01-02-2013, 11:50 AM
I sometimes wear a brace for running and I can't stand it. It definitely restricts your movement enough to annoy you. I'm sure they have that thing on fairly tight too. You can see he kinda runs with a little hitch in his step, no doubt it's the brace doing that.
It's supposed to be a 3-4 week recovery time, perhaps this week he can go with a sleeve vs the brace? Or maybe he'll just continue with the brace, I mean if he can run for 60 yards with it how much of an issue is it really?
Of course its a precaution but I believe its mostly to keep his mind off the thought of re injury. 90% mental 10% precaution. IMO
Did you see that hit he took in the Dallas game last week where he stayed down for a few seconds? He wasn't hurt but extremely nervous about getting up on his feet not sure what to expect. Once he got up he was fine and ran with a little more confidence the rest of the game. It's a mental thing more than anything at this point.
01-02-2013, 11:52 AM
I think the brace slows him down but yea, I think hes definitely being cautious. Some plays he looked pretty explosive.
On an unrelated note, wtf was up with the field? The it looked tore up before the game even started and looked like that slowed all runners a bit. Hopefully will be good to go by Sunday.
Agree with this observation. How can the Redskins be one of the most valuable franchises in the NFL and have "CRAP" for grass and a field. Come on Snyder, buy some terf and fix this stuff before Sunday! Geez! I know our team was going "Old School" with all the runs last Sunday night, but can our field not be so old school?
01-02-2013, 11:55 AM
Of course its a precaution but I believe its mostly to keep his mind off the thought of re injury. 90% mental 10% precaution. IMO
Did you see that hit he took in the Dallas game last week where he stayed down for a few seconds? He wasn't hurt but extremely nervous about getting up on his feet not sure what to expect. Once he got up he was fine and ran with a little more confidence the rest of the game. It's a mental thing more than anything at this point.
It looked to me like he stayed down because he fell right on the ball and got the wind knocked out of him a bit.
01-02-2013, 12:14 PM
I thought he stayed down so he could hear the collective gasp, and following silence as 80000+ people held their breath till he stood up. ;)
01-02-2013, 12:17 PM
Agree with this observation. How can the Redskins be one of the most valuable franchises in the NFL and have "CRAP" for grass and a field. Come on Snyder, buy some terf and fix this stuff before Sunday! Geez! I know our team was going "Old School" with all the runs last Sunday night, but can our field not be so old school?
exactly. And Snyder wants to host a super bowl. Your field has to be nice first and foremost before you can go to the next step (stadium accessibilty)
01-02-2013, 12:20 PM
exactly. And Snyder wants to host a super bowl. Your field has to be nice first and foremost before you can go to the next step (stadium accessibilty)
PFfft. JJ didn't even have all his seats in. Skins won't get a SB till weather is disregarded. The field isn't the issue.
01-02-2013, 12:21 PM
Agree with this observation. How can the Redskins be one of the most valuable franchises in the NFL and have "CRAP" for grass and a field. Come on Snyder, buy some terf and fix this stuff before Sunday! Geez! I know our team was going "Old School" with all the runs last Sunday night, but can our field not be so old school?
Its better to look like shit then for them to add turf that does not have a root base and tears up in sections. FedEx has always been that way because they want to avoid the problems with a newly soded field.
01-02-2013, 12:31 PM
Its better to look like shit then for them to add turf that does not have a root base and tears up in sections. FedEx has always been that way because they want to avoid the problems with a newly soded field.
Ok, well then can Synder hire someone from Augusta National to teach them how to grow grass?! How is it that other teams in cold weather locations have grass in December but the Skins don't?
01-02-2013, 12:32 PM
You guys need to notice the field in Green Bay this weekend. I guarantee it will look better than Fed-X field and its freezing up there.
01-02-2013, 10:30 PM
The injury might be a blessing in disguise, read what Griffin explain about what he learned from the injury.
But Griffin said he thinks the injury has helped his game.
“It did show me things I can do to make the game easier for myself and easier on my body,” he said. “Ironically I’ve done a better job protecting myself since the injury, sliding to get down and getting all the yards I can. Sometimes things have to happen for you to really grasp that and it’s shown me a lot.
RG3 Report: Knee improving | WashingtonExaminer.com (http://washingtonexaminer.com/rg3-report-knee-improving/article/2517387#.UOTslG_BG5I)