10-25-2012, 09:07 AM
Being from NJ there is nothing I like more than beating the Giants. That being said Portis is definitely washed up and definitely ringless. Lol. As for their two superbowls in the past five years - ummm - where do I sign my team up?
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On the "We need a secondary" list...
10-25-2012, 09:25 AM
I have the all 22, I got it with the intention of doing a weekly review, but life has got in the way for now. Maybe next season. It's well worth the money though. I definitely recommend it.I've seen most of the all-22 for the Redskins season, including the Giants game, but I haven't really gotten a chance to sit down and put together a bunch of unique thoughts from seeing it.
Probably the biggest thing I noticed this year is how complex our schemes are (which is both good and bad) compared to everyone elses. Also, Fletcher can't run anymore...yet, he still seems to make the tackle every play anyway.
10-25-2012, 09:54 AM
I've seen most of the all-22 for the Redskins season, including the Giants game, but I haven't really gotten a chance to sit down and put together a bunch of unique thoughts from seeing it.
Probably the biggest thing I noticed this year is how complex our schemes are (which is both good and bad) compared to everyone elses. Also, Fletcher can't run anymore...yet, he still seems to make the tackle every play anyway.
When you say our schemes are complex, are you referring to the Offense, Defense or both? Do all the players seem to be able to follow the schemes? Or, in your opinion, is the complexity leading to breakdowns? How often? I am assuming this would be the "bad" part.
I, too, appreciated SS33's and your analysis. I just never had the time to really sit down and break down tape.
10-25-2012, 10:43 AM
I've seen most of the all-22 for the Redskins season, including the Giants game, but I haven't really gotten a chance to sit down and put together a bunch of unique thoughts from seeing it.
Probably the biggest thing I noticed this year is how complex our schemes are (which is both good and bad) compared to everyone elses. Also, Fletcher can't run anymore...yet, he still seems to make the tackle every play anyway.
Are you referring to defense being complex? While I don't agree with some, that this offense is bland/predictable, I don't know if I'd go as far as to call it complex, though I don't have all-22 and what do I know.
Seems like you think all-22 is worth it though, which package did you end up choosing?
Redskins vs. Giants: Studs and Duds (offense) | (
10-25-2012, 10:58 AM
I don't know if I hate the Giants more than I hate their fans. They are some bragging trash talking bastards. I mention Clinton Portis, and a NYG tells me how Portis is washed up and ringless. So arrogant and big headed because they've won 2 Super Bowls in five years. They also won't shut up about Cruz's TD pass from Manning scored on Wilson and Williams. I talked up my Redskins though....
Try being a Redskins AND Jets fan around Giants fans...then come talk to me
10-25-2012, 11:19 AM
Try being a Redskins AND Jets fan around Giants fans...then come talk to me
LOL...again you bring it on yourself,....Jets...really?:confused:(sarcasm)
punch it in
10-25-2012, 11:43 AM
Try being a Redskins AND Jets fan around Giants fans...then come talk to me
Never understood the dual citizenship thing in the sports world? So what do you do when they play each other?
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10-25-2012, 11:52 AM
Never understood the dual citizenship thing in the sports world? So what do you do when they play each other?
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Root for the Redskins of course
10-25-2012, 11:56 AM
Most true fans have a dirty little affair going on the side. Mine is the Raiders. Im always rooting for those stinky raiders since the early 80's even though the beat us in the SB. Hell most of their roster over the years have been flooded with ex Redskins.