03-18-2013, 01:30 PM
There's actually one way we weren't screwed. If we were not punished for doing something legal then we'd be good to go. But yeah when the league decides to arbitrarily affect the balance of the playing field then we get screwed. That's what it comes down to.
And, if they had in fact said the contracts were invalid, then we would have been left with finding alternative solutions to reducing the cap hits of those contracts through other means, either in the uncapped or capped year. there is no way we would have been hit with all 36M in capped years.
03-18-2013, 02:26 PM
Well, the other dimension of this is that we did dump cap cost, whether legally or not. And the amount of cap we avoided is probably about the amount of the penalty.
Problem is we didn't get to do it on our schedule, and the timing was godawful. But that was obviously intentional, and we have Lurie, Mara and the committee to thank for that.
There is that chance that there were in fact cooler heads in that room, and we avoided losing draft picks, which might well have happened. And that could have cost us RG3...
We just gotta make lemonade out of lemons, do what we can with our own players (probably not a bad idea anyway), and beat the crap out of these bastards on the field like last year. Time to stop worrying about who we could have gotten and focus on what we have and what the draft will bring.
03-18-2013, 02:57 PM
Yep, time to move on. The league screwed us by approving what they deemed as bogus contracts. We all know it but there isn't anything that can be done.
We've took our lashings & we now decide how to best treat our wounds.
los panda
03-18-2013, 04:13 PM
new york families, jedi, nfl office - anyone who goes against the redskins family...
03-18-2013, 05:03 PM
Copy that. I grew up on a reservation, still visit every so often, always wore/wear one of my skins caps and sometimes a shirt, sweatshirt or coat and you know what? Not a single Native ever said boo. Some even say it's cool, and especially now with RG.
Enough with the PC bullshit.
I always knew you were off the reservation... i never realized it was literal.
03-18-2013, 05:24 PM
That's as stupid ass post. Sounds like your jealous.
Exactly why is the post stupid? Jealous of what? Let me guess, you think Wall Street bankers are on the up and up too right?
03-18-2013, 05:44 PM
Assh*le is Goodell,
Penalty has no merit
Polumbus again?
03-18-2013, 05:59 PM
Assh*le is Goodell,
Penalty has no merit
Polumbus again?
I like it.
Polumbus is bad
Right tackle is a problem
Please pray for Pashos
03-18-2013, 09:34 PM
Some of you guys are weenies.
"oh we deserved to get punished"
"we dumped cap"
"we must have done something wrong"
"there was an agreement"
A bunch of pansies! DS is an idiot for not going "nuclear" when he had leverage. I'll bet Goodell was behind the scene's "look don't hold up free agency cause we are thinking of lowering the penalty" then after FA, "F U we are not lowering anything".
What we know:
The NFL colluded (broke the law)
Two teams showed they had character by not breaking the law
The suspect owners were jealous of the two teams
Punishment was issued for not breaking the law
The whole scenario is immoral
And to simply "move past this" fans are "oh we need to move on."
I'll never move on from this blatant disregard of rules, laws, and out right immoral act of a punishment. The league approved the contracts. Period. They had a duty to deny any contracts that didn't fall within their guide lines. So why didn't they?
I don't want to hear the BS about they would have been found to have been colluding BS. The league should not be able to have it both ways and eat their cake too. You either deny the contracts and hope not to get caught or you approve the contracts and look the other way. This is completely immoral to and borderline illegal to approve the contracts to not get caught, look the other way for a year, then come out with a BS story about how the two teams should be punished. If the two teams right now handed in those contracts do you think the league would have approved them and waited a year to punish? Hell no they would deny them and tell the two teams to redo the contracts.
The Skins did nothing wrong and got punished for not breaking the law. <that my friends are what we are teaching our kids today.
03-18-2013, 09:48 PM
Yep SBX you are completely right and I for one agree.