01-23-2014, 08:16 AM
thug is the way the person carries him "or" herself ,just because you went to school doesn't make you smart .
You can shift definitions all day. It was meant as a put down to a black guy.
01-23-2014, 09:07 AM
What did Sherman say to Crabtree? - YouTube
Sherman Crabtree FOR SOCIAL - NFL Videos (
01-23-2014, 09:30 AM
You can shift definitions all day. It was meant as a put down to a black guy.
Ah geez...please don't start up the racism junk. Throughout my years, I've known the term "thug" to represent parties of all nationalities and races. Fine, let's not call Sherman a thug. But we can call him a jerk, punk, immature, provoker, classless, self-absorbed, and loud-mouthed. Did I leave anything out?
Looks like Crabtree is the true a-hole after seeing that clip. Easy to see now why Sherman was pissed.
01-23-2014, 09:41 AM
Let's just keep eliminating words from the vocabulary. How about we just say Sherman's actions struck most people as being double plus ungood?
I find it sadly humorous that in a discussion about "the N word", no one can even type it without fear of condemnation.
01-23-2014, 09:41 AM
Have to say after hearing the tone in that video, it didn't seem condescending to me as I would have thought. STILL not a fan, but I ease my stance on him just a bit. The choking thing still pisses me off (and did more than the interview).
01-23-2014, 09:50 AM
Ah geez...please don't start up the racism junk. Throughout my years, I've known the term "thug" to represent parties of all nationalities and races. Fine, let's not call Sherman a thug. But we can call him a jerk, punk, immature, provoker, classless, self-absorbed, and loud-mouthed. Did I leave anything out?
Whatever, it was included alongside monkey, and all kinds of crazy stuff. Context is key. You can say what you want I know what it meant. If you don't care that's fine and your business.
01-23-2014, 09:51 AM
Looks like Crabtree is the true a-hole after seeing that clip. Easy to see now why Sherman was pissed.
When I first saw Sherman's clip, I thought - "What an ass." After seeing the Crabtree clip and gaining some perspective, it easy to see why he would react in the manner he did. While I hope I would react better, in my 20's and in the same situation, I almost assuredly would not.
At the same time, understanding why Sherman acted in the manner that he did and accepting it as a normal reaction shouldn't change the expectation of a better response. It's a corollary of the "two wrongs don't make a right" - Just b/c it may be acceptable to act like an ass at a particular moment doesn't mean you should.
Let's just keep eliminating words from the vocabulary. How about we just say Sherman's actions struck most people as being double plus ungood?
I find it sadly humorous that in a discussion about "the N word", no one can even type it without fear of condemnation.
Or just trying to be respectful, I don't even type out asshole most of the time
01-23-2014, 09:55 AM
Let's just keep eliminating words from the vocabulary. How about we just say Sherman's actions struck most people as being double plus ungood?
I find it sadly humorous that in a discussion about "the N word", no one can even type it without fear of condemnation.
It's a creation of American society. The rules aren't perfect but they are a part of American culture. It's not gonna always be the way you like it.