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milellie111 01-08-2013, 03:27 PM How do you lose faith in someone you didn't have faith in to begin with (no, I'm not letting you forget your "let's be realistic the Redskins are going to lose every game they need to down the stretch" post)
I don't think Shanahan did anything with the intent of jeopardizing his franchise QB's career. Stupid to say he doesn't care about people. Very stupid.
That said, I think the mistake he made was not benching a QB who was ineffective and struggling if even just for a drive or two. I can't totally understand the difficulty in doing that though
Excuse me for being a realist and not a homer. Maybe you're referring the thread i started about predictions on the Pittsburg Steelers game and i just made some objective observations? Call it negative in tone about the team or whatever, i was just stating how i saw things realistically. Did you predict this team to go 10-6 in the beginning of the season? I highly doubt it just like everyone else. So if you would have predicted 8-8, you should have been looked at as a pessimist? So why do i get tarred and feathered (mostly by you on this board) for stating my opinion?
Stupid to say he doesn't care about people? Perhaps you know Shanahan personally and have family dinners at his house. All I'm just going by is his track record and first hand accounts of what happened in Denver of him putting a players health aside to win a game. Oh yeah, and what i witnessed on the 2nd row behind the Redskins bench this past Sunday.
CRedskinsRule 01-08-2013, 03:28 PM You post this, yet you post nothing constructive to the conversation?
The conversation was ongoing in several threads. This thread, imo, added nothing, that hasn't been said or couldn't have been said within the confines of several other threads. And I have stated my belief that, although he made a wrong decision this time, Shanahan offers a clear and solid HC for the Skins now and going forward. (a shift from my original position when he was hired)
milellie111 01-08-2013, 03:29 PM Yes, but he was ineffective because he knee was hanging by a thread. Everyone saw it. Benching him keeps him out of harms way AND gives us the best chance to win. It's not like he was 100% healthy and just having an off day. If that was the case, of course you don't take him out.
Exactly GMScud. Exactly!
firstdown 01-08-2013, 03:29 PM I'm not upset he stayed in the game while injured I'm upset he left him in the game based off his performance after twisting his knee.
SCRedskinsFan 01-08-2013, 03:30 PM What in the world are you talking about?
You're proving our point. These were fluff posts when you were new here and were fawning over the Warpath.
Your substantive stuff has been predominantly negative, and, much of the time flat out wrong. (you know what post) I mean really, really, epically wrong.
That's what we're talking about.
ashvirtually 01-08-2013, 03:34 PM The biggest reason for the season turnaround and march into the playoffs was Mike Shanahan. Should he pulled him, yes, but im not gonna fault him based on what RG3 said. It wasnt malicious.Agreed on this 110% percent.
CultBrennan59 01-08-2013, 03:35 PM Look, we're all upset with the whole Griffin-Shanahan kneegate fiasco.
But MS is a proven coach. MS has won super bowls and knows what it takes. MS whether he meant to do it or not, got this team from being a joke to being a playoff team. Yes, he is arrogant, yes 1 out of every 4 of his decisions will backfire on him, but he is getting us on the right track.
It sucks we have to learn this the hard way with knee injuries and who should be told what to and not to do, but now we know for the future.
Chico23231 01-08-2013, 03:35 PM Excuse me for being a realist and not a homer. Maybe you're referring the thread i started about predictions on the Pittsburg Steelers game and i just made some objective observations? Call it negative in tone about the team or whatever, i was just stating how i saw things realistically. Did you predict this team to go 10-6 in the beginning of the season? I highly doubt it just like everyone else. So if you would have predicted 8-8, you should have been looked at as a pessimist? So why do i get tarred and feathered (mostly by you on this board) for stating my opinion?
Stupid to say he doesn't care about people? Perhaps you know Shanahan personally and have family dinners at his house. All I'm just going by is his track record and first hand accounts of what happened in Denver of him putting a players health aside to win a game. Oh yeah, and what i witnessed on the 2nd row behind the Redskins bench this past Sunday.
Dude your the reason RG3 was injuried! I heard Danny Boy call down to Shanny and say "our dream seat experience is not meeting Millie Vanillie's expectations, keep RG3 in to win this game." So while you were drowning in bordem, lack of comfort and shitty hotdogs RG3 is literrally fighting his guts out trying to win the game for u! Selfish bitch and does Danny know you only paid $285 a piece for them?
Ruhskins 01-08-2013, 03:37 PM There's plenty of blame to go around. Coaches, doctors, RG3 himself.
People want this to be black & white and it's clearly not.
And frankly the witch hunt/blame game doesn't solve anything.
I'll be curious to see how many people in this forum got on Cutler's case when he was taken out of a game last year b/c he was hurt. I can't remember exactly, but I think it may have been a playoffs game or something late in the season.
ashvirtually 01-08-2013, 03:39 PM I would have taken him out too but now that we've had some time to reflect I think the criticism Shanahan is taking is a little unwarranted.
We don't know all the facts as far as what was going on down on the sidelines or what info he had, or didn't have.
RG3 isn't the first guy in sports history to play hurt. Plenty of guys have been lauded for their courage for playing hurt or sick. And I expect if he somehow pulled that game out he'd be a hero for it. Since we lost it's easier to label it as a bad decision.
It's funny all week anytime I've heard an ex-player talk about it, most have supported the decision to keep him in the game, while those in the media that aren't ex-players are saying it was a bad move. It's all gonna be decided in hindsight. If there's nothing seriously wrong with Robert's leg, then it was the right call. If it is a career ender, then it was the wrong call.
Obviously it's not going to be a career ender. He's going to play football again, though everything I'm hearing and reading is suggesting he won't be QBing for the 'Skins again until mid-2013-season at best, summer 2014 at worse.
If I'm Snyder, tho', I might want to have a quiet word with my coach, and talk to him about the advisability of risking my property's value without some reasonable process in place to provide some perspective on such decisions. Surely we can do better than, "Hey, you OK?" when deciding a young man's fate and the future of one of the most valuable sports franchises in the world.
Myself, I'm cautious fellow. I think that after you're two TDs up with Robert, I would have thought back to game 7 in the 1970 NBA playoffs. Willis Reed, the Knicks starting center, playing with a badly injured knee, limped onto the court and hit his first two shots. Then he sat down, having inspired the team and the crowd. The Knicks beat the Lakers by 15.
Maybe you sit Robert down for a while up 14-zip after one quarter. 'Cause after that, he pretty much stunk up the joint. Understandably, but still...