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skinsguy 11-19-2012, 06:00 PM Guys are going to get hurt. I'm just hoping the mandatory rule to wear the thigh and knee pads in 2013 will help reduce the injuries. I know players will say the pads do nothing but slow a player down, but it didn't seem to bother players from the 80's and 90's, so I don't see why it would make that big of a difference in performance. I mean, if the NBA players are wearing more pads than the NFL players, there's something weird with that.
SCRedskinsFan 11-19-2012, 06:01 PM ^ in regards to your sarcasm: there is virtually no conceivable method of developing an equation that would accurately illustrate the competency of the group in question. There are simply to many variables in place (bone breaks vs muscle tears, recurring injuries, etc.) when your field of inquiry is a sport as violent as football. Were you to consider the majority of our more recent injuries however, you would find that most are easily reduced in their frequency, if said group had a more "competent" understanding of preventative medicine, which we currently seem to lack.
WTF! This post deserves a one month ban, it makes my ears bleed.
JoeR, could he be a lawyer? Be honest...
JoeRedskin 11-19-2012, 06:01 PM JR...he's not interested in your silly notion of "facts" and quantitative evaluation that could provide concrete conclusions approaching 100% certainty. He just KNOWS the truth.
Ahhhh ... How foolish of me to doubt him then.
SouperMeister 11-19-2012, 06:02 PM He was laying the wood for the little bit of play he had. Hopefully he can come back next year.
DynamiteRave 11-19-2012, 06:02 PM Doughty is back. REJOICE!
punch it in 11-19-2012, 06:02 PM This sorta thing makes me miss Ryan Clark, LaRon Landry, and Sean Taylor even more! There was a time when our safety core was the least of our worries. Then those dumb ass kids took Sean from this earth, and we let Clark and Landry walk away.
The answer is simple, sign Stanford Routt and move Hall to FS. We have missed a true ball hawk back there at FS, and let's be honest, Hall's only true talent is gambling and hawking the ball.
Stanford Routt stinks. I know our secondary isnt good - at all - but this guy is so overrated by people for some reason - he is not the answer. He would be the new poster child for our piss poor secondary within seconds of him running onto the field for the first time.
SCRedskinsFan 11-19-2012, 06:03 PM Unfortunately, those classifications are not defined within the scope of football, so the classification is nothing more than the diagnosis; making their analytical relevance "a wash." We have a bad history within the organization of players suffering non-career threatening injuries yet never finding the field on a consistent basis after the fact, as an example. And though I may not be a doctor, I am a graduate of my university's school of health and human performance; so I insist that you do not pass "the new guy's" rant as one of angered stuper.
Well, I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express last night...
FRPLG 11-19-2012, 06:04 PM 3MiamiDade21egend6:
I think you might have a point that you are not making very elegantly. I don't know that anyone is specifically saying there ISN'T a problem more than we're saying that we're not so sure and would like to see some type of analysis beyond "I know what I'm talking about and you should just believe me".
EDIT: and if you're not interested in making a point and backing it up with some type of proof then not many will be interested in said point. Moreover, if you openly eschew rational evaluation people will probably only continue to ridicule you.
JoeRedskin 11-19-2012, 06:04 PM WTF! This post deserves a one month ban, it makes my ears bleed.
JoeR, could he be a lawyer? Be honest...
Sure, there are a lot of lawyers out there who spout nonsense. Hell, I make stuff up all the time - you just never know when someone might actually believe you. [Cue CRed's sarcastic response ...]
Chico23231 11-19-2012, 06:06 PM Anyone else here think 3MiamiDade posts in a way uncannily similar to fanarchist?
lol...i couldnt put my finger on who that sounded like, but winner winner chicken dinner. lol