04-22-2013, 10:10 PM
Wanted to update this one, I watched every single Bleacher Report video. I say Russell gets a second shot. His weight is down over 40 pounds, he looks quick on his feet, and still has all kinds of arm. Jeff Garcia has a future in Pro Football as a QB Coach or something, even before he took on JaMarcus there were whispers of him coming back to the NFL as a coach / specialist.
Garcia has NFL connections, even ESPN has now aired a mini documentary about Russell that is actually very touching. Garcia reached out to Russell on his own, and offered to help him come back if that's what he really wanted. He told Russell that if at any time he felt like Russell was not for real, then Garcia was done with him. He seems like a good guy who put himself in a bad situation and now is trying to go back to the only thing he knows. That in itself is sad. I did not know that both of Russell's uncles died within months of each other. The one uncle practically raised him and was a father figure. It's still unsettling to see a 6 foot 6 270 pound man cry like a baby when he talks of how sorry he is that everything turned out the way it did....
Garcia has NFL connections, even ESPN has now aired a mini documentary about Russell that is actually very touching. Garcia reached out to Russell on his own, and offered to help him come back if that's what he really wanted. He told Russell that if at any time he felt like Russell was not for real, then Garcia was done with him. He seems like a good guy who put himself in a bad situation and now is trying to go back to the only thing he knows. That in itself is sad. I did not know that both of Russell's uncles died within months of each other. The one uncle practically raised him and was a father figure. It's still unsettling to see a 6 foot 6 270 pound man cry like a baby when he talks of how sorry he is that everything turned out the way it did....