GTripp0012 11-10-2013, 09:15 PM A topic that's been troubling me recently. The question I had for my rational self is: At what point do you take a look at the product you're supporting and question why you continue to do so?
I'm closer this season than any other to just not watching football anymore. The game is changing to less of a contact sport, overly protective of the stars that are perceived as making the NFL the money.
Add to the the amount of 'suck' that the Redskins have employed this season and it's ceased to be the enjoyable, if frustrating, spectacle it's always been for me.
I would spoof a Yelp review of the Redskins but I'm far too lazy.The 2013 Redskins are both very disappointing, and play a brand of really unexciting football. They're not exactly must-see TV. It's like watching a blend of the last three seasons, except instead of a highlight reel, it's a coaches' cut of "plays that need the most improvement."
Consequently, I'm just not nearly as invested in the 2013 NFL season, as I've been in years past.
SBXVII 11-10-2013, 09:23 PM A topic that's been troubling me recently. The question I had for my rational self is: At what point do you take a look at the product you're supporting and question why you continue to do so?
I'm closer this season than any other to just not watching football anymore. The game is changing to less of a contact sport, overly protective of the stars that are perceived as making the NFL the money.
Add to the the amount of 'suck' that the Redskins have employed this season and it's ceased to be the enjoyable, if frustrating, spectacle it's always been for me.
I would spoof a Yelp review of the Redskins but I'm far too lazy.
Ditto. Kinds feel the same way. Who's complaining to change the game? It seems the players do not like the changes and Hate the rules. Look there is a reason the players are making millions and ....they know that at any play they could end up paralized or worse. Thus the big paychecks. Now if they want flag football then the owners need to argue that there is no major risk and their salaries should be majorly reduced to reflect that. Another reason was owners did not provide health insurance so players had to get their own ecpensive ones, but I think the owners were forced to provide insurance now.
They knew the risk and still chose to play. And their getting paid for that risk. Everytime there is a new law for safety there should be a reduction in salary due to a reduction in risk.
NC_Skins 11-10-2013, 09:30 PM These are a few of the moves that this regime has made that left me shaking my head:
1) McNabb trade. Why do it when you are trying to get younger and build from draft. Cost us potentially 2 starters for a 1 year rental.
2) Re-signing Moss and Fletcher to stupid over priced contracts. I'm more irked about this than anything. (especially the Fletcher contract) You know you are stripped of cap money and have to use it wisely. Spending 5-7mil/yr on a over the hill LB is beyond moronic. Take notes from the Bears. You have to say......"see ya".....when the time comes. Good teams don't hold onto players for sentimental value. Notice the Ravens didn't bother trying to bring back Ed Reed, and I'm certain they wouldn't have brought back Ray Lewis this year either.
The thing about this is that there were better options in free agency that would have cost us less than what we signed these guys for.
3) Josh Morgan signing. I understand signing him, but was he really commanding that type of contract? Man we got shafted in that deal.
4) Hiring Jim Haslett (or not firing him) from the get go. Didn't understand it then, don't understand anymore now.
I'm not going to rip mike on any failed draft selections. Look at the best GM in the league and you'll notice he'll have a high failure rate on draft picks as well.
Green Monk Machine 11-11-2013, 07:38 AM A topic that's been troubling me recently. The question I had for my rational self is: At what point do you take a look at the product you're supporting and question why you continue to do so?
I'm closer this season than any other to just not watching football anymore. The game is changing to less of a contact sport, overly protective of the stars that are perceived as making the NFL the money.
Add to the the amount of 'suck' that the Redskins have employed this season and it's ceased to be the enjoyable, if frustrating, spectacle it's always been for me.
I would spoof a Yelp review of the Redskins but I'm far too lazy.
Yeah, but I'm all talk. I'm married to the Skins- born and raised. Venting is all I can do. Next summer ill be camping out by the Kool-aid punch bowl. It's frustrating b/c from the outside looking in its so simple. Don't enter battle with your QB as the shield for starters.
I am almost rooting for the eagles to unseat Dallas.
DirtBagZ 11-11-2013, 09:25 AM A topic that's been troubling me recently. The question I had for my rational self is: At what point do you take a look at the product you're supporting and question why you continue to do so?
I'm closer this season than any other to just not watching football anymore. The game is changing to less of a contact sport, overly protective of the stars that are perceived as making the NFL the money.
Add to the the amount of 'suck' that the Redskins have employed this season and it's ceased to be the enjoyable, if frustrating, spectacle it's always been for me.
I would spoof a Yelp review of the Redskins but I'm far too lazy.
Did not watch a single game this weekend, and the weekend prior caught the Skins game on the radio while staining the deck. So I am there. As a husband and a dad, don't have a lot of free time, so why am I 'wasting it' on team or more in line with this commercially/corporate oriented enterprise, a product, that is a lousy product.
skinsguy 11-11-2013, 03:10 PM I think most of you guys are all talk. You know good and well you can't ever give up on the Redskins. And if you can, maybe football is just something that has never been that important to you to begin with. I don't see anybody who truly loves to watch football, and truly loves the Redskins, to say they're quitting cold turkey. Why? Will you truly fill that time with your spouse? With your kids? What if they want to watch football? I'm calling your bluff on this one. It means enough to you to waste time posting on a Redskins fan forum board - obviously time that could also be spent with the wife and kids. I don't see any of you guys ever saying sayonara! Sorry, but I'm not falling for it!
Look, the way the NFL is, everything happens in cycles. As much as you don't want to believe it, the good part of the cycle will come to this franchise - sooner rather than later.
skinsfaninok 11-11-2013, 03:17 PM I think most of you guys are all talk. You know good and well you can't ever give up on the Redskins. And if you can, maybe football is just something that has never been that important to you to begin with. I don't see anybody who truly loves to watch football, and truly loves the Redskins, to say they're quitting cold turkey. Why? Will you truly fill that time with your spouse? With your kids? What if they want to watch football? I'm calling your bluff on this one. It means enough to you to waste time posting on a Redskins fan forum board - obviously time that could also be spent with the wife and kids. I don't see any of you guys ever saying sayonara! Sorry, but I'm not falling for it!
Look, the way the NFL is, everything happens in cycles. As much as you don't want to believe it, the good part of the cycle will come to this franchise - sooner rather than later.
Great post I've said many times "I'm done w this team" Yet every sunday I watch them and every yr I get the ticket for them.
scowan 11-11-2013, 03:18 PM I've been a fan for over 30 years and I just don't understand why some teams can continue to be competitive year end and year out, but the Redskins can't? They have some young exciting talent, but they just seem to underachive. I am begining to think part of the problem is Shannahan's desire to hang on to draft picks for too long. There are guys on this team that Shannahan drafted that should not have made this team. Maybe the $18 million penalty is part of the reason, because they can keep them cheap. I'm really hoping with $18 million more to spend next year they can address these issues.
skinsfaninok 11-11-2013, 03:25 PM A topic that's been troubling me recently. The question I had for my rational self is: At what point do you take a look at the product you're supporting and question why you continue to do so?
I'm closer this season than any other to just not watching football anymore. The game is changing to less of a contact sport, overly protective of the stars that are perceived as making the NFL the money.
Add to the the amount of 'suck' that the Redskins have employed this season and it's ceased to be the enjoyable, if frustrating, spectacle it's always been for me.
I would spoof a Yelp review of the Redskins but I'm far too lazy.
My father in law and I have this convo A lot, he's an old school diehaed Dallas fan and he isn't even upset when they lose anymore and the fact that the league is going into more of a College type direction with all of the points and passing yards , I agree it's harder for me to get all excited about the NFL as of late, yeah I never miss a skins game but I admit when we lose I really don't get all down and out anymore, it's just like whatever.
I think most of you guys are all talk. You know good and well you can't ever give up on the Redskins. And if you can, maybe football is just something that has never been that important to you to begin with. I don't see anybody who truly loves to watch football, and truly loves the Redskins, to say they're quitting cold turkey. Why? Will you truly fill that time with your spouse? With your kids? What if they want to watch football? I'm calling your bluff on this one. It means enough to you to waste time posting on a Redskins fan forum board - obviously time that could also be spent with the wife and kids. I don't see any of you guys ever saying sayonara! Sorry, but I'm not falling for it!
Look, the way the NFL is, everything happens in cycles. As much as you don't want to believe it, the good part of the cycle will come to this franchise - sooner rather than later.
Totally agree. And if something like watching football is really causing people so much pain maybe they need to seriously reevaluate their priorities.