12-13-2012, 04:01 PM
dude the Dan Patrick Show is amazing. Been hooked on the radio show since it began. How can you hate DP (b/c obessed with talking bad about the muthership)?
I only worked "with" DP for about a year. I was a huge fan of his before I joined ESPN. Dismayed to discover what an arrogant, horndog he was. Not like he was doing anything nefarious (that I know of), but basically if you weren't a hot girl he pretty much paid you no mind. Went to ESPN a huge fan of Dan Patrick and hating Colin Cowherd, but ended up hating Dan Patrick and a huge fan of Cowherd (just talking about them off camera)
But yeah the Dan Patrick Show is outstanding
12-13-2012, 04:03 PM
I only worked "with" DP for about a year. I was a huge fan of his before I joined ESPN. Dismayed to discover what an arrogant, horndog he was. Not like he was doing anything nefarious (that I know of), but basically if you weren't a hot girl he pretty much paid you no mind. Went to ESPN a huge fan of Dan Patrick and hating Colin Cowherd, but ended up hating Dan Patrick and a huge fan of Cowherd (just talking about them off camera)
But yeah the Dan Patrick Show is outstanding
What the hell is wrong with that? Most guys are that way.
12-13-2012, 04:05 PM
Oh no, I just read Skip Bayless response to Rob Parker question/statement:
"Bayless, never content to let someone else have the last infantile, stupid remark, upped the ante with this question: "What do RG3's braids say to you?"
Video: ESPN’s Rob Parker says ridiculous things about RG3, takes ‘First Take’ to new levels of depravity | Shutdown Corner - Yahoo! Sports (
12-13-2012, 04:08 PM
Well I didn't watch it today (totally hooked on Dan Patrick Show, hate the man, love the show), but I loathe Rob Parker. Like I really can't stand him. He's like the Albert Connell of ESPN on-air talent. Horrible analyst, arguably a worse person.
ESPN's Rob Parker wonders if RGIII is 'not one of us' - (
That alone should get him fired. Hell, they've fired people for saying lesser things, and the fact that Stephen A. Smith came behind him and said the following says it all....
"I'm uncomfortable with where we just went. RGIII, the ethnicity, the color of his fiance is none of our business, it's irrelevant, he can live his life any way he chooses... I don't judge someone's blackness based on those types of things."
I'll be disappointed severely if ESPN allows this man to retain his job after this crap.
12-13-2012, 04:14 PM
Firstdown-I'm guessing you're trying to be funny
Chico-Skip should have left it alone
NC-Not sure what's going to happen, but from what I've heard just talking to some friends there....people are really. really pissed. Stephen A. (among others) was livid after the show
12-13-2012, 04:18 PM
I'd be surprised if he's fired though
12-13-2012, 04:19 PM
That alone should get him fired. Hell, they've fired people for saying lesser things, and the fact that Stephen A. Smith came behind him and said the following says it all....
I'll be disappointed severely if ESPN allows this man to retain his job after this crap.
Well Stephen A. Smith still has a job, so don't get your hopes up about some kind of action.
ESPN and the race card go together like PB & J. It never ends.
12-13-2012, 04:19 PM
But hey, the "good news" is First Take is talking about RG3 non-stop these days! :)
12-13-2012, 04:21 PM
**Must refraining from saying more**
12-13-2012, 04:22 PM
So we have traditional and non-traditional racism?
I think he means acceptable and unacceptable racism, at least when it comes to being what is viewed as PC.
It seems to be traditionally be acceptable for a black person to criticize another black (or even a white person) in regards to something that might demerit their credibility as a member of a certain race and it's always simply just viewed as "keeping it real".
When a white person tries to "keep it real", it's viewed as racism nearly every time and they are at a podium 24 hours later making a press conference apology.
Not to wax on wheter it's right or wrong, that's the way I see it and it just feels like new-age racism-lite. I could care less what race your girlfriend is, what kind of car you drive, or your political affiliation; it's all about how decent you are as a person and how well you represent the team and organization. I for one am pretty proud to own an RG3 jersey as he seems to be just a generally good person (also doesn't hurt that he is an amazing athlete on the field also :))