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44ever 01-31-2013, 06:21 PM "it's normal way of life"?? It is the most common and, thus, prevalent in advertising, pop culture, literature and other media. Just because something is uncommon, does not mean it isn't "normal". You and a substantial number of individuals consider it abnormal for any number of a myriad of reasons. Personally, I find nothing abnormal about homosexual relationships.
Further, from basic human physiology, there is nothing abnormal about it. Some folks are vegitarians, some aren't.
Well if you think a man getting sodomized is normal then go for it!
As for vegetarians, whether you eat meat or vegies, you still do both with your mouth because thats the normal way to eat, not with your butt. Of course, I guess by your definition of normal, eating veggies with your butt is normal, just not as common.
NC_Skins 01-31-2013, 06:50 PM Well if you think a man getting sodomized is normal then go for it!
It's not "normal" for you (or me) because you are a heterosexual. For a homosexual, it is normal. You have absolutely no control over who you are sexually attracted to. Whether it be brown, ugly, beautiful, skinny, fat, male, female or any other description. Even a child molesters couldn't stop being attracted to young children if they were so inclined. This is the work of mother nature my friend. Science. I suggest you read up and learn some things.
Homosexual behaviour widespread in animals according to new study - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/5550488/Homosexual-behaviour-widespread-in-animals-according-to-new-study.html)
firstdown 01-31-2013, 06:52 PM And his name will be Elton.
Dog sentenced to death because he is 'gay' is SAVED at the last minute by animal lover... and she's going to call him ELTON!
American bulldog mix faced being destroyed today unless new owner is found
Internet outcry caused dozens to arrive at the Tennessee shelter to adopt the dog
He was taken home by kind-hearted Stephanie Fryns - who promptly christened him Elton
Read more: Dog sentenced to death because he is 'gay' saved at the last minute...and his new owner calls him Elton! | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2271192/Dog-sentenced-death-gay-saved-minute--new-owner-calls-Elton.html#ixzz2Jar6jTnJ)
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when arriving home Mrs Fryns went to fetch her poor dog a bone and when she bent over that's when rover took over and gave her a bone of his own.
Ruhskins 01-31-2013, 06:57 PM See thats the thing, were not talking about the bedroom, we are talking about the locker room.
This is about sex in the locker room? As in people having sex in the locker room. Didn't know that's what this thread was about. :doh:
firstdown 01-31-2013, 07:00 PM It's not "normal" for you (or me) because you are a heterosexual. For a homosexual, it is normal. You have absolutely no control over who you are sexually attracted to. Whether it be brown, ugly, beautiful, skinny, fat, male, female or any other description. Even a child molesters couldn't stop being attracted to young children if they were so inclined. This is the work of mother nature my friend. Science. I suggest you read up and learn some things.
Homosexual behaviour widespread in animals according to new study - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/5550488/Homosexual-behaviour-widespread-in-animals-according-to-new-study.html)
So your coming out.
CultBrennan59 01-31-2013, 07:05 PM So when do we start a thread guessing who is gay in the nfl?
SFREDSKIN 01-31-2013, 07:05 PM :goodjob:when arriving home Mrs Fryns went to fetch her poor dog a bone and when she bent over that's when rover took over and gave her a bone of his own.
I guess he had a little bunghole fever!!
mlmpetert 01-31-2013, 07:20 PM Except its a private company that is regulated by its consumers and their billions of dollars.
Also, the Packers is publicly owned.
So yeah, they are free to discriminate all they want, but if it messes with those greenbacks they will change quickly and accordingly, and we can take the 49ers organization's immediate refutation of this clown's remarks as an acknowledgement that they know all too well this ain't going to go down nicely with its consumers.
Just to be clear, and before this thread gets locked: Your comment, to my comment, is exactly how i feel (minus the Packers ownership stuff because thats a scam). My whole point being that if youre an organization thats dumb enough to discriminate, go ahead and do so, but know that its at your own peril. The ultimate regulator is the American Consumer.
Earlier this season i wondered if Goodell was smart or not when he decided to not remain mum, when Ayanbadejo spoke out in favor of gay marriage.
Goodell supports players who speak out on political issues | ProFootballTalk (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/09/13/goodell-supports-players-who-speak-out-on-political-issues/)
Then Raven's center Matt Birk came out (pun?) with a traditional marriage arguement, and Goodell stayed quite.
Birk wades into same-sex marriage debate | ProFootballTalk (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/10/01/birk-wades-into-same-sex-marriage-debate/)
Goodell ended up praising the democratic process and free speach part of Ayanbadejo's comments without specifically endorsing Ayanbadego's views, effectively appeasing the pro-traditional and pro-gay crowds. Staying quite on Birk's comments was a no-brainer and pulled the league out of the debate, which is perfect for times like right now.
You know these types of comments are going to continue to happen. The gay marriage debate isnt going away anytime soon. And 5 years ago what Culliver said wouldnt have raised any eyebrows, and im sure things like it were said all the time at laughed about. But even with the eyebrows of today raising, the comments are going to continue. Goodell cant do anything about it, and on a pendulumtopic he cant take a stance either by chastising one view and praising the other. In retrospect he played it perfectly.
SmootSmack 01-31-2013, 07:26 PM So when do we start a thread guessing who is gay in the nfl?
You seem to ask that question a lot. What does it matter?
44ever 01-31-2013, 07:27 PM It's not "normal" for you (or me) because you are a heterosexual. For a homosexual, it is normal. You have absolutely no control over who you are sexually attracted to. Whether it be brown, ugly, beautiful, skinny, fat, male, female or any other description. Even a child molesters couldn't stop being attracted to young children if they were so inclined. This is the work of mother nature my friend. Science. I suggest you read up and learn some things.
Homosexual behaviour widespread in animals according to new study - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/5550488/Homosexual-behaviour-widespread-in-animals-according-to-new-study.html)
Thank God Im not a animal... Thank God Im a man!