punch it in
12-07-2013, 12:30 AM
Health issues may be a concern as to whether Kubiak will work at all next year.
However, after doing some research, we absolutely need Kubiak here in DC as the OC. Mike and Gary have won 3 Superbowls together on the same staff. One with the 49ers and two in Denver. They have not been very successful apart...
when they are together they have a record of 114- 62.
Shanahan= 56-72
Kubs= 61-64
Demote Kyle to WR coach and have him work with Kubiak on the play calling. Bring in Kubiak as the OC. Mike and He will create magic here.
So they are like the Wonder Twins?
12-07-2013, 01:17 AM
Oh , maybe Tony Dungy .... or not .....Tony Dungy on Dan Snyder: ‘I would not want to work for him’ (http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/dc-sports-bog/wp/2013/12/04/tony-dungy-on-dan-snyder-i-would-not-want-to-work-for-him/?wpsrc=AG0003001&clsrd) ?
12-07-2013, 02:07 AM
I think we keep hall
yup. i think. and id prefer.
12-07-2013, 02:09 AM
no way id want Gruden either. seems like the game has passed him by as well too much time in the pressboxes and behind the mics. great live analysis but cmon "sit rg3". stay right where u are champ.. no thanks.
12-07-2013, 12:14 PM
I have to imagine MS started this whole mess to get his son lined up for a HCing job. So.... I'd move MS to his front office job solely, but he can help out if need be. I'd then make KS the HC, cause I'm not sure all the Skins issue's center around KS and possibly more MS tinkering trying to tweek the offense. I then would give Kubiak the OC job cause just as you said together they have won more games then lost, hopefully the magic can continue. However, Since I'm already in the fire Shanahan and Co. I would probably only give them a one more year contract or three year at the most. The deal breaker is I would want Alex Gibbs to come work his magic with the OL or if nothing else be a consultant to the OL.
Kubiak would have less stress as a OC and could sit in the booth all day. If A.Gibbs won't come back as OL coach then maybe he can just get paid a ton to be a consultant like he is now in Denver and sit in the booth with Kubiak.
Next I'd fire Haslett and bring in another 3-4 DC, simply to try and keep continuity instead of starting completely over again on defense. However I'd easily go with Lovie and his "Tampa Two" if he could be swindled into just taking a DC job. He's a really good DC, but reminds me of Norv Turner.
I Like this idea of MS becoming Team President alone, however it would be harder than it sounds. KS is currently in a pissing match with our star QB, that we mortgaged the future for. Can you imagine the backlash if he became HC.
Kubiak and his health is a concern, honestly hiring him as a both consultant may be the only option. In that role he can oversee how KS is doing with the play calling, how the WR are being taught under Kyle's boy and the QB coaching as well. Alex Gibbs would be a heist, if we could get him. Did you read the article in the Washington Post where Chris Foerster basically said that the backup players are ready but Shanahan has chosen the Vets? CYA mode over at Redskins Park.
Washington Redskins’ 2012 offensive line draft picks still have much to prove - The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/redskins/washington-redskins-2012-offensive-line-draft-picks-still-have-much-to-prove/2013/12/05/2d0292f0-5e00-11e3-8d24-31c016b976b2_story.html)
12-07-2013, 12:30 PM
^ Well, can't say I agree with that. If anything Gruden has had time to digest what each teams scheme and see what works and what doesn't. Current coaches are all wrapped up in their own organizations and planning for the next team that they really don't have time to sit back and observe what the trend is and seeing what works and what doesn't. Talk to any HC and they will tell you they really don't get the chance to just sit back and watch FB on the weekends cause they are back in the film room studying their next opponent.
The only thing I think might have lapsed is how he deals with the players. But a coach is a coach. To say the game has passed him by is like saying you can't ride a bike cause you haven't ridden in the last 3 yrs and won't be able to pull off those stunts you used to do.
I think there are a ton of problems we just don't know with the Skins right now. Should RG3 have started? was it ordered to start him (by DS or the NFL)? was it by choice or ordered because of $$$? Who is game planning, MS or KS? who decides on the plays going in to RG3, MS or KS? or who has final say? are the calls being changed by someone? is the coaching staff trying to force RG3 to stay in the pocket to become a better pocket passer? Why does it seem there are less option and double option plays each game? What is wrong with the OL? is it different people this year or is it less cut blocking?
I just think there are a ton of variable we don't know. It's easy to say KS sucks but what if it's MS who makes final decisions on the plays going in? It's easy to say MS sucks but what if he has given his son authority to call what ever he wants in order to help him grow as a OC? Do we have the same OL coach as last year and what changes have been made since last year?
Personally I'd give this group the last year but if I was the owner I'd definitely expect some changes.
#1- I'd look into bringing Kubiak in to help in some capacity. Maybe changes need to be made but no one will take a demotion. So maybe talk MS into the front office job solely and he can help out in the offseason with coaching.
#2- I'd promote KS (as some people seem to think he should get a HCing job somewhere, so lets test it with a 1 yr deal. He pans out he gets an extention as well as his father).
#3- I'd bring Kubiak in as OC. Hopefully the less stress of running the hole show will be better on his health and his smarts will help KS with play calls. Some people are just better OCers vs. HC's
#4- At the end of this year I'd nab MS and Kubiak and we would get on Redskins1 and fly our butts to Denver to speak with Alex Gibbs. I'd offer whatever amount of money it would take to get him to either be the next OL coach or a consultant to get this OL straight like he has in Denver this year.
#5- I'd fire Haslett. I know some don't like the 3-4 but to keep from having to make whole sale changes and being forced to wait 2-3 yrs for it to pan out I'd either bring in another 3-4 coach that has a better idea of bringing pressure or I'd bring in a Tampa Two defense. I know no one would take a 1 year deal so this will be difficult but hopefully the idea of keeping the majority of this coaching staff and trying to tweek it for a SB run will entice someone. I keep mentioning Lovie Smith but as most have said he will probably want a HCing job, but it doesn't hurt to offer the job to him in case maybe he really does not want a HCing job. Maybe he doesn't want the stress right now. But the mind set is whoever does come in might be taking over after this next year if the Shanahan's and Co. can't fix this hot mess.
12-07-2013, 12:35 PM
I Like this idea of MS becoming Team President alone, however it would be harder than it sounds. KS is currently in a pissing match with our star QB, that we mortgaged the future for. Can you imagine the backlash if he became HC.
Kubiak and his health is a concern, honestly hiring him as a both consultant may be the only option. In that role he can oversee how KS is doing with the play calling, how the WR are being taught under Kyle's boy and the QB coaching as well. Alex Gibbs would be a heist, if we could get him. Did you read the article in the Washington Post where Chris Foerster basically said that the backup players are ready but Shanahan has chosen the Vets? CYA mode over at Redskins Park.
Washington Redskins’ 2012 offensive line draft picks still have much to prove - The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/redskins/washington-redskins-2012-offensive-line-draft-picks-still-have-much-to-prove/2013/12/05/2d0292f0-5e00-11e3-8d24-31c016b976b2_story.html)
So what really has changed since last year with the OL? I'm not watching them on every play but it seems to me like there is less cut blocking. When the runs get stuffed it looks like all the OL are stood straight up and their just running along the LOS. Maybe it's the defenses have learned to back off and not try to tie up with the OL and wait for the play to start developing then stop it. IDK. or maybe they know that if they quickly tie up with the OL in front of them the next guy can't cut block him. IDK. But something is different then last yr on the OL or what they are being asked to do.
12-07-2013, 12:40 PM
^ In terms of the defense I want us to hire Ken Norton Jr. to implement a version of Pete Carroll's defense. The Seattle defense is one of the best year in and year out . This defense will need a complete rebuild anyway.
12-07-2013, 12:47 PM
It's not the Oline scheme, it's the fact that our QB is not as fast as he was last year. He covered their deficiencies with speed. Also teams didn't realize how good Alf was, now they do. Bringing in Gibbs and Kubiak would do wonders for this team.