punch it in
10-31-2013, 08:20 PM
I said that (the shutting the casinos thing) in jest. If we're talking about shutting out and shutting down anything and everything that can be offensive then then this tribe should take a long hard look at themselves. It is proven fact that gambling has ruined families and cost lives. It's not a proven fact that the term Redskin is a racial slur. Some believe it is and some believe it is not. It's origin does not point to the use in a derogatory manner and there is documentation To back that up. When the Native. Americans themselves are not in agreement about it being a racial slur then I call BS on the whole thing. It is all a money grab by the Oneita Tribe and you guys will discover this when it's all said and done.
Just for the record i was posing a question. I personally am not in favor of a name change. A: because its my team. B: because its a non issue imo.
That all being said if you do some research on the name it really does have racist roots. So I am just pondering the validity of any real concerns anybody ( native am. Or not) might have about it.
10-31-2013, 10:36 PM
Just for the record i was posing a question. I personally am not in favor of a name change. A: because its my team. B: because its a non issue imo.
That all being said if you do some research on the name it really does have racist roots. So I am just pondering the validity of any real concerns anybody ( native am. Or not) might have about it.
I have done research on the name and no it doesn't have racist roots. That doesn't mean that somewhere along the way someone decided that it could be used in a derogatory manner but to say its roots or origin is born out of racism is severely incorrect.
10-31-2013, 11:33 PM
Im just putting it out there - not saying im offended either. An asian person might be offended by a team called the yellowskins with a picture of an asian person on the helmet was my point. As for palefaces, well i just wanted to say palefaces.
I wish people would stop trying to find equivalents, because there are none:
1) Yellowskins is not a word that Asians created to describe themselves
2) There are exactly zero High Schools with a significant Asian enrollment that call themselves the Yellowskins. There are zero High Schools, period.
3) A professional sports team called the Yellowskins would not have an Asian face as a logo that was provided to the team by prominent members of the Asian American community.
4) a team called the Yellowskins would not have survived 80 plus years to become one of the most valuable sports franchises in the world.
5) a significant number of Asian Americans would NOT defend the use of the name.
10-31-2013, 11:39 PM
I have done research on the name and no it doesn't have racist roots. That doesn't mean that somewhere along the way someone decided that it could be used in a derogatory manner but to say its roots or origin is born out of racism is severely incorrect.
Exactly. You could offend an American Indian by calling them Red Devil, so should the NJ hockey team be forced to change their name? You can offend an Asian by calling them Mellow Yellow. Should the soft drink be banned? You can call an African American woman Aunt Jemima, a white guy Wonder Bread, etc. etc. Just because a word can be used in an offensive manner doesn't mean it's a racial slur in any and all contexts.
As a first generation American who's family came from Peru, I'm offended when all Hispanics are called Mexican, but I don't find the word Mexican offensive when used to describe people actually from Mexico.
10-31-2013, 11:47 PM
I have changed my view on this whole name change thing from being against it to being for it. If native Americans find the name offensive who am I to tell them they shouldn't be offended?
The name needs to change, it will change. I am hopeful the logo and colors stay the same.
What if some did and some didn't? There are high schools across the country with significant Native American enrollment fighting tooth and nail to keep the name Redskin. What other so called racial slur would be defended like this by the people who are supposed to be offended?
10-31-2013, 11:49 PM
they had meeting and Goodell wasn't even there. And Oneida wants to meet with other owners on SB week. Like that's going to do anything ? and they gave a 30 page pseudo science study paper that says the name is harmful to Indians psychies LOL
and the want Goodell to visit Oneida tribe areas...right ? like they wont be all scripted how to act when he gets there?
He should visit and then they should have to visit tribes who want the Redskins to keep the name. Is it too much to ask that there be some semblance of a consensus among American Indians before the Skins change their name?
10-31-2013, 11:53 PM
It is definitely about skin color.....
Are You Ready For Some Controversy? The History Of 'Redskin' : Code Switch : NPR (http://www.npr.org/blogs/codeswitch/2013/09/09/220654611/are-you-ready-for-some-controversy-the-history-of-redskin)
11-01-2013, 04:51 AM
Didn't someone say Redskins wasn't about Indians actual skin color, but the red war paint they used? I dunno. I just don't see Redskins as derogatory and I'm a minority.
Although... I did find Redskin in the racial slur database... :Smoker:
The Racial Slur Database (http://www.rsdb.org/slur/redskin)
11-01-2013, 07:36 AM
"I've talked to our students, our parents and our community about this and nobody finds any offense at all in it," says Tim Ames, the superintendent of Wellpinit schools. "'Redskins' is not an insult to our kids. 'Wagon burners' is an insult. 'Prairie n-----s' is an insult. Those are very upsetting to our kids. But 'Redskins' is an honorable name we wear with pride. & In fact, I'd like to see somebody come up here and try to change it."
11-01-2013, 08:54 AM
I have done research on the name and no it doesn't have racist roots. That doesn't mean that somewhere along the way someone decided that it could be used in a derogatory manner but to say its roots or origin is born out of racism is severely incorrect.
The closets reference talking about the name is a book by Dr. Bruce Stapleton
ISBN: 0-595-17167-2