11-05-2013, 06:18 PM
Indians don't have the same employment opportunities as everyone else?
Pirates have it pretty bad too. They have to the pillage and plunder in order to survive. Packers had to work long hours shoving meat into little cans. 49ers risked life and limb for tiny specs of gold. Wait. Why does this matter again?
11-05-2013, 06:20 PM
Anyone see the Red Clouds article? I absolutely don't want them to change the name, but I like Red Clouds for some reason. I envision the R logo with the feather inside of an angry storm cloud;)
11-05-2013, 07:13 PM
Why did Rob Ford have to wear a Redskins tie when he admitted to smoking crack? Out of the bajillions of ties available all over the world, why did he have to pick that one?
Edit: people, learn from my mistakes. Don't trust a not-entirely credible source just because you have limited sources at work. It has been brought to my attention that the tie was in fact, one of those crappy 80's ones with the logos of every team on it.
punch it in
11-05-2013, 09:17 PM
While that makes since it could also have a negative spin. One it keeps the attention to the conflict and you don't think the media would spin this as Snyder trying to buy his way out?
I made the same point about the media twisting it into something negative.
Oh and in your next life you are coming back as a Native American. I think you are really underestimating the hurt that was put on them and how it literally changed the face of their existence as a people.
I mean - imagine if we were invaded, disease from the invading force wiped most of us out and the rest of us were rounded up and marched off to some remote part of the country? Would it really be that easy for you or your children or grand children, etc to just go " ahh hell ill learn their language and get a job, no hard feelings? "
I made the same point about the media twisting it into something negative.
Oh and in your next life you are coming back as a Native American. I think you are really underestimating the hurt that was put on them and how it literally changed the face of their existence as a people.
I mean - imagine if we were invaded, disease from the invading force wiped most of us out and the rest of us were rounded up and marched off to some remote part of the country? Would it really be that easy for you or your children or grand children, etc to just go " ahh hell ill learn their language and get a job, no hard feelings? "
Here's you opportunity.........
11-05-2013, 11:16 PM
Well, November is Native American Heritage Month...so that's probably the best choice
:D yep. I thought November was some other cancer awarenes month, that's why I left it off.
punch it in
11-05-2013, 11:50 PM
Here's you opportunity.........
I think you missed my point....
punch it in
11-05-2013, 11:52 PM
:D yep. I thought November was some other cancer awarenes month, that's why I left it off.
What does this mean?
Edit: nevermind. I misread your original post.
I think you missed my point....
The satire lamp.....is lit
punch it in
11-06-2013, 09:59 AM
The satire lamp.....is lit
Um...flickering.....at best