10-11-2012, 03:44 PM
This is just beyond ridiculous.
I'm enjoying the comedy myself. I think Madden should add in a "Medical Trainer" expansion pack to his football game. It seems he has the market for it.
Could you imagine Shanahan having to explain that while RG3 was closely monitored all week by an independent neurologist, and despite the fact he passed all the independent testing, that he was going to go ahead and overrule the Dr.'s educated and informed opinion and keep him on the bench anyway?
10-11-2012, 03:58 PM
Could you imagine Shanahan having to explain that while RG3 was closely monitored all week by an independent neurologist, and despite the fact he passed all the independent testing, that he was going to go ahead and overrule the Dr.'s educated and informed opinion and keep him on the bench anyway?
I can imagine the response would be something like
"Another sign of arrogance on the part of Mike Shanahan. Doctors, who trained to do this, cleared RG3 to play. But because Shanahan's trying to prove that he can coach anyone (John Beck anyone? smh) and still win he sat RG3 down. Typical Mike Shanahan thinking of only what makes him look good."
punch it in
10-11-2012, 04:03 PM
Im not a doctor and am ecstatic that RG-3 is playing this week(for obviously completely greedy reasons having to do with the redskins and my fantasy team). I understand the doctors cleared him to play, but that does not mean that it is ultimately the best thing for the athlete. There are plenty of studies done that show returning to soon can create problems down the road even after all of the follow up tests are done, passed, etc. I mean some of you guys are making it seem like nothing happened. The concussion that he suffered still puts him in a more vulnerable spot than someone who did not suffer one last week. It is not complete idiocy to think that sitting RG-3 for another week is at least a viable option.
10-11-2012, 04:11 PM
I understand the doctors cleared him to play, but that does not mean that it is ultimately the best thing for the athlete.
Ultimately, the best thing for a athlete is to never play a contact sport like football. If you feel so strong about it, stop watching football.
At this point a concussion would be less painful than this thread.
los panda
10-11-2012, 04:16 PM
At this point a concussion would be less painful than this, how 'bout that adrian peterson?
punch it in
10-11-2012, 04:23 PM
Ultimately, the best thing for a athlete is to never play a contact sport like football. If you feel so strong about it, stop watching football.
Wow -that sounds like some good ole ES stuff rite there.
Classic - never watch football - close the thread??? lol
All im saying is I am sure there was some thought about playing/not playing him this week as well there should be.
To dismiss the fact that he suffered a concussion because he is not as fast as a race car is crazy and over the top.
I never said I feel so strongly about anything Im just making some points. Did I say I dont think he should play? No. I said it is not an idiotic thought like you guys are making it out to be.
10-11-2012, 04:27 PM
Im not a doctor and am ecstatic that RG-3 is playing this week(for obviously completely greedy reasons having to do with the redskins and my fantasy team). I understand the doctors cleared him to play, but that does not mean that it is ultimately the best thing for the athlete. There are plenty of studies done that show returning to soon can create problems down the road even after all of the follow up tests are done, passed, etc. I mean some of you guys are making it seem like nothing happened. The concussion that he suffered still puts him in a more vulnerable spot than someone who did not suffer one last week. It is not complete idiocy to think that sitting RG-3 for another week is at least a viable option.
I get that, but how long do you sit him out? What does sitting him out a week do? If you don't play him until the Giants game on the 21st and he gets a concussion then, would it be any better than playing him this weekend and he doesn't get one?
los panda
10-11-2012, 04:29 PM
i understand the better safe than sorry approach. with a brain injury, i get that point of view - like if we can't confirm on thursday that he will be ready to go on sunday, better sit him, give him some more time, and error on the side of caution.
but, that being said, griff is a smart man, i trust his trust in the examining doctors.