must-save-name-image-legacy/25861/)
Redskins: The debate over the Washington football team's name incorrectly invokes history. (http://www.slate.com/blogs/lexicon_valley/2013/12/18/redskins_the_debate_over_the_washington_football_t eam_s_name_incorrectly.html)
irish 06-02-2014, 11:02 AM Snyder ultimately has to do right by his fanbase, which is what he's trying to do here. But I think you and I both know that the fans of this organization would absolutely get behind the new name of the team the second they change the name. If 20 years of struggling on the field hasn't weakened the fanbase, what the heck is a name change going to do?
Exactly. If anything a name change might help as it would provide a clean slate after all the years of front office dysfunction and lack of on-field performance.
SmootSmack 06-02-2014, 11:43 AM How many people actually use the word Redskins as a derogatory term? Feels like when the name comes up, people automatically think of the football team.
Which was my point earlier. No one thinks Native Americans when they think of "Redskins" because truth be told most people simply don't think of Native Americans. Let's say the name changes, do we really believe all these clamoring for a name change are gonna say "Well'that's just the first step. Let's improve their living conditions, address issues such as illiteracy, alcoholism, poverty in the NA community" No....Hell to the No. They'll just pat themselves on the back and say "Look at the change we made!"
I'm not a gung ho keep the name at all costs guy, but the fake sincerity of those that demand the name change irks me
punch it in 06-02-2014, 11:54 AM what a terrible terrible name. we already have the patriots. why not just call them the Washington People? that's just as generically stupid and awful.
Lol. The Washington People. I love it. Although the animal folks might be offended. So the Washington Creatures of God? Wait the atheists. The Washington Inhabitants of the Planet Earth!
Chico23231 06-02-2014, 11:56 AM Which was my point earlier. No one thinks Native Americans when they think of "Redskins" because truth be told most people simply don't think of Native Americans. Let's say the name changes, do we really believe all these clamoring for a name change are gonna say "Well'that's just the first step. Let's improve their living conditions, address issues such as illiteracy, alcoholism, poverty in the NA community" No....Hell to the No. They'll just pat themselves on the back and say "Look at the change we made!"
I'm not a gung ho keep the name at all costs guy, but the fake sincerity of those that demand the name change irks me
Yes well said and not only with this issue, but many others as well.
But with this specific issue, I'd like to know why sudden change which caused them to be offended? When did term "Redskins" suddenly cross the line as derogatory?
Back to your point of "They'll just pat themselves on the back and say "Look at the change we made"...that is a good way to put it, because these "little" and "meaningless" victories of today's culture are the easiest. When it comes to the "heavy lifting", this/our generation of people just doesnt get it.
punch it in 06-02-2014, 11:56 AM Which was my point earlier. No one thinks Native Americans when they think of "Redskins" because truth be told most people simply don't think of Native Americans. Let's say the name changes, do we really believe all these clamoring for a name change are gonna say "Well'that's just the first step. Let's improve their living conditions, address issues such as illiteracy, alcoholism, poverty in the NA community" No....Hell to the No. They'll just pat themselves on the back and say "Look at the change we made!"
I'm not a gung ho keep the name at all costs guy, but the fake sincerity of those that demand the name change irks me
I agree 100 %. They could give two craps about them. I still say that most people think of Indians or Native Americans when you say Redskins. Granted they think of the football team first, but you must quickly assimilate if you have ever seen our emblem no?
Lotus 06-02-2014, 12:08 PM Which was my point earlier. No one thinks Native Americans when they think of "Redskins" because truth be told most people simply don't think of Native Americans. Let's say the name changes, do we really believe all these clamoring for a name change are gonna say "Well'that's just the first step. Let's improve their living conditions, address issues such as illiteracy, alcoholism, poverty in the NA community" No....Hell to the No. They'll just pat themselves on the back and say "Look at the change we made!"
I'm not a gung ho keep the name at all costs guy, but the fake sincerity of those that demand the name change irks me
Well said and I agree.
But I also see the tidal wave of uninformed initiative which will only get louder and more annoying until the name is changed.
mooby 06-02-2014, 12:38 PM Which was my point earlier. No one thinks Native Americans when they think of "Redskins" because truth be told most people simply don't think of Native Americans. Let's say the name changes, do we really believe all these clamoring for a name change are gonna say "Well'that's just the first step. Let's improve their living conditions, address issues such as illiteracy, alcoholism, poverty in the NA community" No....Hell to the No. They'll just pat themselves on the back and say "Look at the change we made!"
I'm not a gung ho keep the name at all costs guy, but the fake sincerity of those that demand the name change irks me
Seems like this is a trending thing nowadays. Also great post, something tells me you're probably right.
NC_Skins 06-02-2014, 01:13 PM Which was my point earlier. No one thinks Native Americans when they think of "Redskins" because truth be told most people simply don't think of Native Americans. Let's say the name changes, do we really believe all these clamoring for a name change are gonna say "Well'that's just the first step. Let's improve their living conditions, address issues such as illiteracy, alcoholism, poverty in the NA community" No....Hell to the No. They'll just pat themselves on the back and say "Look at the change we made!"
I'm not a gung ho keep the name at all costs guy, but the fake sincerity of those that demand the name change irks me
/drops mic
punch it in 06-02-2014, 01:49 PM Yes well said and not only with this issue, but many others as well.
But with this specific issue, I'd like to know why sudden change which caused them to be offended? When did term "Redskins" suddenly cross the line as derogatory?
Back to your point of "They'll just pat themselves on the back and say "Look at the change we made"...that is a good way to put it, because these "little" and "meaningless" victories of today's culture are the easiest. When it comes to the "heavy lifting", this/our generation of people just doesnt get it.
As far as the name suddenly becoming offensive. I think - even though we all know its political bs - that the fact that regular people will maybe back the oneida tribe or bob effin costas, etc about it being offensive is just public awareness. Hell it wasnt really that long ago that restrooms had signs for "colored" people. The premise of appeasing all people is wonderful, but as i have said a million times - i dont think its offensive to most native Americans. Bruces letter says it all imo.