10-09-2012, 04:53 PM
Our moves in the O.S were very good imo, everyone was bitching about offense and we went out and spent money on the O. Yeah it's not a good team but at least we can score and we have a damn good QB now. Better than losing with sorry ass REX or Mcnabb
10-09-2012, 04:53 PM
I think the point im eternally trying to make (the reason i got booted from es - i spoke up against the man) is that we are all fans. There are those of us who are frustrated and those of us who remain forever optimistic. Its just that based on the last twenty years the frustrated ones ( not giving up or we wouldnt even care) have much more of a platform to stand on than the optimistic one. I would post our overall record both regular and post season but we all know what it is.
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Frustration is one thing. Making up shit is another
punch it in
10-09-2012, 04:55 PM
No...I love losing.
Of course I get tired of it. But don't bash just to bash is all I'm saying. Should have gone after a RT. Ok, fair argument. Shouldn't have spent money on Garcon when we could have just held onto Gaffney for another year at a lower price and waited for a better option. Fine. Shanahan saying Griffin was shaken up is a sign of poor management and coaching. Say what? Fisher has totally turned the Rams around and he had to face the powerhouse AFC. Come again?
And I like Fisher and think the Rams have good young talent and can be competitive...but they're five games...FIVE GAMES...into Fisher's tenure and already were throwing a parade for them. Based on what? And Fisher and Shahanan's records over the same period of time are comparable so don't put Fisher on a pedestal and call anyone who even remotely hints at supporting what Shanahan has done an apologist.
I think though that goats and mine and others frustration runs alot deeper than these fice games. Its just that now we are once again seeing a new coach in a new place - a place that has been drafting rite in front of us for a few years starting off 3-1 and here we are 2-3 and in last place. I know its early but its like oh man here it goes again. We have seen this movie before.
Edit: fish and the rams are the new poster boy for the "shit why cant that be us club".
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10-09-2012, 04:59 PM
if i said the skins had identical offensive numbers to the saints this year would that make u like shanny more?
28 PPG and 400 YPG. Exact same as N.O. high powered offense
10-09-2012, 05:05 PM
Hey skinsfaninok you need to get up early and open up a Break It Down Thread on the Vikings tomorrow! Cause the last time you did the Skins won!!! And Cause I'm Very Superstitous !!! Now bob yo head and tap yo feet!! Lets loosen them mood around this mofo. And always hold the doe fo the bro with tha fro at tha licka sto.
Stevie Wonder ~ Superstition - YouTube (
punch it in
10-09-2012, 05:09 PM
I am not necessarily hating on shanny. Im hating on the organization in general. I just want to win. I dont care who does it. Im not a gibbs fan im not a zorn fan or a shanny fan or even a rg3 fan. You know why - because one day any of them might be wearing other colors. I will be wearing b&g until i die and ill probably be buried in it. But to answer ur question - no. The saints are 1-4. I just want to win and good teams with good coaches fond a way to win no matter what the rankings say. My fantasy team however has been very happy with rg-3. Im not the doom and gloom guy okie. Im not bashing just to bash SS. I am very positive and keep the critiscism out of the game day threads because there is no place for it there really. My "post game thoughts" i consider realistic though. Win and i will show appreciation. It doesnt mean im a hater. When my kid does bad in school they aint getting a reward. Doesnt mean i hate them though. Doesnt mean im not rooting for them to do better next time.
Ok rants are done for the day.
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10-09-2012, 05:18 PM
Hey skinsfaninok you need to get up early and open up a Break It Down Thread on the Vikings tomorrow! Cause the last time you did the Skins won!!! And Cause I'm Very Superstitous !!! Now bob yo head and tap yo feet!! Lets loosen them mood around this mofo. And always hold the doe fo the bro with tha fro at tha licka sto.
Stevie Wonder ~ Superstition - YouTube (
LOL sounds good to me man!
The Goat
10-09-2012, 05:44 PM
sam is a very good QB, he just has NO help at all around him and he still does a decent job.
Word. Fisher will solve that problem though with the plethora of picks in the next few years. But honestly that team has a lot of holes. The oline is pretty weak. No standout #1 WR. An aging franchise RB. Fisher has his work cut out for him. If he can be a winning coach this season, as in above .500, it's a pretty considerable achievement.
The Goat
10-09-2012, 05:46 PM
James Cameron couldn't build a machine to get to as deep in the hole as you are.
You forget that Fisher got to play the mediocre to average Jaguars and Texans four times a year? (with some exceptions for the Jaguars, usually when the Titans were bad)
James Cameron wouldn't waste James Cameron's time digging a guy like me out of the hole, unless I was 20 leagues under the sea :)
10-09-2012, 05:49 PM
Word. Fisher will solve that problem though with the plethora of picks in the next few years. But honestly that team has a lot of holes. The oline is pretty weak. No standout #1 WR. An aging franchise RB. Fisher has his work cut out for him. If he can be a winning coach this season, as in above .500, it's a pretty considerable achievement.
The Rams have talent. They should certainly be playoff contenders by Fisher's third year.