12-16-2013, 09:12 PM
#$@@& ***(@#&&!!!! @#&@&@***&!!!!!!! @&@&*&!!!!! and *!##$!!!!!!
Kirk Cousins Expected To Start SundayPages :
HailGreen28 12-16-2013, 09:12 PM #$@@& ***(@#&&!!!! @#&@&@***&!!!!!!! @&@&*&!!!!! and *!##$!!!!!! http://www.rottenecards.com/ecards/Rottenecards_64784832_k55kwr5q6y.png Chico23231 12-16-2013, 09:19 PM Sorry, but I've kept my fucking mouth shut too long listening to this subject to abstain any longer. RG3 is Daniel Snyders fucking hope, his REAL chance at turning the corner in this tuff ass league. He is his brand new shiny toy with dreadlocks (or cornrows, I dont know the difference.) If Mike Shanahan thinks that an owner that has been fucking JONESIN' for a REAL FRANCHISE QB like Snyder has been isn't going to treat him to thhe fucking moon, then number one - your a fucking idiot, and number two - fuckin deal with it. Jesus H Christ, acting like the fact that Daniel Snyder gives RG3's wife his chaeuffer or took him out to dinner a dozen times, fucking a DOZEN DOZEN times matters a fuck. You have had carte blanche, you fucked up Snyders brand new toy, your drafts have sucked, and now, in year four, 3 of those years with 10 + losses, you all of a sudden want to act like its RG3 or the owners fault? I swear Mike Shanahan is reminding me like a spurned little bitch that is jealous of her boyfriends female friend. Grow a fucking sac, man the fuck up and quit making excuses, dodging the real issues (Your son, clock managment, horrible FA acquisitions and drafts, questionable staff additions, I could go on forever.....) and get the fuck out of here with at least a shred of dignity, and without turning everyone on each other. JUST FUCKIN LEAVE, my god. Just awesome. Didnt know there was a gear higher than beast mode. Poetic MTK 12-16-2013, 09:42 PM So I guess we don't have a language filter here anymore Just when you thought we didn't need it and could act like adults. Sigh. ashvirtually 12-16-2013, 09:55 PM So the sentiment i'm seeing here - Have redskins nation gave up on RG3? I mean it seems factual that he may have some character issues, might have a problem accepting blame and/or taking responsibility, and it seems that he has a tight relationship with team owner. Are these problems too great to overcome? It seems alot of people are throwing dirt on Griffin right now, and he seems to be doing very little to try and change any one's opinion of him....I have not given up on Robert. I haven't posted here that much this season because I've just been so disappointed, and this place isn't really the best spot to try and keep perspective because of all the passion. With this awful season following the amazing one we had last year that ended the way it did, I knew everything I was feeling would only be amplified to the nth power here so I could only lurk and very briefly at that. I was reading Jason Whitlock's article (http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/10121701/nfl-rg-iii-victim-own-swagger) today and it reminded me why I stay the hell away from ESPN and why I stayed away from this place. Whitlock's argument and some of what I've glimpsed here is bogus. The main reason is that when it comes this "swagger" talk it's always in reference to a specific type of young athlete (you figure out the type; should be easy)....he spent the entire offseason rehabilitating his swagger than humbly preparing for....What does this mean and how does Whitlock know this? How do you "rehabilitate your swagger"? It's garbage, and it's a sentiment I've seen expressed here on this site. I don't know what this means and even if it did mean something how would Whitlock or anyone else know this to be true?...Griffin's goal of playing during the preseason and being the opening day starter were fueled by arrogance, lack of self-awareness and insecurity...Again, a totally pejorative and baseless sentiment, and one I've seen expressed here as I've lurked off and on during the season. We have no facts to prove this, and that is the definition of baseless. Why not take the position that his goal was a selfless goal fueled by the desire to be there for his team? IMO, the sentiment expressed in that quote that I've seen expressed here in different ways by a few is borderline racist, and definitely prejudiced.He spent the offseason making commercials and documentaries hyping his swagger...I hate this argument most of all, and it's a frequent one here, too. When these athletes pursue these monetary opportunities they are often blamed. But what is ignored is that athletes' agents are the ones who gain the most monetarily. It's the agents who most vigorously pursue these opportunities. Do you think Robert went to Subway, Inc. asking to do a commercial for them? And in reference to the documentary ... if Luck did an off-season documentary, based on anything ... do you really think he would've been killed in the media about it? The only thing more insufferable is that it's the media who created the RGIII persona and us, the fans, who embraced it. The media is the biggest factor in his exultation ... he did not do it all on his own.Anyone who witnessed Griffin's week 1, flag carrying, drop-to-his-knees, pregame jaunt...I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that Robert didn't ask to carry the flag. I'll give 8-1 odds that he was appointed to do it.He lost his swagger...I doubt that. So much of the argument, here and elsewhere, against Robert is personal bullshit, without any foundation in knowledge that anyone could possibly have and that defies everything we DO know about him, and totally ignores what he did last year and the toll the injury and rehab likely put on him and his game. I sure as shit am not kicking him to the curb. What he did at Baylor and last year with this team isn't a fluke. He's had a bad season. Let's see what happens next year and throw away the unknowable and personal garbage that doesn't have to do with observable on-the-field issues (pocket presence and mechanics being the main issues) that we KNOW. mooby 12-16-2013, 10:05 PM I don't want the only thing I take out of your post to be,"who cares what Jason Whitlock thinks" but damn. The only thing Jason Whitlock cares about is page views. I think he starts mentally writing every article by asking himself what angle nobody else has taken yet. And then he throws phrases in there like "RG3 spent his offseason rehabbing his swagger" because he knows that will get clicks. I wonder who his sources are, or if he even has any. TL;DR: his opinions are not worth my time. skinsfaninok 12-16-2013, 10:23 PM So I guess we don't have a language filter here anymore Lmfao skinsfaninok 12-16-2013, 10:26 PM Felt like I was watching Scarface for a second. Hahahaha or P T and A when he Wants a new rental haha Brody81 12-16-2013, 11:26 PM So I guess we don't have a language filter here anymore And your giving me shit..;-) crap, I said shit :-( Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk (http://tapatalk.com/m?id=1) NC_Skins 12-16-2013, 11:37 PM So here is a question. What we've seen from Robert in a normal pro-style offense has been from mediocre to downright bad. Providing a new coach comes in, how long are you willing to give him before competition comes into play? This isn't going to be his rookie year, this will be going on his 3rd year. So how long are you willing to invest time into him before you say enough? What if we start out the season pretty much like we did this past? That said, do you really want to trade Kirk? Why not keep him around until after year 3 so if Griff doesn't click next year, we have a possible solution at the QB spot. Hog1 12-16-2013, 11:42 PM Sorry, but I've kept my fucking mouth shut too long listening to this subject to abstain any longer. RG3 is Daniel Snyders fucking hope, his REAL chance at turning the corner in this tuff ass league. He is his brand new shiny toy with dreadlocks (or cornrows, I dont know the difference.) If Mike Shanahan thinks that an owner that has been fucking JONESIN' for a REAL FRANCHISE QB like Snyder has been isn't going to treat him to thhe fucking moon, then number one - your a fucking idiot, and number two - fuckin deal with it. Jesus H Christ, acting like the fact that Daniel Snyder gives RG3's wife his chaeuffer or took him out to dinner a dozen times, fucking a DOZEN DOZEN times matters a fuck. You have had carte blanche, you fucked up Snyders brand new toy, your drafts have sucked, and now, in year four, 3 of those years with 10 + losses, you all of a sudden want to act like its RG3 or the owners fault? I swear Mike Shanahan is reminding me like a spurned little bitch that is jealous of her boyfriends female friend. Grow a fucking sac, man the fuck up and quit making excuses, dodging the real issues (Your son, clock managment, horrible FA acquisitions and drafts, questionable staff additions, I could go on forever.....) and get the fuck out of here with at least a shred of dignity, and without turning everyone on each other. JUST FUCKIN LEAVE, my god. ok......so you'll have a few things to....chat about at confession this week. |
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