Official Mega Draft Day Party Tailgate

04-12-2013, 10:49 AM
Official Mega Draft Day Party Tailgate

Official Groups Participating:
- ExtremeSkins (
- BGObsession (
- HTTR 24/7 (
- Son Of Washington (
- Sports Journey (
- RedskinsHeads (
- HailRedskins (
- (
- CPND (
- WarPath (
- Diesel 44 Bus Tailgate Team (
- Redskins Fans Meetup (
- Facebook (

You tell 'em I'm coming!.. and I'm bringing pig with me!

Well, it has been a great hibernation, and we are fully rested and raring to go! We have not
seen our redskins family in about 3 months and we have been missing you all! This is THE
THREAD for THE TAILGATE! This is the one everyone loves. A great day of good drinks,
good food, good music and good company! This is Draft Day Party Tailgate! An event that
goes from dawn till dusk. A day where we don't have to rush around, a day where we don't
have to worry about a win or a loss, just a great day to have fun with all your fellow redskins
fans. We will once again have one of the greatest bands from this area play with us again:
Sons of the Radio! So come on out, bring your friends, bring your families, and bring your
love for our one and only Washington Redskins!

Once again, we will have containers available for the Extremeskins Charities. There
will be two containers. One container will be for pop tabs (the little tabs on the top of
aluminum beer and soda cans). This is to benefit the Ronald McDonald House. If you
drink a beer or coke, don't forget to take off the tab and put it in the container before
throwing away! The other container is for monetary donations to this year's Official
Extremeskins Charity: The Children's Inn at NIH.

NOTE: This will be the last opportunity to donate to the Children's Inn at NIH,
Please donate what you can!

If you would like to donate online, check out this link:
Extremeskins Charity: Children's Inn at NIH - Last days to Donate - Current: $1495.10 (

Our tailgates these past years have been absolutely fantastic and I want to thank every
single one of you guys, because people have been stepping up more and more with lots of
great food, drinks and much needed supplies. This tailgate is getting bigger and better year
after year, and the reason is because each and every one of you does such an awesome
job. Don't think this goes unnoticed either... The Redskins organization knows who we are
and likes how we present ourselves as fans and as responsible tailgaters. Lets continue to
do our best as the best tailgate at Fedex Field!

Many of you are familiar with our tailgates, but I like to emphasize that we try to be as
organized as we possibly can. At the bottom of the Official Extremeskins Draft Day Party
Tailgate post on the site, you will see 4 sections (Food, Drinks, Supplies
and Needed Items). We ask that if you plan on attending, and if you can donate items to the
tailgate, that you check what we have and what we need and post what you can bring. I will
keep the lists updated as frequently as I can. We understand that in some situations, that
folks cannot bring something, but we do ask that people who regularly attend the tailgate try
to chip in something.

Food/Drinks/Supplies are appreciated over monetary donations

What is it:

We are a gathering of die hard Washington Redskins fans who love to come together and
have a good time out in the lots before and after the game. Our tailgate has become a very
popular point at Fedex Field, and we have been featured on numerous news and television
shows. If you like to eat great food and enjoy tasty beverages while playing games, listening
to tunes and chatting about the burgundy and gold with fellow die hard fans, then this is the
place for you!

When is it:

April 27th (Saturday). From Dawn until Dusk! There will be a group of us there for our
ritualistic: "Shots at Dawn"

Where is it::

Platinum A Lot.
I am not sure on the specific number quite yet, but the section is listed as A1 on Fedex
Field's Parking Guide you can see here:

We will essentially be in the same spot as last year, however, we may end up being a couple
rows further out from the stadium than previously, as it looks like they may have installed
more of those solar power overhangs. If it is a nice day, we want to be able to catch some
rays I have put together a series of maps that should help you find the location easily, but if
you get to the general vicinity of the the A1 Platinum lot, you should have no problem
identifying us.
Map 1 (
Map 2 (
Map 3 (
Map 4 (

Who can come:

Absolutely everyone... the more the merrier! This tailgate originated as a tailgate for the
ExtremeSkins board, but it has expanded and has brought in not only folks from other fan
sites, but it has become a haven for all Redskins fans, their friends and their families. We
accept fans of all sorts, even of other teams. We ask if you come to the tailgate, that you
remember one thing... treat others as you would want to be treated! We appreciate the
razzing of opponents fans, as a matter of fact, we encourage it! We do not however,
tolerate any physical violence, threats, property damage, etc...

Fans of all ages are welcome (We have non-alcoholic items as well). We have lots of kids
at our tailgate!

I will be updating the top of this event posting with the official groups/sites who will be

What can I do:

We prefer that folks bring food/drinks/supplies rather than money. While we do not solicit any
contributions to the tailgate, they are welcome. Many of us who help run the tailgate spend a
lot of money on the supplies that we provide at every tailgate. Anything you can do to help is
highly desired and appreciated, such as bringing food, drinks, supplies or even helping with
tailgate setup or breakdown.

During the course of this tailgate's history, every year, we have had people step up and
become core members that help with the organization, setup and supply of the tailgate,
which has resulted in its success. If you would like to help out in this capacity, please let us

If you are bringing a food, drink or supply item to the tailgate, please post a response on this
page, on the Extremeskins page, or message me with what you plan to bring !

Who to contact:

You can get most of your questions answered in this thread, but if you have specific questions
or concerns, please contact Huly or myself via PM or by emailing:

We will try to get back to you in a timely manner, but remember, most questions can be
answered by members in this thread we have a lot of Tailgate veterans!


1 Whole Roasted Pig (ES: Pez/Huly)
10-12 lbs Shrimp Scampi (ES: Skinsfan1311)
1 Lg Pack Sirloin Burgers w/Buns (ES: redskinsfanatical)
4-8 lbs Nathans Franks w/Buns & Fixins (ES: Skinsfan1311)
1 pack of Brats (ES: MarkB452)
2-3 lbs Turkey Muffins (ES: TK)
1 Batch of Spinach Dip (ES: LetThePointsSoar)
1 Lg Coldstone Ice Cream Cake (ES: MarkB452)

"THE BAR" (ES: Tastes Like Chicken/Ben)
1 Bottle of Capt Morgan's Private Stock (ES: TK)
5 Gallons of Hand Grenades (ES: skinsfan44)
12 Pack of Mike's Hard Black Cherry Lemonade (ES: MarkB452)
1 Case of Beer (ES: Pez/Huly)
? Sweet Tea (ES: Skinsfan1311)
1 Case of Soda (ES: Pez/Huly)
2 Cases of Water (ES: Pez/Huly)
? Water (ES: redskinsfanatical)

1 Flagpole w/Flags (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Flagpole w/Flags (ES: skinsfan44)
1 Cornhole Set (BGO: tshile)
1 Canopy (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Canopy (BGO: tshile)
1 Canopy (ES: redskinsfanatical)
2 Tables (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Table (BGO: tshile)
1 Table (ES: redskinsfanatical)
1 Table (ES: skinsfan44)
1 Generator - 2500 Watt / 3250 Watt Peak + Gas Can(ES: MarkB452)
2 300 Watt Battery Power Packs - including air compressor to inflate footballs, etc (ES: MarkB452)
1 Caja China Roasting Box (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Charcoal Grill w/Table & Charcoal (ES: Skinsfan1311)
1 Charcoal Grill (ES: Tastes Like Chicken)
1 Charcoal Grill (BGO: tshile)
1 Gas Grill (ES: Skinsfan1311)
6 Chairs (ES: skinsfan44)
3 Chairs (ES: Tastes Like Chicken)
2 Chairs (ES: Skinsfan1311)
2 Chairs (ES: redskinsfanatical)
2 Chairs (ES: Pez/Huly)
2 Chairs (ES: MarkB452)
2 Stools (ES: MarkB452)
2 Coolers w/Ice (ES: skinsfan44)
2 Coolers w/Ice (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Cooler w/Ice (ES: redskinsfanatical)
? Cups (ES: skinsfan44)
1 Bag of Plastic Forks (ES: MarkB452)
2 Rolls of Paper Towels (ES: MarkB452)



- Beer
- Soda
- Water
- Items for The Bar (Tastes Like Chicken & Ben will request needs)

- Hamburgers w/Buns
- Hot Dogs w/Buns
- Sausages, Brats, etc w/Buns
- Grilled chicken/steak/etc
- Other Protein items (Shrimp/pork/beef/chicken/etc... surprise us!)
- Side items (pasta salad, macaroni salad, veggie tray, etc)
- Desserts (cookies, brownies, pies, cakes)
- Condiments (ketchup, mustard, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, etc)
- Dips, salsa, etc

- Grills
- Canopy/Tents
- Tables
- Games (beer pong/cornhole/lasso golf/etc)
- Coolers with Ice
- Plastic Cups
- Plasticware (forks/knives/spoons)
- Paper Plates
- Napkins/Paper Towels
- Radios/Boomboxes/TV's

04-19-2013, 09:22 AM
Ok folks, we are 8 days away.


FYI, Son of Washington will be doing a live broadcast/podcast from the tailgate and we may have a few redskins players

04-22-2013, 10:40 PM
Current Food/Drink/Supply Donations as of 4/22 @ 10:30 pm

FOOD LIST ==========

1 Whole Roasted Pig (ES: Pez/Huly)
8 lbs Shrimp Scampi (ES: Skinsfan1311)
7 lbs Chesapeake Style Pork Ribs (RH: Mike Hernick)
? Marinated Beef Short Ribs (ES: skinslove<3)
1 Lg Pack Sirloin Burgers w/Buns (ES: redskinsfanatical)
? Jalapeno & Onion Burgers w/Buns (BGO: tshile)
? Burgers w/Buns (FB: Chris Walton)
? Spicy Chicken (ES: skinslove<3)
? Chicken (FB: Chris Walton)
2-3 lbs Turkey Muffins (ES: TK)
1 Cedar Plank Salmon (ES: Skinsfan1311)
12 8-Packs of Nathans Cheddar Cheese Hot Dogs (ES: TK)
4 lbs Hebrew National Hot Dogs w/Buns & Fixins (ES: Skinsfan1311)
50 Hot Dogs w/Buns & lots of fixins (FB: Ben Landas)
1 pack of Brats (ES: MarkB452)
? Brats or Hot Dogs (FB: TracyLee Skins Allen)
? Brats or Hot Fogs (FB: Carlton Bubba Skins Ray)
? Hot Dogs (FB: Clayton Proctor)
? Hot Dogs (HR: hail2skins)
? Hot Dogs w/Buns (FB: Chris Walton)
1 Batch of Pasta Salad (FB: Andrea Chanelle)
1 Batch of Cheesy Corn Bake (FB: Chuck Dow)
2-3 Bags of Chips (FB: Samir Mishra)
? Chips (BGO: fansince62)
1 Batch of Jalapeno (not on a steek) Cheddar Dip (ES: skinslove<3)
1 Batch of 7 Layer Dip (BGO: fansince62)
1 Batch of Spinach Dip (ES: LetThePointsSoar)
1 Batch of Salsa (FB: Samir Mishra)
1 Batch of Dip (FB: Samir Mishra)
1 Lg Coldstone Ice Cream Cake (ES: MarkB452)
2 Batches of Cookies (ES: wredskin)
2 Gallons of Cow Town BBQ Sauce (FB: Michael Kennedy)
1 Batch of Homemade Carolina Style Vinegar Sauce (ES: Skinsfan1311)
1 Bottle of Ketchup (FB: Chris Walton)
1 Bottle of Mustard (FB: Chris Walton)

DRINK LIST ==========

"THE BAR" (ES: Tastes Like Chicken/Ben)
1 Bottle of Capt Morgan's Private Stock (ES: TK)
1 Bottle of Johnny Walker Blue (FB: Ben Landas)
1 Bottle of Evan Williams Black Bourbon (ES: Skinsfan1311)
1 Bottle of Liquor (FB: Andrea Chanelle)
? Liquor (FB: TracyLee Skins Allen)
5 Gallons of Hand Grenades (ES: skinsfan44)
1 Batch of Apple Pie Moonshine (FB: Susan Hunter)
12 Pack of Mike's Hard Black Cherry Lemonade (ES: MarkB452)
1 Keg of Beer (FB: Rob Delatos)
2 30-packs of Beer (FB: Chris Walton)
1 Case of Beer (ES: Pez/Huly)
? Case of Beer (ES: skinslove<3)
? Beer (FB: James Hackley)
? Beer (FB: Clayton Proctor)
? Beer (FB: Albert Hailskins Halty)
? Sweet Tea (ES: Skinsfan1311)
1 Case of Soda (ES: wredskin)
1 Case of Soda (ES: Pez/Huly)
? Soda (FB: Biggs Marley)
2 Cases of Water (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Case of Water (HR: hail2skins)
? Water (FB: Carlton Bubba Skins Ray)
? Water (FB: Clayton Proctor)
? Water (ES: redskinsfanatical)

SUPPLY LIST ==========

1 Flagpole w/Flags (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Flagpole w/Flags (ES: skinsfan44)
1 Cornhole Set (BGO: tshile)
1 Cornhole Set (FB: Rob Delatos)
1 Beer Pong Table w/Supplies (ES: skinslove<3)
1 Beer Pong Table w/Supplies (FB: Rob Delatos)
1 Canopy (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Canopy (BGO: tshile)
1 Canopy (ES: redskinsfanatical)
2 Tables (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Table (HR: hail2skins)
1 Table (ES: Skinsfan1311)
1 Table (BGO: tshile)
1 Table (ES: redskinsfanatical)
1 Table (ES: skinsfan44)
1 Generator - 2500 Watt / 3250 Watt Peak + Gas Can(ES: MarkB452)
2 300 Watt Battery Power Packs - including air compressor to inflate footballs, etc (ES: MarkB452)
1 Caja China Roasting Box (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Charcoal Grill w/Charcoal (ES: Skinsfan1311)
1 Charcoal Grill (ES: Tastes Like Chicken)
1 Charcoal Grill (BGO: tshile)
1 Grill (FB: Rob Delatos)
1 Camp Stove w/Table (ES: Skinsfan1311)
6 Chairs (ES: skinsfan44)
3 Chairs (ES: Tastes Like Chicken)
3 Chairs (ES: Skinsfan1311)
2 Chairs (ES: redskinsfanatical)
2 Chairs (ES: Pez/Huly)
2 Chairs (ES: MarkB452)
2 Stools (ES: MarkB452)
2 Coolers w/Ice (ES: skinsfan44)
2 Coolers w/Ice (ES: Pez/Huly)
1 Cooler w/Ice (ES: redskinsfanatical)
? Cups (ES: skinsfan44)
? Cups (FB: Biggs Marley)
? Cups (FB: TracyLee Skins Allen)
1 Big Box of Plasticware (ES: redskinsfanatical)
? Plasticware (FB: TracyLee Skins Allen)
1 Bag of Plastic Forks (ES: MarkB452)
? Paper Plates (FB: TracyLee Skins Allen)
2 Rolls of Paper Towels (ES: MarkB452)
? Trashbags (FB: TracyLee Skins Allen)


NEEDED ITEMS ==========

- Beer
- Soda
- Water
- Items for The Bar (Tastes Like Chicken & Ben will request needs)

- Hamburgers w/Buns
- Hot Dogs w/Buns
- Sausages, Brats, etc w/Buns
- Grilled chicken/steak/etc
- Other Protein items (Shrimp/pork/beef/chicken/etc... surprise us!)
- Side items (pasta salad, macaroni salad, veggie tray, etc)
- Desserts (cookies, brownies, pies, cakes)
- Condiments (ketchup, mustard, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, etc)
- Dips, salsa, etc

- Grills
- Canopy/Tents
- Tables
- Games (beer pong/cornhole/lasso golf/etc)
- Coolers with Ice
- Plastic Cups
- Plasticware (forks/knives/spoons)
- Paper Plates
- Napkins/Paper Towels
- Radios/Boomboxes/TV's

04-22-2013, 11:00 PM
Now I'm hungry. Sounds like a great time. Good work putting it all together

04-23-2013, 09:39 AM
The liquor to food ratio is a bit off.

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