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CRedskinsRule 12-19-2012, 10:47 AM Wait ... aren't we supposed to judge by past successes? In 14 years, Reid has how many Super Bowl victories? How many times did he LOSE the NFC championship? Based on past performance, how is he better than MS? After taking time off he will magically recapture and improve upon his earlier success? What is the basis for such a conclusion?
Reid has had B. Westbrook and now L. McCoy - yet he can't find a running game. Third-down calls? Clock management? All of these are things Reid has been criticized for throughout his career. Aren't they exactly the things that about which certain people have criticized MS?
What makes him better than MS? I don't get it.
Forget everything else, how you can take a talent like either B Westbrook and McCoy, and dumb down the offense to where defenses don't even have to worry about them? As ACME's favorite customer says Wile E Coyote, Super Genius!
Reid is a good coach(maybe was), but nothing in his recent past says he's going to turn it around, and I certainly strongly doubt he would here. Maybe going to SD, a change of scenery and division would spark something, but at this point in time, he just looks like he's lost it. The hiring of Juan Castillo was about as dumb a move as you could make, but then, he made an even dumber one in scapegoating his "friend" and firing him.
BigHairedAristocrat 12-19-2012, 10:54 AM If Goat is consistent in anything, it is his innate ability to be logically inconsistent.
This seems to be a recent development... or i just never noticed before. I feel like there are two or more people with access to his account. Sometimes, i feel like he's spot on. Other times, he says stuff like this.
JoeRedskin 12-19-2012, 11:06 AM Recent? No my friend ...
Example A
(1) We lack speed at receiver;
(2) Pierre Garcon is a bad signing, we should re-sign Jabar Gaffney.
Example B
(1) Our line can't pass protect;
(2) We should have a more traditional offense with Griffin doing more straight drop backs.
Example C
(1) MS past success came against weak competition in the AFC West and is not an indicator of future success;
(2) Other retread coaches with lesser resumes should be hired.
Sorry, Goat occasionally makes some legitimate points, but, IMHO, it's just b/c he always predicts failure by Shanahan. Well, not being perfect, predictions that MS will screw-up are bound to be right on occasion.
SmootSmack 12-19-2012, 11:12 AM You know what? Let's not let Goat usurp this thread. Until he returns to respond, let's just move on to the original topic at hand
JoeRedskin 12-19-2012, 11:13 AM ^^ Yup. Sorry.
So, about those PED's ...
Monkeydad 12-19-2012, 11:32 AM ^^ Yup. Sorry.
So, about those PED's ...
Perhaps the Eagles' decline from "Dynasty"-caliber to one of the worst teams in the league is because they STOPPED taking steroids. :D
Back to Black, I am almost afraid to see what "the League" does to us next. It's been very apparent we're being targeted this year...perhaps retribution for contesting the cap penalties and the well-deserved bad press the NFL has gotten because of us exposing their collusion and inconsistent application of rules?
I wouldn't be surprised to see a key player like Garcon or Trent Williams suspended for some bogus claim just to get them off the field for a key game...especially if we match up against the Giants in the playoffs, which is a likely possibility. Even if it's proven to be a false claim, the damage could already be done when we lose.
12thMan 12-19-2012, 11:39 AM Not to take this thread off course, but am I the only one who has at least thought AP might have juiced given his rapid recovery and phenomenal performance this season?
SmootSmack 12-19-2012, 11:50 AM I think someone else, NC Skins maybe?, thought the same
NC_Skins 12-19-2012, 11:59 AM I think someone else, NC Skins maybe?, thought the same
Juicing would be good for muscle recovery, not ligament recovery. In fact, steroids can cause the muscles to outgrow the ligaments/tendons, which could ultimately lead to them tearing. I wouldn't suspect AD of taking roids to repair a ACL. It would be counter productive actually.
I've dealt with this crap too much not to know about it and not to realize that a lot of guys are on it. I am to roids, what you are to sports entertainment TV. Take that to the bank.
NO, I don't think everybody is on them, but I'm certainly not surprised when any of them test positive. I'm not cynical, I'm a realist when it comes to sports, big money, and PEDS.
Brikks 12-19-2012, 12:10 PM In fact, steroids weakens the ligaments.
I've dealt with this crap too much not to know about it and not to realize that a lot of guys are on it. I am to roids, what you are to sports entertainment TV. Take that to the bank.
If SmootSmack is to sports entertainment TV, what you are to roids, then he needs to look for a new profession.