Week 6 Washington Redskins vs Minnesota Vikings Pregame Thread

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10-11-2012, 10:26 AM
This is just beyond ridiculous.

10-11-2012, 10:27 AM
Doctors are not all knowing. At the same time, you're comparing apples to oranges and assuming that (1) knowledge of concussions and brain injuries is unchanged from "yesterdays"; (2) the investment in and replacability of players is the same as in generations past and (3) the league is on notice, and therefore more likely to be liable, that encouraging or even allowing players to play after head injuries increases the risk of further injury over the long term.

Head trauma is taken much more seriously than it was even 10 years ago and considerable more research has been done in the field.

You may be right, perhaps the team doctor shined a light in RGIII's eyes, held up 3 fingers and said - DR.: "How many fingers do you see son?" RGIII: "4" DR.: "Close enough, you're good to go."

Somehow, I doubt that was the extent of it.

And just we're clear - RGIII wanted to return to play last Sunday but Shanahan said no. Immediately after the hit, RGIII got the score and quarter right and asked to go back in. Shanny didn't think he looked right, had him sit a couple and then reasked the questions which Griff then got wrong. At that point, they sent Griff for additional testing.

Had Shanny been unconcerned he could have said "Hey, he got the answers right. I thought he was okay" and just sent him right back in. He didn't even though the player wanted to return.

He's been cleared. He needs to be careful. He will be monitored - his long-term success means too much to too many people in the organization.

Brian Dawkins also wanted to play. He stated that someone needs to take that decision away from the players. I think most players would also want to keep playing. That doesn't mean they are fine by any means.

But I do appreciate your thoughts and comments. I'm a reasonable man. I understand where you are coming from.

10-11-2012, 10:38 AM
This is just beyond ridiculous.


Perhaps Goat should just make that his avatar ... or maybe a mod could do it for him.

10-11-2012, 10:43 AM
It looks like Dale Earnhardt isn't racing the next 2 races because of a concussion he suffered at the race this past weekend. The fact that the question of whether RG3 should play or not whether you believe that he should or shouldn't is proof that the situation of whether he should or not is very relative and important and shouldn't be dismissed or is not a matter of concern by someone who doesn't know any better. My opinion could be wrong but there are many others who feel the same way and others who don't. But to anyone who thinks the question isn't relevant is basically just babbling.

10-11-2012, 10:48 AM
Brian Dawkins also wanted to play. He stated that someone needs to take that decision away from the players. I think most players would also want to keep playing. That doesn't mean they are fine by any means.

But I do appreciate your thoughts and comments. I'm a reasonable man. I understand where you are coming from.

First, thank you. Reasonableness is something for which would all should strive.

Second, as to the point, I think a considerable amount of the decision has been taken away from the players - the concussion guidelines are something relatively new. At the same time, one could look at borderline players and a few of them saying "Look, I gotta play or I will be out of a job. I'll sign whatever waiver you want me to." When does the individual have the right to assume whatever risk he wants? As long as a player is fully informed of the dangers, can owners and coaches deny them the right to take the risk in order to play for a couple more years? Maybe football is all they have and, as borderline players, they need to bank all they while they can?

Safety, of course, is paramount - but, in emphasizing safety, when does it begin to infringe a player's right to take on risk for profit?

10-11-2012, 10:51 AM
and done on that topic. Now to Sunday.

I don't like our chances. We hold Peterson to respectable numbers but we make Ponder look all pro'ish. There D-line destroys our O-line and Morris has no where to go ...

and RGIII can't remember what inning it is.

10-11-2012, 10:53 AM
First, thank you. Reasonableness is something for which would all should strive.

Second, as to the point, I think a considerable amount of the decision has been taken away from the players - the concussion guidelines are something relatively new. At the same time, one could look at borderline players and a few of them saying "Look, I gotta play or I will be out of a job. I'll sign whatever waiver you want me to." When does the individual have the right to assume whatever risk he wants? As long as a player is fully informed of the dangers, can owners and coaches deny them the right to take the risk in order to play for a couple more years? Maybe football is all they have and, as borderline players, they need to bank all they while they can?

Safety, of course, is paramount - but, in emphasizing safety, when does it begin to infringe a player's right to take on risk for profit?

Indeed. Most interesting.

10-11-2012, 11:12 AM
(1) I did read your original post - did you? The specific question within it was directed "to those of you who had/thought you had concussions" and asked for descriptions by those people of their symptoms. In the post, before receiving responses to your, apparently, rhetorical question, you concluded that "with a real concussion you're not going to be able to do much".

I have never had a concussion so I could not address your specific question and was not attempting to do so. Rather, your conclusions as to the diagnosis and post trauma symptoms of a "real concussion" appeared blatantly wrong to me (i.e. unless you are incapacitated for some significant length of time - "a few days" by your example - it is not a real concussion). Further, your conclusions appeared to be predicated on the erroneous assumption that concussions do not vary greatly in severity or, alternatively, that there is no such thing as a "mild" concussion. These conclusions appeared based on either (a) your own medical training and experience; or (b) the statement from your doctor. I focused on your doctor's statement rather than the inherent arrogance necessary to reach such conclusions based on your own medical knowledge.

(2) Given that your doctor's statement appeared blatantly wrong even to a layman like me, I was curious and googled "concussions classification". As a result, I got all sorts of scales/classifications for judging "mild" v. "severe" concussions with descriptions of their short term and long term effects and addressing both "the risk of further trauma (as in shots to the head) after a concussion" and "the long term effects different for severe vs "mild" concussions". I simply did not post them all b/c (a) it's easy enough for you to do the google research all on your own; and (b) it was irrelevant to the point I was asserting.

My point, which clearly escaped you, was simply that your doctor's assertion that all concussions present an equal short term risk is a broad over-generalization and, for the point you asserted, wrong. "Real concussions" come in a variety of levels and a person who "take[s] a shot to the head and feel[s] a little dazed" may very well be concussed. As a quick google search will tell you, such an individual requires different treatment and recovery time than one who has "several days of nauseau, fogginess and generally not feeling like [their] feet were under [them]". Diagnosing the trauma and determing the best treatment, however, is probably best left to doctors. Just not yours apparently.

(3) I never said your doctor "lied to you". I just asserted his statement was wrong and blatantly so such that it would make me doubt his credentials and skill.

Alles klar, herr Kommisar?

Since I agree with all of your arguments, let me correct your closing statement:

Herr would always be capitalized, and Kommissar needs another "s".

Alles klar?

10-11-2012, 11:16 AM
Excellent. Where were all these nuerologists or the profession of nuerology when players from yesterdays can't even tie there shoes now? I'm sure they would have given them the OK to play too after 3 or 4 days and could tell the doctor how many fingers he was holding up. It's a miracle they now know it all and clear someone to play 7 days later.Maybe if some of the people who are so sure he should play got their brain scrambled or had this happen to their son and forgot what the score and time was they may not be so ready and arrogant to volunteer RG3 to play seven days later.

Ask Brian Dawkins how he feels about it. Someone who knows more about this than anyone on this board when doctors who cleared him to play when in fact Brian said he wasn't ready to play. I'll take his word since he has been cleared to play by doctors when he knew he shouldn't have been cleared.

RG3 just had a brain injury and now 4 days later everything is just fine. Doctors are all knowing now. They know everything there is to know about the brain now. Sometimes I forget. I wonder if these same doctors would clear their son to play so soon? I highly doubt it.

I might be wrong. But I doubt it. I doubt Brian Dawkins is wrong either.
This is just the reason we drafted Kirk Cousins for when some say we shouldn't have. I think a week off is better than none.

If he hurts his leg or arm then take him out since you can see that but if he hurts his brain screw him. He'll be just fine. Be tough and go get em now RG3.

From someone who has worked in the construction industry for plenty of his life. From someone who knows people first hand that have destroyed their bodies building houses. From someone who has desperately needed surgery but never had it because months off from work means months off from eating.

Guess what... If you knew my or my friends problems, would you throw your kids out on the streets and say houses are bad because the people building them are hurting themselves? and not making millions per year to do so.

Are you honestly going to force being homeless on people because its bad that someone like me has a messed up shoulder and back for life, all from building you a place to live? Or does you having a place to live all of a sudden mean im worthless among the grand picture and my daughter not having a father is perfectly fine for you? Who cares if I destroy myself so you can be comfortable... Right?

As cold as this is going to sound. No one is required to play football. That doesnt mean treat them like animals, but it does mean they have to actually play the game at some point to get paid. Everyone of them knows the problems later in life. Im sure most of them already know of some of those problems they could have destroying their body at a fraction of the pay as well in construction or some other industry, ask anyone who used to work with Asbestos years ago.

So when you kick your kids to the streets to fend for themselves because living indoors causes your empathy meter to jump through the roof, then complain about the NFL. Until then, accept that people like me, in an attempt to feed and house our own families, have destroyed our bodies for your own personal pleasure. The same thing that you are claiming we shouldnt do. After all, our families being fed arent good enough reasons apparently to make money for, according to you.

Moral of the story: A lot of people damage themselves in every day life. They do it for money, fame, whatever reason. I would love every occupation to have zero negative health effects, but that isnt reasonable to expect. What can be done is to try and minimize that damage, but other than that...

Bleeding heart yourself about football all day long, just dont forget that a lot of what you use in every day life required blood sweat and tears to bring to your house for your comfort. By the way, cell phone towers are really tall. People have fallen from them setting up and maintaining cell phone towers. You support giving up cell phone use? After all, those towers need constant maintenance, if we use cell phones. We force a job into society. Which is climbing a thousand feet in the sky. And people will fall and die. You against cell phones now? I could be wrong but falling a thousand feet to your death is a lot worse than getting a concussion. And you get paid a lot less to fall to your death than you do to get a concussion in the NFL. I would rather risk concussions in the NFL for 100 times the pay if you really want the truth. Im sure all of you do as well.

Sounds cold, but reality a lot of times is. Of course all of you already know the cold reality of football players. Yet where will you be on Sunday? Rooting on RG3. If you are against RG3 playing... dont watch. If you are against people hurting themselves for your pleasure. Dont watch football, destroy your house and become homeless, and toss your cell phone in the trash... Among multiple other things.

With my body the way it is as someone who is only in his forties and knowing the dangers of the NFL. I would change out my pay and damage done to my body for the pay and damage from the NFL in a second...

10-11-2012, 12:36 PM
for anyone wondering why ppl are scared, at least for THIS week and being its 7 days later, about what could happen with being cleared to play too soon......

i'll state again for anyone who follows hockey. See Sidney Crosby.

ppl are worried, and passionatley at that, so arguing is stupid. just let ppl worry about the kid. ultimately nothing we say matters lol, he and the doctors and the coaches are the ones who will decide, but if ppl want to express concerns, so be it... no one here is an expert, just passionate about this team and express the views and opinions they have thusly. ease up on eachother we're humans being humans.

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