Lotus 04-25-2014, 09:26 PM That's interesting. So to try to form how things went in that regime, when the oc said hey I don't like something, did it really didn't matter? To take that further, was he allowed to game plan and even call plays effectively? I expect the hc to have a say in every aspect of the team, but to constantly be second guessed or restrained at every turn probably is frustrating. Seems like having a say in who is your qb is a pretty big deal.
I was thinking the same thing. "Here, OC, work with the QB you opposed." Da fuq Shanahans.
punch it in 04-25-2014, 11:17 PM The DeSean signing was a no-brainer just considering his on field talent and production. And all of the nfl analysts were outwardly saying this.
Only negatives that they were expressing were - there must be something that the Eagles know that no one else does off the field.
And after the Redskins signed him - there was negativity just because they don't have confidence in the Redskins decisions and of recent past.
No about the eagles knowing something. Chip kelly has a huge stupid ego and that is it.
punch it in 04-25-2014, 11:23 PM Desean jackson was an absolute beast. My brother in law coached andre miller in highschool. So my father a couple of weeks ago asks him about the jackson/ gang thing. Now andre miller is one of the smartest, down to earth, respectable athletes in pro sports today. He is from watts. He says to my dad, " we all have ties to gangsters". And than lol's. I am a white kid from the suburbs. I have ties to white racist assholes - it doesnt mean im in the kkk!
SmootSmack 04-25-2014, 11:53 PM That's interesting. So to try to form how things went in that regime, when the oc said hey I don't like something, did it really didn't matter? To take that further, was he allowed to game plan and even call plays effectively? I expect the hc to have a say in every aspect of the team, but to constantly be second guessed or restrained at every turn probably is frustrating. Seems like having a say in who is your qb is a pretty big deal.
Eh, I don't feel like rehashing all the old issues. But as far as McNabb-Kyle said basically "He doesn't fit, I don't think this will work" and his dad said "Make it work"
punch it in 04-26-2014, 12:30 AM Eh, I don't feel like rehashing all the old issues. But as far as McNabb-Kyle said basically "He doesn't fit, I don't think this will work" and his dad said "Make it work"
Are we actually comparing the mcnabb signing to the djax signing. I know u arent. I know u are just amusing someone, and i also know that even the djax signing could backfire. But - come on. For one thing we didnt trade picks for djax, it was an incredibly economically wise move. For two mcnabb wasnt exactly coming off the best year of his career. For three - just come on man!
ICantGoAnother20yrsOfCrap 04-26-2014, 01:47 AM Will this blow up in our face? Probably because he's the Skin's biggest FA signing this season. History says this is a bust. But screw history. For my sanity, I have to believe he helps get us back to the playoffs and sweeping the sheagles.
Eh, I don't feel like rehashing all the old issues. But as far as McNabb-Kyle said basically "He doesn't fit, I don't think this will work" and his dad said "Make it work"
You mean it wasn't Danny's fault? Amazing.
Chico23231 04-26-2014, 11:01 AM Eh, I don't feel like rehashing all the old issues. But as far as McNabb-Kyle said basically "He doesn't fit, I don't think this will work" and his dad said "Make it work"
Why do I picture Jackie Gleason and Jr. from the Smokey and the Bandit movies when I hear that quote? With Shanny following up with "Remind me to kick your mama in the ass when I get home"
NC_Skins 04-26-2014, 10:59 PM I'm really sick and tired of Danny boy meddling with this team. That clown had to go and hire Jim Zorn and bring in Albert Haynesworthless with a contract that nobody was going to pay him. When is this moron going to learn. What? Wait....what year is this? 2014? My bad, thought we were still in 2009.
Carry on.
punch it in 04-27-2014, 12:57 AM I'm really sick and tired of Danny boy meddling with this team. That clown had to go and hire Jim Zorn and bring in Albert Haynesworthless with a contract that nobody was going to pay him. When is this moron going to learn. What? Wait....what year is this? 2014? My bad, thought we were still in 2009.
Carry on.
For real bro. Dude hasnt been heard from in years.
Now Jerry Jones on the other hand,....,