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skinsfaninok 12-03-2013, 05:18 PM I apologize folks, I stand corrected. BUT...... If he can take the Raiders from last place in the AFC division to lead it 3 yrs in a row and post a 12-4 season? I'll take that everytime.
Me too, Gruden was great in Oakland, and went on to bring that same energy in Tampa that Tony D was lacking, that is what we need is ENERGY from our staff
SBXVII 12-03-2013, 05:29 PM Not to belabor the point, but wasn't Shanny as equally invested in the nfl throughout his yearlong exile? That seemingly didn't help much.
Gruden has been out of the NFL for five years, and hasn't really been actively coaching and working with players to the same degree he would have during his coaching years. I just fear that something may have been lost. Should he be hired, 3 of the past 4 coaches would have had some duration of absence from the game, and the two we've worked with have had marginal success. Granted, two instances isn't necessarily a trend, and it doesn't factor into how gruden will perform, I worry about the odds, regardless. I'd much rather try our luck with an up and comer than a retread.
Personally, MS was out of the league and as far as I knew did nothing but visit the Steelers and Patriots to see what they were doing and how they did it.
JG has traveled to visit many teams with Monday night FB. He has had to digest the teams systems in order to babble about them all night long. His system is his system and I'm sure he probably would not change much other then to tweek it to some slight spread hybrid. I get the feeling MS let his son take the offensive wheel and he has had to step in and put his run staple on it the first two yrs to get some form of offense.
What I would like about JG is he would have big OL blocking vs. MS's smaller OL who get run over by big defenses.
Who would he bring in as DC? good question. Maybe Lovie Smith? He is a good DC but a not so good HC. Smith would bring back the Tampa Two for JG. lol.
hagams 12-03-2013, 05:39 PM I'm really on the fence about this. Ask yourself this:
- If RGIII were to get hurt his knee (again) in the next 4 games, how does that help us next year?
He would still miss all of the off-season rehabing. Treat the next 4 games like preseason IMO. Yes we need to play him. Yes he needs to develop. But as far as this year goes, why risk serious injury. This guy isn't taking small shots, and getting pushed over. He has 300 lbs+ guys body slamming him, getting blindsided. He is taking a beating. Hell, the track tried to take him out against the Giants. Way more risk than reward. Besides, let Kirk go 4-0 for the last games, and trade him for a 1st rounder.....gotta be someone dumb enough.
SBXVII 12-03-2013, 05:57 PM I'm really on the fence about this. Ask yourself this:
- If RGIII were to get hurt his knee (again) in the next 4 games, how does that help us next year?
He would still miss all of the off-season rehabing. Treat the next 4 games like preseason IMO. Yes we need to play him. Yes he needs to develop. But as far as this year goes, why risk serious injury. This guy isn't taking small shots, and getting pushed over. He has 300 lbs+ guys body slamming him, getting blindsided. He is taking a beating. Hell, the track tried to take him out against the Giants. Way more risk than reward. Besides, let Kirk go 4-0 for the last games, and trade him for a 1st rounder.....gotta be someone dumb enough.
and this was my thinking. We all know and can agree he's not 100%... he still has the knee brace on. He's close, but not 100%. I understand development "IF" you have a decent OL who can block for you and give you time to learn all the things needed to be a pocket passer. But our OL is not blocking well, RG3 is getting punished which makes it difficult to learn anything. I'd start Cousins only for a couple reasons...1- it protects our franchise QB for next yr and allows him to finish healing, ...2- Cousins gets to show off his skills and value for a possible trade in the offseason for draft picks or for the possible new HC that steps in.
I know the latter does not sound good but... what if the new HC comes in and say's no I'm not running this spread thing and there are a couple things I don't like that RG3 does. I want Cousins who knows how to play from the pocket. Atleast he would have film to make that decision.
Cousins could come in and get hurt just the same.
Can't worry about what might happen.
RG3 needs the reps he didn't get all offseason.
Lotus 12-03-2013, 06:18 PM Cousins could come in and get hurt just the same.
Can't worry about what might happen.
RG3 needs the reps he didn't get all offseason.
Yup. In 2014 RGIII's best friend will be 2013 game reps.
That said, it is not a bad idea to give Cousins some garbage time reps, too, should a blowout occur.
BaltimoreSkins 12-03-2013, 08:05 PM I also feel that RG3 could walk away when he hits FA if he gets benched for the rest of the season and Cousins performs worse than he does. Thus losing a potential franchise QB.
artmonkforhallofamein07 12-03-2013, 09:06 PM He is still 2-3 years away from FA. I would not think if he were to spend some time on the bench in the next few games that his time in DC is almost done. That amount of time is forever in the nfl and anything can happen. Besides if he is who we think he is, he will start winning again and won't want to leave. It's all about winning.
JPPT1974 12-04-2013, 01:56 AM Well Gruden is indeed a genius. Only bright spot on ESPN Monday Night! But Cousins give the kid a chance indeed! RGIII still does not seem healed 100% of the way.
SolidSnake84 12-04-2013, 05:43 AM He is still 2-3 years away from FA. I would not think if he were to spend some time on the bench in the next few games that his time in DC is almost done. That amount of time is forever in the nfl and anything can happen. Besides if he is who we think he is, he will start winning again and won't want to leave. It's all about winning.
The impression i get from RG3 is that he is insecure and the first time he gets benched or pulled is going to be bad. I feel like he is at the point where he feels entitled to be redskins starter no matter what.
I would think if Cousins gets put in for any reason, RG3 could ask for a trade..
I know McNabb isn't the voice of reason by any means, but he has alluded to this same thing a few times over the past couple of months. RG3 has always been a winner and has been very successful in college, so i'm not sure if he could handle being in a QB competition or having to earn the job after another bad year....