02-23-2013, 03:31 PM
I think it makes sense for the redskins to be looking, because between politics, construction and miscellaneous delays, due diligence in finding solid prospective sites is reasonable. But the concept that they would abandon maryland and dc fans for anything further than a site in NoVA is not gonna gain much traction.
Don't we still have 12 years left on the Fedex lease? I agree with you about due diligence but 12 years early seems to me to be jumping the gun. A lot can happen to any prospective site in 12 years.
Also, I agree with you that NoVa is as far away as the team will go into my home state of VA.
02-23-2013, 04:45 PM
Don't we still have 12 years left on the Fedex lease? I agree with you about due diligence but 12 years early seems to me to be jumping the gun. A lot can happen to any prospective site in 12 years.
Also, I agree with you that NoVa is as far away as the team will go into my home state of VA.
Yeah you are right it is 12 years so maybe revisit this in 2020...
02-23-2013, 05:24 PM
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? (http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?366147-Are-the-Redskins-becoming-more-of-a-Virginia-based-team) EXTREMESKINS
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? (http://www.thehogs.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39202) thehogs.net
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? - Hogs Haven (http://www.hogshaven.com/2013/2/22/4018508/are-the-redskins-becoming-more-of-a-virginia-based-team) Hogs Haven
Washington Redskins Community Forum - ESPN (http://espn.go.com/nfl/team/forum/_/name/wsh/washington-redskins#!/topic/1361589911-633-514) ESPN
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? (http://forums.prosportsdaily.com/showthread.php?804819-Are-the-Redskins-becoming-more-of-a-Virginia-based-team) Prosportsdaily
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? - hailRedskins.com Fan Board (http://www.hailredskins.com/vbforum/showthread.php?t=55005) hailredskins.com
02-23-2013, 05:41 PM
What do the MD-based posters on extremeskins think of this issue?!?!?!?!
You would have to go there and ask them.
02-23-2013, 05:46 PM
I know there's got to be some Virginians in here that would like to see the Skins playing on Sundays in the state of VA?
Alvin Walton
02-23-2013, 05:56 PM
02-23-2013, 06:06 PM
I know there's got to be some Virginians in here that would like to see the Skins playing on Sundays in the state of VA?
....just have them turn on their TV's.
02-23-2013, 06:12 PM
I know there's got to be some Virginians in here that would like to see the Skins playing on Sundays in the state of VA?
I'm lived in Virginia for most of my life. I want the redskins to keep the training camp in our state so theres less traffic, than in Maryland on gamedays. I would hate to live anywhere in a mile radius of FedEx on gamedays with that traffic. Keep that awful traffic in crappy PG county, than in nice Fairfax County for example.
And I'm one of those people you would have to pay me to go to a redskins game; I'm too happy watching it in the comfort of my own home.
02-23-2013, 06:26 PM
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? (http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?366147-Are-the-Redskins-becoming-more-of-a-Virginia-based-team) EXTREMESKINS
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? (http://www.thehogs.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39202) thehogs.net
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? - Hogs Haven (http://www.hogshaven.com/2013/2/22/4018508/are-the-redskins-becoming-more-of-a-virginia-based-team) Hogs Haven
Washington Redskins Community Forum - ESPN (http://espn.go.com/nfl/team/forum/_/name/wsh/washington-redskins#!/topic/1361589911-633-514) ESPN
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? (http://forums.prosportsdaily.com/showthread.php?804819-Are-the-Redskins-becoming-more-of-a-Virginia-based-team) Prosportsdaily
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? - hailRedskins.com Fan Board (http://www.hailredskins.com/vbforum/showthread.php?t=55005) hailredskins.com
so your point with all those links is that you are stalking all the redskin board with this same post and trying to build it up?
I don't know about anyone else here, but the warpath for me is not about agendas, just simple football talk. even though I complimented the post at first now it just seems a bit whorish.
02-23-2013, 06:49 PM
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? (http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?366147-Are-the-Redskins-becoming-more-of-a-Virginia-based-team) EXTREMESKINS
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? (http://www.thehogs.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39202) thehogs.net
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? - Hogs Haven (http://www.hogshaven.com/2013/2/22/4018508/are-the-redskins-becoming-more-of-a-virginia-based-team) Hogs Haven
Washington Redskins Community Forum - ESPN (http://espn.go.com/nfl/team/forum/_/name/wsh/washington-redskins#!/topic/1361589911-633-514) ESPN
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? (http://forums.prosportsdaily.com/showthread.php?804819-Are-the-Redskins-becoming-more-of-a-Virginia-based-team) Prosportsdaily
Are the Redskins becoming more of a Virginia based team? - hailRedskins.com Fan Board (http://www.hailredskins.com/vbforum/showthread.php?t=55005) hailredskins.com
Just like shouting does not make an argument more valid, posting many links does not make your pointless non-issue into an issue. As CRed indicated, bring it up again in the year 2020, when there might be some relevance.
BTW I am from Virginia and love the state.