Skinzman 08-16-2013, 08:04 AM I hope this link works. Interesting read: The truth about football - latimes.com (http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/la-oe-flynn-football-cte-safety-20130815,0,1866164.story)
One of the comments from that article is pretty funny.
Extreme Sports (BMX, Motocross, Skateboarding), X-Games, Jackass/Ridiculousness MTV kind of stunts kids do today for the hopes of fame and popularity....
I think I rather have my son play football...
I have to admit, I agree with whoever this was that made the comment.
Skinzman 08-16-2013, 08:19 AM 1) It gets old 2) it gets boring 3) it is BS .
Your definition of rage and mine are very different .
Blaming Goodell for everything wrong ....and yes SOME people here do , is lazy and just BS.
It happens, you arent changing anyones mind. Debate someone on the merits of Goodell if you want. He has done some good and some bad, but that just matches pretty much anyone else running a large operation. Its not just here that you will find people moaning about Goodell.
As for 'rage mode' being said on the internet. That doesnt mean you are punching holes in your walls or wanting to beat up a neighbor. Its an expression to mean someone getting pissed off/angry. And your posts pertaining to Goodell come across as exactly that. Give your reasonings for your opinion and move on.
skinsfan69 08-16-2013, 10:35 AM Well, yes and no.
They care about keeping their star players healthy, which in turn generates revenue.
I always think of a player, front office/ownership relationship like a casual relationship. They use each other until one party can no longer help the other, then the relationship terminates.
JoeRedskin 08-16-2013, 11:13 AM Ok JR question , don't some states I think Florida is one that takes into account the fact of the person...ie ...victim help contribute to his injuries/ condition himself by being a willing and "paid" participant?
All states have that ... it's called assumption of the risk. See my earlier posts on the issue.
Also you say "wrongly" ,how is this person wrong if they openly volunteered and where willing to inflict the same damage on others as was done to himself?
It is "wrong" if they didn't assume the risk of injury that they suffered [or thought they were causing]. i.e. long term brain injury which only manifested itself several years after retiring. See my earlier posts.
Giantone 08-16-2013, 05:30 PM All states have that ... it's called assumption of the risk. See my earlier posts on the issue.
It is "wrong" if they didn't assume the risk of injury that they suffered [or thought they were causing]. i.e. long term brain injury which only manifested itself several years after retiring. See my earlier posts.
Giantone 08-16-2013, 05:34 PM Give your reasonings for your opinion and move on.
I did, it's the people that blame Goodell all the time for everything from concussions to the Kennedy assignation that need to explain exactly how the Commissioner does the things he is accused of.
That Guy 08-16-2013, 05:54 PM it's like people thinking smoking wasn't bad for them. i dunno, i do think the NFL should be 100% upfront with anything it knows and the results of it's studies for the new guys coming in, but i'm still surprised current/recently retired players weren't 100% aware getting gang tackled 100 times a day wasn't good for your long term health.
i understand the older guys argument a bit more since some of them didn't make enough money to cover the associated medical problems, but for a guy that made 20+mill... come on.
Skinzman 08-16-2013, 11:38 PM I did, it's the people that blame Goodell all the time for everything from concussions to the Kennedy assignation that need to explain exactly how the Commissioner does the things he is accused of.
Its hard to take you seriously when you are claiming that some are blaming Goodell for Kennedy being 'assignated'.
Giantone 08-17-2013, 04:48 AM Its hard to take you seriously when you are claiming that some are blaming Goodell for Kennedy being 'assignated'.
Sorry ,assassination, mistakes happen.
p.s. ....must have been my blind computer rage .
it's like people thinking smoking wasn't bad for them. i dunno, i do think the NFL should be 100% upfront with anything it knows and the results of it's studies for the new guys coming in, but i'm still surprised current/recently retired players weren't 100% aware getting gang tackled 100 times a day wasn't good for your long term health.
i understand the older guys argument a bit more since some of them didn't make enough money to cover the associated medical problems, but for a guy that made 20+mill... come on.
Like what kind of ****in' Asshole does NOT know that smoking was bad? Let's see, I cough all the time.....hockin' up loogies the size of Rhode Island.....I have no wind....
Oh well, probably not the "Luckies" right?
I realize Clinton acts like he attended the Earl Campbell academy of public speaking...but come on.