The Goat
01-06-2014, 12:16 AM
guys its obvious that it is Jim Harbaugh.... DUH
Another reason to dislike the Niners. Will be extra satisfying to see them lose this post-season.
01-06-2014, 12:20 AM
You know what? It's not even worth it. Your last post pretty much let me know you've made up your mind about Jay Gruden and anything he's accomplished you want to dismiss because of his last name and one mistake in his life.
Do you really think that he only drove drunk once.... The time he got caught? Please. I actually like jay gruden, but it does call in question his maturity and leadership. It's definitely something for the CON column and it shouldn't be ignored. Still, I think he's one of the better options we have. We picked a bad year to fire an excellent hall of fame-worthy coach, so it's not like there are a lot of legitimately good options.
01-06-2014, 12:25 AM
We can all only hope to be as free of error as BHA and The Goat
The Goat
01-06-2014, 12:25 AM
Jim Harbaugh: 2005 DUI ‘made me a better counselor,’ and Aldon Smith provides a serious test case | Audibles - (
Well geez drunk driving actually makes you a better person. Who knew! Shame on the nfl allowing this kind of crap among HCs. Players are young and dumb enough to make bad decisions without the team leader doing it and actually justifying it in public. Unbelievable. I hope the niners get destroyed next wknd.
01-06-2014, 12:26 AM
Don't mistake me. Jay Gruden is an upgrade over Mike and Kyle, especially if he turns the defense over to the right guy. But it's disappointing nonetheless. I was hoping BA was good for something more than bringing in his buddy's troubled little brother. Perception is reality, and I don't think Jay Gruden to Washingtion helps with any bad perceptions of the franchise. But, if it opens the door for Jon Gruden, maybe it becomes the right situation...
WTF? How is Jay Gruden "troubled"? By a DUI many years ago?
JG has done wonders with Dalton and the Bengals offense. And, although neither you nor I know him, professionals who do seem to think that he has the leadership qualities required of a HC beyond the X's and O's. This is why several teams, not just his "buddies" at the Skins, are considering him for HC.
I'm not lobbying for Jay Gruden - I don't have a favorite in the process. But to dismiss him the way that you have is not just disrespectful, it's football ignorant.
The Goat
01-06-2014, 12:28 AM
We can all only hope to be as free of error as BHA and The Goat
I'm not setting an example for people outside fam friends and a few employees. Huge difference when you're job includes mentoring the young and dumb.
01-06-2014, 12:30 AM
I'm not setting an example for people outside fam friends and a few employees. Huge difference when you're job includes mentoring the young and dumb.
I'm done arguing this with you Gandhi
01-06-2014, 12:34 AM
We can all only hope to be as free of error as BHA and The Goat
I just find it funny that you think a convicted drunk driver with no nfl head coaching experience is a better coach for this team than mike shanahan. the blind faith you and others here put in these unproven guys is far stronger than the faith of those nuttjobs who believe the universe is 6000 years old. Mike shanahan was the best thing to happen to this franchise since Snyder owned the team and half of you are cheering that he's gone. Stupid, stupid stupid.
The Dull Roar
01-06-2014, 12:35 AM
Is it really such a stretch that someone may be able to learn from and move on after getting a DUI? I don't think someone should not be considered just because of one mistake they made. Especially when it was 8 years ago.
01-06-2014, 12:38 AM
I just find it funny that you think a convicted drunk driver with no nfl head coaching experience is a better coach for this team than mike shanahan. the blind faith you and others here put in these unproven guys is far stronger than the faith of those nuttjobs who believe the universe is 6000 years old. Mike shanahan was the best thing to happen to this franchise since Snyder owned the team and half of you are cheering that he's gone. Stupid, stupid stupid.
The dude just went 3-13. There is no justifiable excuse to keep him when he does that in year 4.