That Guy 12-15-2012, 09:33 AM what part of rob parker's comments have anything to do at all with "Will RGIII start against cleveland on sunday" ?
that's all SS was trying to do, keep the thread on topic.
calling him a nazi (jokingly or not) is pretty stupid, even for someone with your reputation. If this place is so awful, why stick around? does it make you feel awesome to post ridiculous things and b$%h about the mods constantly, even when your clearly wrong?
maybe it's time to grow up.
SmootSmack 12-15-2012, 10:04 AM I mean, that's an opinion, and maybe even the consensus opinion, but there's another side to it. Never heard of the ESPN guy before today, but the fact he's on ESPN means he's a public person who holds a pretty repulsive picture of our society, or maybe life in general. Certainly the day's events are cast in the tragic shadow of yet another shooting rampage. But aren't racial tensions etc a matter of life and death too? I mean it just happened again in Florida where some idiot (white) shot a kid (black) for allegedly playing the stereo too loud.
Personally, I read what folks say about these events with more interest than I do about anything football related. I was reading all the comments in the locked thread and then saw it was off-limits here, seemed weird. That's all. No hard feelings here.
First of all, I didn’t say let’s not discuss it anymore because-as you half seriously said-we can’t say anything negative about Shanahan OR ESPN. Negative stuff is said about ESPN all the time here. I myself have expressed on more than one occasion my concerns about First Take in particular. I even started a thread about rising competitors to ESPN and how I thought it was a good thing.
You say you read what folks say about these events with “more interest than I do anything football related’ Well guess what, this is a football message board and the Locker Room is the main forum here. So football discussion is what’s going to come first. I don’t know what locked thread you’re talking about but I assume you’re talking about Dmek’s thread, which had like two or three comments in it.
Anyhow, I locked that thread because we were already deep into the Rob Parker discussion here. It then became apparent after several posts here that the discussion was nothing more than “Parker’s an idiot” “ESPN should fire him” There was no deep discourse. And in my opinion, there wasn’t a need-particularly in this thread-to continue to bring it up.
I asked you a couple of times if you were joking and then yeah by the time you started associated me moderating the thread with being a Nazi, a lot of people took that seriously. But you should probably reconsider that thought. But I know a lot of people have put you on their ignore list because they don’t feel you offer anything of value to the site, and they’d rather not even accidentally stumble across your posts. What you may not know is how many people-not even the same that have you on their ignore list-have repeatedly asked that you be completely banned. And it has zero to do with your anti-Shanahan stance.
But Matty and the other mods (myself included) have chosen not to do that, not yet at least. This isn’t a threat, it’s more like a warning. You shouldn’t have jumped to the wrong conclusions here. You shouldn’t relate anything here to Nazi-ism. If you have serious concerns you should PM Matty and/or myself or any other mod. You should put more thought into your posts. You did a post-game (after you actually watched the game) of I think the Giants game that was fantastic, but those are way way too far and few between.
Now we’ve both publicly said what we have to say. Anything further you can PM me
CultBrennan59 12-15-2012, 10:17 AM Theres an ignore list?? Explain how that works where it is/etc
Bucket 12-15-2012, 11:02 AM First of all, I didn’t say let’s not discuss it anymore because-as you half seriously said-we can’t say anything negative about Shanahan OR ESPN. Negative stuff is said about ESPN all the time here. I myself have expressed on more than one occasion my concerns about First Take in particular. I even started a thread about rising competitors to ESPN and how I thought it was a good thing.
You say you read what folks say about these events with “more interest than I do anything football related’ Well guess what, this is a football message board and the Locker Room is the main forum here. So football discussion is what’s going to come first. I don’t know what locked thread you’re talking about but I assume you’re talking about Dmek’s thread, which had like two or three comments in it.
Anyhow, I locked that thread because we were already deep into the Rob Parker discussion here. It then became apparent after several posts here that the discussion was nothing more than “Parker’s an idiot” “ESPN should fire him” There was no deep discourse. And in my opinion, there wasn’t a need-particularly in this thread-to continue to bring it up.
I asked you a couple of times if you were joking and then yeah by the time you started associated me moderating the thread with being a Nazi, a lot of people took that seriously. But you should probably reconsider that thought. But I know a lot of people have put you on their ignore list because they don’t feel you offer anything of value to the site, and they’d rather not even accidentally stumble across your posts. What you may not know is how many people-not even the same that have you on their ignore list-have repeatedly asked that you be completely banned. And it has zero to do with your anti-Shanahan stance.
But Matty and the other mods (myself included) have chosen not to do that, not yet at least. This isn’t a threat, it’s more like a warning. You shouldn’t have jumped to the wrong conclusions here. You shouldn’t relate anything here to Nazi-ism. If you have serious concerns you should PM Matty and/or myself or any other mod. You should put more thought into your posts. You did a post-game (after you actually watched the game) of I think the Giants game that was fantastic, but those are way way too far and few between.
Now we’ve both publicly said what we have to say. Anything further you can PM me
Jabar Gaffney!
Theres an ignore list?? Explain how that works where it is/etc
In your user cp
BigHairedAristocrat 12-15-2012, 11:58 AM This would be true regardless if RGIII was playing or not. RGIII doesn't need the reps as much as Cousins, and it will be good to have both ready to go.
If the skins had any confidence that rg3 would play, giving cousins the overwhelming majority of first team reps would not be particularly important. Giving cousins ALL the first team reps is telling,
12thMan 12-15-2012, 01:23 PM lol Jabar Gaffney
CRedskinsRule 12-15-2012, 05:10 PM If the skins had any confidence that rg3 would play, giving cousins the overwhelming majority of first team reps would not be particularly important. Giving cousins ALL the first team reps is telling,
I don't think its that telling. griffin may feel able to go, everything looks good, then Sunday it doesn't feel right and he can't go. better to have cousins get all the snaps in practice just in case. I also imagine they are confident griffin can run the offense at this point, so let cousins train.
Mechanix544 12-15-2012, 05:44 PM 1. I will be relieved if RG3 plays.
2. I will be one of two things if Cousins plays.
a - Extremely happy that he kicks ass and puts up a nice statline, thus increasing his trade value to around a second round value.
b - Ridiculously happy that he kicks MAJOR ass and puts up and ALL WORLD statline, thus increasing his trade value into two first round picks and a second.
I'd be more happy with option 2 (b) of course, although it will most likely be 2 (a).
Man it feels crazy to have stability and depth at the QB position!
44ever 12-15-2012, 05:50 PM Dang yall are serious! Oh well Skins Game will fix all this when we move into 1st place tomorrow! HTTR!!!
BTW... (((((GOAT))))) You are not on my ignore list buddy :)