01-23-2013, 02:53 PM
Any guesses on who?
Some Washington Redskins Nearly Fell Victim to a Catfish Online Hoax by Someone Using the Image of an “Internet adult entertainer” | The Big Lead (http://www.thebiglead.com/index.php/2013/01/23/some-washington-redskins-nearly-fell-victim-to-a-catfish-online-hoax-by-someone-using-the-image-of-an-internet-adult-entertainer/)
Well this is embarrassing.
01-23-2013, 02:58 PM
Well this is embarrassing.
punch it in
01-23-2013, 03:02 PM
Well this is embarrassing.
Not as embarrassing as this though...
01-23-2013, 03:17 PM
I mentioned this early on.
Niles Paul was one of them if I'm correct. I think Brandon Banks tried to hook up. I think LL/HTTR-24/7 can clarify the different players. I twas interesting to watch it unfold on twitter.
the question is, after they were warned by Daniels to avoid her, did Banks, Paul and others still contact this fake chick?
01-23-2013, 04:23 PM
the question is, after they were warned by Daniels to avoid her, did Banks, Paul and others still contact this fake chick?
I'm sure that the players were trying to get up with her prior to this. Once the excuses kept coming up as to why she couldn't meet or skype, I think they suspected something and had it investigated. That's probably when Daniels got involved. So I think they backed off once they started suspecting something.
I knew she was a fake the moment I heard her on the HTTR-24/7 podcast. A person with the education that she claimed to have doesn't articulate like she did. This is one of those times where I sit back and laugh at all those dudes pumping her up because they thought she was a hot babe that liked the Redskins....lol Many up there rode her train while she tried to run down other people, and smear their names. Dumb broad never even got as much as a "follow" from me on twitter.
I think this is relevant for the occassion.
01-23-2013, 04:30 PM
the question is, after they were warned by Daniels to avoid her, did Banks, Paul and others still contact this fake chick?
This sounds like a job for ...
01-23-2013, 04:47 PM
@RedRidingH00d (before)
@RedRidingH00d (after)
01-23-2013, 05:54 PM
He never said he went to the funeral. And what is the big deal about saying he sent flowers or met her?
Edit: when i say lie i mean he didnt lie about her existence. I believe he lied about little things to "beef up" the relationship. Again this is my opinion obviously. If im rite i dont blame him or fault him. Unless ur name is George Washington you have lied at some point in your life.
Theres a difference between telling lies to your friends to make you not look like as much of a loser and going on national television and lying to the entire country.
If Te'o is truly as innocent as he proclaims, then, he wouldnt have gone public with the relationship and made it a constant focus of interviews. Think about it, how many college/NFL players are so public with their REAL relationships? Not many. So why would Te'o be so public with what he supposedly beleived to be an online relationship with a real person? The only possible answer is that he wanted to use the relationship to get attention/sympathy/heisman votes/whatever.
Te'o may have been innocently fooled by the girl. But his blatant lying (or exagerating, if you prefer) about the relationship to national media cannot be reconciled as "innocent." it was a calculated, self-serving move and he deserves every criticism thrown at him.
punch it in
01-23-2013, 06:01 PM
Theres a difference between telling lies to your friends to make you not look like as much of a loser and going on national television and lying to the entire country.
If Te'o is truly as innocent as he proclaims, then, he wouldnt have gone public with the relationship and made it a constant focus of interviews. Think about it, how many college/NFL players are so public with their REAL relationships? Not many. So why would Te'o be so public with what he supposedly beleived to be an online relationship with a real person? The only possible answer is that he wanted to use the relationship to get attention/sympathy/heisman votes/whatever.
Te'o may have been innocently fooled by the girl. But his blatant lying (or exagerating, if you prefer) about the relationship to national media cannot be reconciled as "innocent." it was a calculated, self-serving move and he deserves every criticism thrown at him.
But he was asked to do the interview, and it was because of his supposed inspirational story. You are making it sound like he asked to do an interview on tv about his girlfriend.
Edit: remember by my belief he really thought she died and so he told people. Of course thats going to be news when u are a bigtime athlete and it comes on the heels of his grandmothers death. Other nfl players arent public about their relationships because their is no story there. The media created the story and asked him to be on tv. When you have already lied to your family and friends whats the diff if u lie to a bunch of people you dont know?
01-23-2013, 06:07 PM
Just too many inconsistencies with Manti and his story. Just dont like the situation at all and at first I was all about drafting him if the stock dropped far enough for us. Now he's off my draft board, just cant trust him.