Chico23231 11-01-2013, 02:18 PM I didn't mean that we should take it that far. But perhaps we should recognize that they might have a right to be upset and touchy about some things which for anyone else would just be whining.
I think we should focus more on issues American Indians really still endure. I think we missing the point and Dan could be missing an opportunity to maybe turning this around into something positive. Skins could reach out with other teams with an indian mascot/name for a pow wow build an understanding and talk about some real issues. Then we could smoka the peace pipe (packed with medicinal).
Lotus 11-01-2013, 02:24 PM I think we should focus more on issues American Indians really still endure. I think we missing the point and Dan could be missing an opportunity to maybe turning this around into something positive. Skins could reach out with other teams with an indian mascot/name for a pow wow build an understanding and talk about some real issues. Then we could smoka the peace pipe (packed with medicinal).
I agree with this. Major problems faced by Native Americans include poverty and a lack of employment opportunities. Deep Pockets Danny could respond in a way which makes folks happy and grateful.
Chico23231 11-01-2013, 02:27 PM I agree with this. Major problems faced by Native Americans include poverty and a lack of employment opportunities. Deep Pockets Danny could respond in a way which makes folks happy and grateful.
Id like to see an united effort with sports and American Indians, bring awareness, fund raising and real programs to help. Hell I bet you bring some Indians into fed ex for a game, those offended probably see a different side.
The Goat 11-01-2013, 02:38 PM Having mostly grown up on a reservation and seeing how it's changed over the last several decades I tend to believe the team name issue is just another ploy to get more money by the tribe in question. Over the last few years on the Flathead reservation, non tribal members started getting letters from the tribe that say all ground water (from wells, cisterns etc.) have "become the property of the tribe" and if you still want access to your own well, that may have been there for decades already, you must start sending payments to the tribe. No joke here. Some people are actually paying out of fear because the tribe is so litigious and aggressive. Others just say fuck off. And the smart ones are fighting it legally. So yeah, when I hear complaining about the name issue I think they see green, not red, so to speak.
punch it in 11-01-2013, 03:25 PM I think we should focus more on issues American Indians really still endure. I think we missing the point and Dan could be missing an opportunity to maybe turning this around into something positive. Skins could reach out with other teams with an indian mascot/name for a pow wow build an understanding and talk about some real issues. Then we could smoka the peace pipe (packed with medicinal).
Do you think people would take that as we are paying them to go away as opposed to something positive?
Edit: i happen to think it is a fantastic idea but people who just want to attack DS and the skins will twist it into something bad
punch it in 11-01-2013, 03:27 PM Id like to see an united effort with sports and American Indians, bring awareness, fund raising and real programs to help. Hell I bet you bring some Indians into fed ex for a game, those offended probably see a different side.
They will see how bad we are and take pity. Lol
44Deezel 11-01-2013, 04:20 PM There are several different theories and accounts about where the term came from. Nowhere is it definitively stated that the new foundland tribe who painted their bodies red is the true origin. Not to mention, that settlers referring to native americans as "redskins", and this tribe referred to as the "red men" are two completely different things.
A Senior Linguist from the Smithsonian seems like a pretty credible source to me, especially since his research was extensive, thorough and took months to complete. The point I've tried to make is that this is a unique situation with no comparable equivalent and is hardly an open and shut case.
There is no "fuzziness" surrounding other "slurs" that people try to equate with the word "Redskin". There is no debate on their origin, no debate among the offended community on acceptability and no examples of the word being used the way Redskins is used by dozens of High Schools across the country, some of which are over 100 years old.
Changing an 80 year old brand name with millions of loyal customers is not a trivial thing, and it shouldn't surprise anyone when it doesn't happen immediately just because of heightened media attention.
skinsguy 11-01-2013, 05:19 PM ]Do you think people would take that as we are paying them to go away as opposed to something positive?[/B]
Edit: i happen to think it is a fantastic idea but people who just want to attack DS and the skins will twist it into something bad
Honestly who cares what they think. I think that is what is wrong with this entire issue, we're too worried about what people think who are not involved directly in this.
Giantone 11-01-2013, 05:46 PM There are several different theories and accounts about where the term came from. Nowhere is it definitively stated that the new foundland tribe who painted their bodies red is the true origin. Not to mention, that settlers referring to native americans as "redskins", and this tribe referred to as the "red men" are two completely different things.
It is here...
Indianz.Com > Doug George-Kanentiio: A Mohawk's perspective on 'Redskins' (http://www.indianz.com/News/2013/008558.asp)
The use of “redskins” was among the worse of these labels. That word originally referred to the Beothuks of Newfoundland, a peaceful people who colored their skin with red ochre as adornment and to keep the mosquitoes at bay. Their passivity was mistaken for weakness and after the waves of European diseases killed most of them those who survived were hunted and murdered for sport. By 1830 they were extinct. One of the reprehensible tactics was to remove the skins of the Beothuks and use them as covers for books and as leggings for the hunters.
This act of skinning Native people, both men and women, continued on along the frontier. It was an act of terror meant to instill fear and drive the Natives from coveted lands. It was justified by these stereotypes that were highly effective in undermining the dignity, pride and self-assurance of our people. We are, among all peoples in this hemisphere, the most misunderstood, the most libeled and the most despised because of the lies in the media, in popular literature and, sadly, in the schools.
44Deezel 11-01-2013, 05:55 PM The world we live in:
Hallmark ornament has 'Deck the Halls' -- without the gay apparel
Hallmark 'Deck the Halls,' without gay apparel - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/30/us/hallmark-deck-the-halls-ornament/)