artmonkforhallofamein07 01-15-2013, 09:52 PM I don't know which is worse Lattimore or Mcgahee.
Speaking of Lattimore, would you all be oppossed to spending a 4th round pick on him?
BigHairedAristocrat 01-15-2013, 10:00 PM I wouldn't say RG3 lacks awareness, I think he's fully aware of what he's doing, he just needs to dial back on being so aggressive and get the heck out of bounds.
McGahee suffered a really major injury in college, torn ACL, LCL, and PCL. I mean his knee was just toasted, for a RB to come back from that is pretty significant. A RB takes a lot more abuse than a QB.
Running backs take a lot of abuse, but I'm thinking specifically about the knees. McGhee is pretty much a north and south runner. Rg3 does a lot of side stepping, lateral movement,rolling one way and then darting back the other, quick shifts in direction... That's more taxing in the knees.
Additionally, mcgahees recovery was remarkable... Just like petersons. I think some set unreasonably high expectations for rg3s recovery. I prefer to take a more cautious, conservative approach. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.
skinsfaninok 01-15-2013, 10:20 PM I don't know which is worse Lattimore or Mcgahee.
Speaking of Lattimore, would you all be oppossed to spending a 4th round pick on him?
Lattimore no doubt
artmonkforhallofamein07 01-15-2013, 10:25 PM Me too ;)
The guy will be out at least a year while he rehabs, but I can see Shanny taking a flyer on him.
Worst case scenario RG III sits out a year and comes back to having both Morris and Lattimore in the backfield. Apparently those two are friends, there was an article down here with quotes RG III had about thier friendship.
skinsfaninok 01-15-2013, 10:28 PM Damn Matt that was bad
CultBrennan59 01-15-2013, 10:41 PM Lattimore? No I didn't like him when he was healthy, now that he has no knee I really don't like him.
44Deezel 01-15-2013, 10:41 PM Running backs take a lot of abuse, but I'm thinking specifically about the knees. McGhee is pretty much a north and south runner. Rg3 does a lot of side stepping, lateral movement,rolling one way and then darting back the other, quick shifts in direction... That's more taxing in the knees.
Additionally, mcgahees recovery was remarkable... Just like petersons. I think some set unreasonably high expectations for rg3s recovery. I prefer to take a more cautious, conservative approach. I hope to be pleasantly surprised.
RBs spend about as much time blocking, which requires similar lateral movement. I'd say their knees, in general, take much more abuse than any QB, including a guy like RG3.
ethat001 01-15-2013, 10:50 PM MattyK - ouch, that was a gruesome video. If McCallum can run after that, it makes me optimistic that RG3 will come back stronger than ever..
"After grim NFL injury, Napoleon McCallum remained buoyant - Los Angeles Times (http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jan/18/sports/la-sp-crowe18-2010jan18)
...He'd suffered a dislocated knee. Three ligaments had been torn, ripping his calf and hamstring muscles from the bone, and he'd suffered nerve and artery damage as well.
If surgery didn't go well, a terrified McCallum was told, his left leg probably would have to be amputated.
McCallum says he runs, cycles, swims and even plays basketball. Someday soon, he says, he hopes to try a half-triathlon.
...It's just part of the game," McCallum says. "It wasn't a vicious play. I was playing football, and sometimes you get hurt."
Dirtbag59 01-15-2013, 10:53 PM I remember watching that game and almost getting sick to my stomach, just horrible
I made the mistake of getting into a one up contest with my coworkers who were talking about a college player for Georgia who recently had a terrible knee injury. Of course I had to respond with McGahee's injury and show a video to prove my point. After watching the video I became lightheaded. Lol, serves me right.