punch it in
12-13-2013, 01:42 PM
In answer to your question: I've said, and still think, Cousins should have started until RG3 was healthy. I understand as long as we could make a run like last season, we wanted RG3 to play and hoped he'd do well. He hasn't done bad, it's just obvious he's not at 100%. I'm undecided on whether it would be better for him now to get more live reps, or not risk further injury this season.
So answer me this question, punch: Why is there all this weird lunchroom banter (about Shanny's motives) dominating the board discussion now, and not back at the weeks one through 6?
Ummmm......because Griff wasnt deactivated/benched than?
12-13-2013, 01:48 PM
I'm sorry it appeared you were making a wise crack about the people making negative comments about RG3 must be Tebow lovers and are "going hard against RG3."
Seemed like a negative dig to me referring to all who didn't have 100% positive things to say about RG3. My bad. I didn't know you did not mean to use that statement in that context. Thus my comment about how people who don't like hearing negative things about Obama quickly use the "your a racist" comment.
Again I apologize for mis reading you. ;)
The same people I argue with on NFl.com about Tebow are now going after RG3 hard. That is why I said that. They hated RG3 attention and awards he received last year because it over shadowed Tebow's demise.
punch it in
12-13-2013, 01:56 PM
Yeah, I'm just looking at the poll numbers. And there's been some good discussion here. And RG3 hasn't been bad, just not the superman we saw last season.
I take your word Shanny's a bastard. So could he have played RG3 to start the season just to try getting back to the playoffs, and now that the season's over there's no reason to? That's what benching him once we're mathematically eliminated says to me.
But we were eliminated after the Giants game. He played him in the Chiefs game and when this all started is when he benched him.
12-13-2013, 01:57 PM
The same people I argue with on NFl.com about Tebow are now going after RG3 hard. That is why I said that. They hated RG3 attention and awards he received last year because it over shadowed Tebow's demise.
Then I do sincerely apologize. I happen to always root for the underdog. My two QB picks from the drafts were Weeden and Dalton. Not saying I know what I'm doing just that I liked them over the rest. Many of my friends were Tannehill fans. But then the RG3 wave hit and honestly I was not 100% on board with him nor Luck. I too didn't like all the attention he was getting. and because of that I'm excited to see Cousins finally getting his chance. He may do poorly but I know it rubs the RG3 fanatics the wrong way :)
12-13-2013, 02:02 PM
But we were eliminated after the Giants game. He played him in the Chiefs game and when this all started is when he benched him.
Which is why it makes me wonder if MS saw how really bad the field was on Sun and changed his mind or if it came from above (DS) to bench RG3 to keep him from getting injured.
What we know is the team has only done well 1 year out of 4, DS was pissed after the last game and met with Allen, if not the same meeting then a seperate meeting came to pass over RG3 and ... I'm guessing more but we just don't know about it cause MS does not want to talk about what he and DS discussed or their relationship. I will say though that if the relationship was good I'm betting MS would have come out and said "we have a great relationship." If they don't most likely he won't say either way.
12-13-2013, 02:16 PM
Which is why it makes me wonder if MS saw how really bad the field was on Sun and changed his mind or if it came from above (DS) to bench RG3 to keep him from getting injured.
punch it in
12-13-2013, 02:26 PM
^ really all you can do at this point. Lol
12-13-2013, 02:38 PM
Ummmm......because Griff wasnt deactivated/benched than?So people really are happy RG3's being benched now? My impression was that a lot of people here (even those grudgingly saying it was the right thing) were upset RG3 was benched. Because of "motives", and based on what Mattyk said I believe Shanny's being a ****, it's just at the point where Shanny can do nothing right (Play RG3: continue to get roasted for getting RG3 killed. Bench RG3: it's "why didn't he bench him before?").
But we were eliminated after the Giants game. He played him in the Chiefs game and when this all started is when he benched him.OK, you're right about being eliminated after the Giants game. Still, why all the fuss now if benching RG3 is what people wanted? I wanted to start Cousins on game one, I got over it. Worst I'd say now is "about time", but RG3 really hasn't played that bad. He's not running like his best, but the missed reads and throws look more like rust than injuries to me. (OK, game one I thought the bad throws were him not able to plant his right leg back before throwing but not now)
12-13-2013, 02:48 PM
Maybe we get the 1st pick in the second round which is like a lower 1st round pick. Trade Cousin for a second round pick. all our other picks are at teh top of the round. Boom draft salvaged.
over the mountain
12-13-2013, 02:51 PM
all the drama, speculation and conspiracy theories aside .. i dont think it is really all that bad.
- rg3 will get a full offseason
- FO will have money to spend in offseason
- We dont have any "bad" contracts on next years roster (no portis or AH)
- we have a franchise QB and LT (ill wait and see how morris looks in a new scheme)
- RG3 has weapons in garcon and reed
- all the coaches will get canned, building in a scapegoat to blame all the problems on and help everyone feel like it is a true fresh start = new air and atmosphere
we just need to finish this out with no serious injuries. ego and emotions aside.