punch it in
05-09-2014, 07:58 PM
I just think its excessive. A year for something millions will partake in tonight, some in places where it's completely legal. Nfl needs to rethink this.
Isnt it his second banned substance suspension?
punch it in
05-09-2014, 08:05 PM
I'm with Snyder 100% on this one.
Lavar's the most overpaid overhyped player in Skins history (and we've had a bunch). Snyder paid the guy tens of millions of dollars and he couldn't even play his position properly....freelancing dumbbell.
Luckily we drafted the anti-Lavar in the same draft (Samuels). Big mouth Lavar got all the hype and attention, while CS went about his business quietly and professionally. Not surprisingly CS was 10 times the player Lavar ever was.
When I see LA on NFLN I have to change the channel immediately, and in hindsight I feel bad that Aikman's career was ended prematurely by this dork.
It's time for DS to "get em".
I dont see why this bothers DS at all? Who cares? For one, Lavar was introduced in the stadium as one of the 70 greatest Redskins. Also maybe it will turn some kids into Redskins fans and they will buy some merch? Free advertising. Whatever you think of Lavar as a player or a personality he isnt some thug that you dont want your teams image tied to? I dont get it.
Edit: on top of that Dan Snyder isnt exactly associated with Redskins greats last time I checked. Lol.
05-09-2014, 08:24 PM
I agree, a year for smoking weed is just stupid but Gordon is stupid for putting himself in that situation.
I agree as well. The way weed is trending I don't think this will be a huge issue in a decade or so. But for now, Josh Gordon is the stupid one. Just a crazy dumb decision considering the year he had last year. This will hurt him physically and financially. Who even knows if he will come back the same player?
Does anyone really think Snyder penned the cease and desist letter and mailed it out himself?
05-09-2014, 08:42 PM
He even licked the envelope
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05-09-2014, 10:27 PM
He used his talent exceptionally well, I mean there was alot of mud flung back and forth, people saying he couldn't learn schemes etc., but when it came down to it, he had a degenerative knee problem and that's what ended his career ultimately. If anything I feel bad for the guy that he got injured.Our defense played better without him. Lavar couldn't function in the Gregg Williams gap-control scheme. It went beyond numbers, you gotta be a team player for the good of the defense. Fletch and Daniels and others shined, Lavar Arrogant wasn't a team player.
05-10-2014, 04:50 AM
Does anyone really think Snyder penned the cease and desist letter and mailed it out himself?
No , not at all.
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LZc-OSqE2fo/UXtzN1EDUDI/AAAAAAAAtLk/de41FCozGOI/s640/burns_excellent.jpg (http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=6W_xNOKpvspFOM&tbnid=T_i7_jA5oZhkpM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fthedascrypt.blogspot.com%2F2013%2 F04%2Fmore-fun-with-mr-burns.html&ei=N9ptU9edFsekyATvrYLADw&bvm=bv.66330100,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNHKM8yKHu_6hyml3paNnu7u0BOZ6g&ust=1399794589646144)
05-10-2014, 03:26 PM
Cryboys drafted a wideout not defense, a wideout.
05-10-2014, 03:26 PM
I say pick AJ MCarrion and cut Kurt.