12-13-2012, 11:18 PM
3 young hall of famers at the skill positions at the start of their prime didnt hurt. A great offensive line also. And back then Jones wasn't as controlling.
Cant really compare these two situations.
Wasn't as controlling? He ran JJ out of town because he wanted to be GM.
12-14-2012, 12:52 AM
It was Gerald Snyder who insisted they sign Bruce Smith Snd start him, even after Smith himself wanted to just retire.
It was Drasner who demanded Turner be fired before the season was over and who demanded Schottenheimer be fired as well
This is some enlightening stuff. Thanks SS! I didn't know any of this. What was Drasner's problem with Schottenheimer? Or did he just want Spurrier?
12-14-2012, 01:36 AM
I would think once the owner starts telling you who to draft and play there aren't many options. Personally I would have let the SOB fire me and collect on my contract. People some forget Snyder is a real piece of work.
I had heard that Spurrier initially didn't want Patrick Ramsey but Snyder and Cerrato did. And the whole Danny Wureffel story was monstrously insane.
12-14-2012, 02:24 AM
It was Gerald Snyder who insisted they sign Bruce Smith Snd start him, even after Smith himself wanted to just retire.
It was Drasner who demanded Turner be fired before the season was over and who demanded Schottenheimer be fired as well
I never heard stories of his dad pulling strings. I think blaming anything on his father would be a mistake considering Dan owned the team. If his dad really was making the calls then that means Danny Boy was more incompetent than I thought. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if Snyder's dad was in charge, Dan is after all little fcking weasel.
Remember kids, people don't change...they just put cologne on.
12-14-2012, 08:31 AM
I had heard that Spurrier initially didn't want Patrick Ramsey but Snyder and Cerrato did. And the whole Danny Wureffel story was monstrously insane.
Go back and read my posts in this thread. Ramsey wasn't the first choice.
12-14-2012, 08:37 AM
I never heard stories of his dad pulling strings. I think blaming anything on his father would be a mistake considering Dan owned the team. If his dad really was making the calls then that means Danny Boy was more incompetent than I thought. I certainly wouldn't be surprised if Snyder's dad was in charge, Dan is after all little fcking weasel.
Remember kids, people don't change...they just put cologne on.
Well keep in mind that Snyder's father and sister were also owners of the team. Michelle was/is fairly hands off but his father had more say than most think. Gerald and Michelle combined actually owned more of the Redskins that Dan if I remember correctly.
Like I've mentioned before, the whole Dan and Vinny are best friends thing? Totally overblown. It was Vinny and Dan's dad that were best of friends.
And I mean Gerald Snyder wasn't a bad guy, he just wasn't a very good owner.
Dan was the face of the ownership group and took the heat for a lot of stuff that I know he really was just a bystander in. He certainly made his own fair share of mistakes as well
12-14-2012, 08:38 AM
It was Gerald Snyder who insisted they sign Bruce Smith Snd start him, even after Smith himself wanted to just retire.
It was Drasner who demanded Turner be fired before the season was over and who demanded Schottenheimer be fired as well
And I guess Drasner allowed himself to be bought out after seeing what mess he helped create? I don't ever remember hearing that name before.
12-14-2012, 08:47 AM
This is some enlightening stuff. Thanks SS! I didn't know any of this. What was Drasner's problem with Schottenheimer? Or did he just want Spurrier?
If I remember the story right, during preseason Drasner wanted one of Marty's assistant coaches (a real low level guy) to drive him somewhere. Marty intervened and said no, we're in the middle of practice. Drasner was livid and wanted Schottenheimer fired immediately. The other owners, mainly Snyder, pretty much told Drasner he was insane.
But from that point on, Drasner constantly bad mouthed Schottenheimer in private and public and basically had to be talked out of firing him every week.
Drasner was basically big kid with a bigger bank account. He wanted to be in the locker room, on the field, hanging out with the players, showing off his ownership. Marty would have none of that. That pissed Drasner off
It was stupid. It was painful to observe. Those years seeing the team up close for me was akin to a kid seeing someone who plays Mickey Mouse without the Mickey head on.
12-14-2012, 08:48 AM
And I guess Drasner allowed himself to be bought out after seeing what mess he helped create? I don't ever remember hearing that name before.
He got married in 2004/2005, sold his stake in the team and went on a 4+ year honeymoon sailing around the world
12-14-2012, 08:54 AM
It must be a slow week. We must be playing Cleveland or something.
It would have been nice to be a fly on the wall durring Snyder's early years. I question why all of a sudden this has become a relevant topic. It's got the feel of a Snyder PR stunt (It's not as bad as it used to be fellas). It would make for a great conspiracy theory. If only there were someone on this site who could put all of those pieces together...