SBXVII 11-18-2013, 03:11 PM You are correct, this team doesnt have much talent at all. IMO, on O they have 3 playmakers, RG3, Garcon, Morris and that's not enough.
LOL, oh sarcasm. Awesome. Love it. Good stuff right there. ;)
Seriously, I've been a Trent fan but he seems to be letting the defenseman by just about every 3rd or 4th play. Ok yeah he slowed the dude up but they in the end still got to RG3. Our Guards suck. period. Although I love Will Montgomery he doesn't seem the same this year either. I'm not sure if it's blocking scheme or maybe they all were told to lose weight to get faster but something is not working. Who do we have at RT? What young talent do we have to be our staple book end on that side? Uh... no one.
So in reality we have RG3, Morris, Helu, Royster, Thompson, Young, Paulson, Reed. <these are the only ones I'd keep not counting Practice Squad or IR.
Maybe it's the scheme. Maybe using some other scheme would make these same guys shine but right now RG3 is running for his life cause of the flood of defenders walking through the OL. You can't deny it cause even the announcers have mentioned it every game.
SmootSmack 11-18-2013, 03:18 PM Goat, Lovie Smith grew up just a couple of hours outside of Houston. He'd like to stay in Texas
SBXVII 11-18-2013, 03:18 PM Man, I still can't baffle myself on why they abandon the traditional offense every other week for the Read Option/Drop back.
We did one rollout off of PA and it resulted in a Touchdown.
Yeah I was baffled all game. If you would have asked me ahead of time how I would beat the Eagles I would have said throw down the middle of the field to open slots. Force the defense to back off the line and defend the pass then start running the ball.
Instead.... the team kept trying to force the run. They didn't even go to the heavy pass, hurry up offense until 4th quarter and it was working.
My in game adjustment I kept yelling at my tv or radio about.... I would have started the hurry up offense in the second quarter, I would have rolled RG3 out more since it was blatantly obvious the Eagles were running through the center of our OL.
Their killing me with the "pitch" runs. If I remember correctly it only worked like once and it did go for a TD. Otherwise. Nada. Maybe it works once in a game for + yardage.
Our coaching staff did nothing until after the half and nothing until the 4th quarter. Maybe by design I don't know but waaaaay toooo late.
SBXVII 11-18-2013, 03:20 PM Goat, Lovie Smith grew up just a couple of hours outside of Houston. He'd like to stay in Texas
Thank God. Pretty bad when a coach has to protect us from ourselves.
skinsfan69 11-18-2013, 03:21 PM Oh geez....you're still on the sleeping at the office bit? You do realize you're the one who actually mentioned sleeping at the office? Secondly, how do you know RP didn't spend long hours at Redskins Park? Oh...you don't know! Thirdly, you're comparing Joe Gibbs, the head coach, to Richie Petitbon, the defensive coordinator - you do realize that makes completely no sense? Fourthly...let's compare them both as head coaches. Ah yes....now you should start seeing my point.
I know he didn't sleep there....reliable sources! And when did I say he didn't put in long hours? I just said he didn't sleep at Redskin Park. Stop putting words in my mouth.
Also..when did I compare the two as head coaches?
skinsfaninok 11-18-2013, 03:35 PM I'm sorry, I missed where you said this team has talent? I was laughing so hard milk came out my nose. It might be easier to look at where we DO have talent but lets go with where we don't:
OL- They couldn't stop a leaky faucet. Please don't mention Trent... he needs a snickers cause he's not him self. Hasn't been for 2 yrs now.
WR- Moss is done. He catches maybe 1 ball a game. Morgan is trash. Hankerson shows flashes but not all the time. Garcon can't do everything himself. and Robinson is the new 50/50.
The offensive strong points? QB, FB, RB, and TE.
Lets move to defense:
CB's all need replacing except Amerson. SS/FS need to go and bring in all fresh young talent. As long as I know these new young guys will over time jell and build a report.... I'm in.
The strong points of this defense are: DL (but that's not saying much) and maybe....maybe LB. We need a new young leader with a young healthy motor.
This whole scheme on special teams needs to go. Seems like the 30 yrd line is the place to be. Punter can't kick high enough and far enough. We can't keep giving teams the ball on the 30 yrd line. and we start behind the 10.
Agree with most except TW, he's an all pro and most people have said it during our games
Paintrain 11-18-2013, 03:39 PM Yeah I was baffled all game. If you would have asked me ahead of time how I would beat the Eagles I would have said throw down the middle of the field to open slots. Force the defense to back off the line and defend the pass then start running the ball.
Instead.... the team kept trying to force the run. They didn't even go to the heavy pass, hurry up offense until 4th quarter and it was working.
My in game adjustment I kept yelling at my tv or radio about.... I would have started the hurry up offense in the second quarter, I would have rolled RG3 out more since it was blatantly obvious the Eagles were running through the center of our OL.
Their killing me with the "pitch" runs. If I remember correctly it only worked like once and it did go for a TD. Otherwise. Nada. Maybe it works once in a game for + yardage.
Our coaching staff did nothing until after the half and nothing until the 4th quarter. Maybe by design I don't know but waaaaay toooo late.
Yeah, we were down 24-0 and ran a dive play.. My thought was, well I'm glad we set this up all game.. We owned time of possession and yardage so I'm not sure why we didn't up the tempo. Seems like a flaw of this staff not to recognize when a change is needed quickly enough. Lynch was praising the play calling when we were down 17-0 for 'not abandoning the gameplan' which is like praising the flight attendants for finishing beverage service on a plane plummeting through 18,000 feet.
There are certain assumptions I had about this staff that have proven false time and time again. It took me a while (almost as long as it does for Haslett to adjust) but I've mentally pulled the plug on this regime.
The Goat 11-18-2013, 03:39 PM Goat, Lovie Smith grew up just a couple of hours outside of Houston. He'd like to stay in Texas
Ahhhh. What about the larger question of the Skins attracting coaching talent? Is it a desired job/market?
SouperMeister 11-18-2013, 03:47 PM Man, I still can't baffle myself on why they abandon the traditional offense every other week for the Read Option/Drop back.
We did one rollout off of PA and it resulted in a Touchdown.Bootlegs were a staple of Shanahan's WCO in Denver. Perhaps he needs to bench the play caller (Kyle), and get back to calling the plays himself.
skinsguy 11-18-2013, 03:52 PM ]I know he didn't sleep there....reliable sources![/B] And when did I say he didn't put in long hours? I just said he didn't sleep at Redskin Park. Stop putting words in my mouth.
Bull crap to your reliable sources. Stop wasting my time lying to me. Secondly, what the hell is wrong with you? You keep blabbering on about sleeping at Redskin Park? Nobody is putting words in your mouth. Trust me, if I did, you'd make a lot more sense.
]Also..when did I compare the two as head coaches?
You didn't. Which is why your comparison of a defensive coordinator to a head coach is pointless and yet baffling as well. The head coach has far more responsibility than a coordinator. He's gotta make it all work because it falls back in his lap.
Skinsfan69, why don't you go back to my earlier post and re-read the whole thing instead of spouting off about sleeping at Redskins Park. I think you'll find that.....you know what, nevermind. You're too lazy to go back and read anyway, so I'll just repost what I posted earlier:
I suppose, now, it's probably inevitable that the Redskins will be rolling with a new coaching staff next year. My only word of caution on that is the "anybody but Shanahan is better" approach is NOT the way to go. Because, just anybody isn't a better option than Mike Shanahan. No matter how this season ends (and it looks to end badly) I maintain my admiration for the good things/the right things that Mike Shanahan has done for this team. The bottom line is, I realize, wins and loses.
With that said, if what Smootsmack has said is what's happening in terms of the front office, then let the new GM pick the head coach and let that head coach pick his coordinators and assistant coaches. I don't personally have a favorite in terms of head coaching candidates, but I do have traits/personalities/work ethics that need to be a must if he is to succeed in Washington.
The new head coach is going to have to be a disciplinarian, first and foremost. It is not acceptable to bring in a "bright offensive mind" that has no idea how to establish discipline. I'd argue that it's pretty easy to find a bright offensive mind - but none of it works without discipline.
Secondly, the coach needs to have a work ethic that is common to what we saw when Joe Gibbs coached this team in the 80's. Someone who's willing to live, eat, and breathe Redskins football. Someone who is willing to put in the hours it takes to make this team a winner. If he's not willing to stay (and live) at Redskins Park until the wee hours of the morning, I don't want him in Washington. <- This says nothing about sleeping at Redskins Park. Context clues would tell intelligent people I meant the coach stays at the park until he feels he's 100% ready for gameday.
Lastly, the coach needs to have an eye of talent. It's not always the GM (alone) that brings in the players - the coaches have say as well. This new coach will need to work closely with the GM to bring in exactly what he needs. It can't simply be "we bring in the players, you coach them" approach. That doesn't work.
The next six weeks will be interesting.