Gtothearry 12-21-2012, 04:22 AM Ya know I love this picture of Bob but I cant stop noticing how well the lady on the left wears her shirt.
I agree!
Bucket 12-21-2012, 05:08 AM Both of RG3s injuries this tear came from passing plays and him scrambling. None from the pistol set. To be honest. I think RG3 is safer from the pistol set/ option then anything else.
44Deezel 12-21-2012, 07:45 AM Compare a season average to one game with a different quarterback and a poor pass defense? please. i could just as easily argue we run the play option offense we ran against New Orleans. We scored 40 that game vs 38 against the browns and an average of 27.4 the rest of the season, but that would be equally stupid.
The pistol and read option IS the reason our offense works, especially Alfred Morris. Contrary to popular belief, griffin rarely runs from the read option. He runs when he drops back to pass and our medicre o-line breaks down. Both of rg3s injuries this year occurred in those situations. Most of the "danger" rg3 is exposed to is the o-lines fault. The rest is rg3 not knowing how to slide. Bootlegs are great, but the pistol read option is the bread and butter of our offense. If we eliminated it, our offense would suffer and it would not protect rg3 in the least. It would actually put him at greater risk because defenses would be more likely to decipher the play and sack, hit, or tackle rg3 on a scramble.
The gameplan against Cleveland worked because it was just one game and Cleveland had no idea how to prepare. If we ran what we did against Cleveland every week, defenses would quickly catch on and snuff it out because its so similar to what a lot of other offenses run. The read option from the pistol is essentially unstoppable. The only thing that's stopped it all year is our own penalties, dropped passes, etc. and it's safer for rg3 than a traditional offense. Moving away from it would be completely stupid in every way.
It also worked because Cleveland didn't believe our rookie backup QB could beat them with his arm and decided they were going to focus heavily on shutting down the run game.
It worked early, but then KC stunned them and it was all she wrote. I believe Alf could be just as effective with that game plan once teams were forced to respect the pass.
That said, the pistol and read option present no more danger to RG3 than any other plays/formation. He's still a rookie and will learn, the hard way apparently, to slide and get out of bounds sooner. His desire to extend plays and drives is why he's gotten hurt. Nothing else.
Skinzman 12-21-2012, 10:42 AM People seem to think that the pistol and read option are mutually exclusive. The pistol is nothing more than a formation. You can do the same things out of a pistol that you can do when your QB is under center, except that it allows those things to be done quicker due to the QB already being 3 yards deep in the backfield. With the stretch running plays that we run, the pistol makes play action a lot easier. The ball can get to the RB quickly so its not a sprint by the QB to get him the ball. RG3 can just turn and hand off and it still allows Morris to get on the stretch play. RG3 can also pull the ball and do a standard drop back out of it. The pistol can be ran the entire game without a single read option being called. I like RG3 in the pistol because it means we can play action and still get him time to get his head around and start reading the defense quicker. Under center, it seems if his first option isnt open, the OL doesnt give him time to read his other progressions so off running he goes. In the pistol, he can get through at least the second option if not the third before he has to bail out of the pocket. He has been hurt twice on scrambles, I want him back deep in the pocket quickly and finding receivers while still keeping the run game and play action a major staple, and the pistol is really good for that.
Honestly, I expect to see more of the pistol, even for non mobile QB's in the future. Ben already does it some in Pittsburgh, as well as other teams trying it out more.
The Goat 12-21-2012, 03:30 PM Compare a season average to one game with a different quarterback and a poor pass defense? please. i could just as easily argue we run the play option offense we ran against New Orleans. We scored 40 that game vs 38 against the browns and an average of 27.4 the rest of the season, but that would be equally stupid.
The pistol and read option IS the reason our offense works, especially Alfred Morris. Contrary to popular belief, griffin rarely runs from the read option. He runs when he drops back to pass and our medicre o-line breaks down. Both of rg3s injuries this year occurred in those situations. Most of the "danger" rg3 is exposed to is the o-lines fault. The rest is rg3 not knowing how to slide. Bootlegs are great, but the pistol read option is the bread and butter of our offense. If we eliminated it, our offense would suffer and it would not protect rg3 in the least. It would actually put him at greater risk because defenses would be more likely to decipher the play and sack, hit, or tackle rg3 on a scramble.
The gameplan against Cleveland worked because it was just one game and Cleveland had no idea how to prepare. If we ran what we did against Cleveland every week, defenses would quickly catch on and snuff it out because its so similar to what a lot of other offenses run. The read option from the pistol is essentially unstoppable. The only thing that's stopped it all year is our own penalties, dropped passes, etc. and it's safer for rg3 than a traditional offense. Moving away from it would be completely stupid in every way.
It's almost like you don't even watch football (and certainly never played). The read/option only works if the QB keeps the ball around half the time.
The pistol also has opened him up to huge shots in the backfield, similar to drop backs I would guess.
Compare that to the little pressure Cousins saw on roll outs and play-action as a staple. You really don't seem to have any idea how offense works.
You probably didn't even recognize what we did in Cleveland is textbook Mike Shanahan/west coast, I assume because you're a kiddo?
TheMalcolmConnection 12-21-2012, 03:37 PM Jeezus H. Condescending much? :doh:
los panda 12-21-2012, 03:39 PM grow a brain
Schneed10 12-21-2012, 03:45 PM Hey Goat, eat shit and die.
REDSKINS4ever 12-21-2012, 03:58 PM I think RG can have his best passing game of the season if play-calling/scheme match what Kyle did in Cleveland. No read option or pistol this week please, it's too dangerous. But the roll out bootlegs and play-action are money.
Why not use the pistol formation/read option when it's been effective? It's contributed heavily to the Redskins 4th place offensive ranking. What's dangerous is RG3 taking off once things break down. Then he leaves himself open for the possibility of injury. No one could have imagined that his leg would have gotten crashed into by a 350 pound nose tackle.
Regardless, the Redskins need to just run their offense......
12thMan 12-21-2012, 04:09 PM lol @Schneed