Why the backstabbing?

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03-11-2005, 07:32 AM
I'll throw in my 2 cents here. I love Joe Gibbs as a coach and think he'll master the learning curve of the NFL this season and produce better than last year. Don't know if we're playoff material yet, but I think we will be improved. I'm not certain that he makes a good team president, and I was hoping he would have been more agressive in retaining Pierce and Smoot. Considering the stories we're hearing about the Coles debacle, I'm wondering how much influence Snyder had in the Pierce and Smoot contract talks? As much as JG talked about keeping 'core Redskins' losing Pierce and Smoot didn't make sense to me, and I wonder if Snyder may have told Gibbs this is what we're going to spend on these guys and that's the bottom line...

03-11-2005, 08:31 AM
On Pierce, I loved him and am sorry to see him go. I don't blame him for taking more money, even if it was only slightly more than we offered, that's a business decision and it's his call to make. I will miss him. But he obviously was not a "bleed burgundy and gold" type guy if he was willing to leave for just a slightly higher amount of money.

Coles is a dick. And an idiot. 168 passes were attempted to him last year, second highest in the NFL. I don't see what he possibly has to complain about. So I'll put him right at the level of Deion Sanders, which is about equivalent to pond scum in my mind.

On Smoot, my feelings on him are similar to Pierce. He was a good player and I'm sorry to see him go. He is a likeable guy. He took a fair amount more money from the Vikings, and I can't blame him for that. Nobody is at fault that he left the team, except maybe Dan Snyder for screwing around with the salary cap before Gibbs got here. Gibbs is now just trying to right the ship regarding the cap, so I can't blame him for not paying Smoot the Viking money. He's right, Springs is better. He's been to pro bowls and was once named All Pro, Smoot has never done that. And I'd say they played equally well last year, so since Springs is more accomplished over his career, Springs deserves to make more cash. It's nobody's fault, Smoot did what was in his best interests, and Gibbs did what was in the team's best interest. And again, if Smoot truly was a "bleed burgundy and gold" guy, he would have stayed.

That's fine, not everybody has to be a "bleed burgundy and gold" guy. But I'm allowed to like the players who want to be here better than the players who just want more money.

03-11-2005, 10:59 AM
You're absolutely right Schneed, however, what bothers me is when people start to hate Smoot and Pierce for leaving. How many times has it been said? It's a business. Smoot's replaceable, so is Pierce. Move on.

In regards to Coles being about Coles: you said he has no interest in winning. That's funny, I thought he left a team that was in last place the 2 years he was here for a team who was in the playoffs last year. I know he got traded, but if he didn't want to go back he could have gone NBA and not reported. He's happy to be back there. Seems like he wants to win to me.

03-11-2005, 11:00 AM
When popular players leave, people focus on their negatives because they are pissed or upset they left or that the FO didn't find a way to make it work out. Just like anything in life. If a someone gets dumped, they tend to talk sh!t about thier ex, even if they had a chance to make it work by changing their life in some way. It's an emotional response. It is right and do people really wish harm on these guys? I don't think so. Give it some time. I'm glad other people care so much about the Skins to get upset over things like that...and I'm sure the Redskins are too.
On here the response has been kind of 50/50, but I was listening to WTEM the other day, and you'd have thought we lost the best players we ever had....I wanted to rip out my car stereo and throw it out the window listening to these people whining and trashing the Skins FO. Personally, I thought it was more important to try to keep Pierce, but felt more "hurt" when Smoot left, just because of his personality, attitude, and the effort he gave. But guess what? The Skins will move on, and I don't think losing those two guys will make this team worse than 6-10....some people seem to forget that we had a losing season. And I don't blame either of them for doing what they feel is best for them, whether I agree with it or not.
As for Coles, he can go f#ck himself. For delaying the trade agreement until after him forfeiting the $5 mil would help this years cap, and then not doing it at all, putting the Skins in a cap bind (even though it helps for 2006). I hope he stubs his bad toe in pre-season and can't play at all next season.

03-11-2005, 11:20 AM
I hope that Smoot has a good year next year. He would not be as good as he is if he played his first years somewhere else. Look at who he had to learn from. I am upset that he is in Min. and not on the redskins anymore.

As for what he did in college, so what you mean to tell me that you never did anything that maybe you may regret at the young ripe age of 21 or so? Bullsh%& if you answer NO!!! Why should Smoot feel that he owes the redskins anything, just because they drafted him? Come on, people need to wake up and realize that there is a business side to the NFL!!

You are right about Smoot being replaceable, we easly replaced Bailey. So with that being said that Smoot is replaceable, then what is the BIG DEAL!!!! What about when the skins let Davis go only to replace him with, TRUNG CANADIT(sp)!!!! I would be more upset if we let someone go that we couldn't replace and not make such an ordeal about someone that can be replaced!!

You hit it right on the nose that the NFL is a business!In the really world Smoot needs to do what is best for him and the Redskins need to do what is best for the team. But let's be blunt when you are making picks in drafts and all kinds of money along with your future of your team is on the line taking a a chance on a guy with a questionable pass shows some faith! The two sides were not that far a part but he did what was good for him and thats OK but I would think he should have given the Redskins a little more then he did!

As for Davis you are right we should have never let him go but it wasn't all about money! Even if the coach was wrong he wasn't what he needed at RB for his O. He thought that Canadit was the fit and Davis was a run and little speed guy! That was bad on our part! :smashfrea

03-11-2005, 11:22 AM
SChneed - The salary cap for the skins was anything but a mess till we took Coles' cap hit. We've supposedly been in cap trouble for 5 years now but we always seem to have plenty of room. I feel a lot of the troubles right now may be stemming from Gibbs being the President more than Snyder.

03-11-2005, 11:24 AM
I have no hate for Pierce or Smoot at all.

They gave the Skins more than a fair shot to re-sign them, and gave the team the chance to match. In the end they left for the better deal and I don't blame them one bit.

As for Coles, I'm disappointed with what went down. I think he showed a real lack of maturity on his part for pouting when things weren't going his way in the offense. He comes off as being pretty selfish and overly concerned about his personal stats. Not that Snyder acted very mature either with his threatening comments, but the trigger for Snyder's tirade was all on Coles.

In the end though I wish Coles the best. He had some very respectful things to say after it was all over and you have to give the guy some credit for that, he could have easily bashed the Skins like he did the Jets 2 years ago.

03-11-2005, 11:30 AM
I won't mix words...I blame Snyder for a lot of stuff. These two leaving...I don't blame on him. This is probably #2 out of the 3 scenarios that could have happened.

1. They sign, restructure when asked and play for the Skins for a few more years
2. They flat out leave via free agency
3. We give the big contracts and then cut them because they're cap cost is too high.

Of those 3, before this offseason I would have guessed #3 would have been the most likely scenario. However, that wasn't the case and I don't really mind. They're both very replaceable and I'll say it again, the Skins were right to not match the offer for Pierce. Is he a good player? Yes. Will he be an upgrade and good for the Giants? I think so. Do we need him? Not really. He's not Ray Lewis, he's not even better than Kendrell Bell, just so happens Bell got hurt a lot. There are a lot better MLB's than Pierce. We'll find someone who can fill in fine.

03-11-2005, 11:32 AM
Matty, I agree with you about Coles, but you have to understand, he didn't sign on to play with Gibbs. He signed on to play with Spurrier. He came here thinking deep balls and all he got last season were wide receiver screens and curl routes. Am I defending him? Kinda. I don't think what he did was right. However, I think I could see where he was coming from.

03-11-2005, 11:41 AM
Matty, I agree with you about Coles, but you have to understand, he didn't sign on to play with Gibbs. He signed on to play with Spurrier. He came here thinking deep balls and all he got last season were wide receiver screens and curl routes. Am I defending him? Kinda. I don't think what he did was right. However, I think I could see where he was coming from.
No, he signed on to play for the Redskins. Spurrier was the coach at the time and may have had something to do with his decision, but what he did just proved that contrary to his prior reputation as a team-oriented guy, he is just another me-first player. Pierce and Smoot went for a better contract...it is their livelihood, so good for them! Coles knew he was screwing the Skins over and didn't care, even though it has been stated that opening up the offense is a big priority for this coming season. I predict that Moss will have far better numbers than him.

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