punch it in
09-29-2012, 10:46 AM
Plenty of people do say MS is a prick, a liar, a fraud who only ever won because of Elway and Davis.
1. Why 6 wins? Am I missing something? Anyhow, yes I do believe those teams were much better suited for short term success.
2. I expected and still do around .500 this year and a winning record and playoffs by next year that would continue with regularity after that
Six wins better because i was comparing their record to the current team. I guess five would be more fair although this year is off to 1-2 so thats why i said six.
Ok thank you - so next year is the year you think that all shannys moves and his vision will translate to wins. Seems to be about the normal thought. I hope so. If they do i will say - wow shanny really had me going those first three years i thought maybe he was not on track for this.
punch it in
09-29-2012, 10:51 AM
This is the biggest reason I didn't want Shanahan here, because too many people would think "well damn he should just win here instantly"
Anyone who thoght that was / is delusional. I havent questioned shanny until now. Year three. Maybe my creeping doubt is premature. I sure hope so.
09-29-2012, 11:00 AM
And Okie contrary to the backlash im taking for offering up the opinion that maybe shanny isnt doing a good job i do believe he was / is / could be again a great coach. Maybe the problem lies elswhere - his oc and dc - just dumb luck? I dont know. Im certainly not a debbie downer or a pessimistic skins fan. I do realize whole heartedly the damage that was done to the fabric of our team by vinny. I guess it just bothers me slightly that shanallen and this new regime are being hailed as saviors when they havent saved anything. Im not saying they wont im saying they havent yet so can we hold back on the thank you letters until they do. Can wr reserve judgement until i see it translates into wins. Why does that put me in the doom and gloom category? Lol
I understand where u are coming from when u say that shanny may not be the coach we thought he was because we haven't won in so long that who is the right guy? Your not the only one who is having doubt but I want to finish the season and hopefully win around 8 games to start something for next year
How about we finish this talk after the season?
All this doom and gloom after 3 games is slightly ridiculous.
It's a long season folks, buckle up.
punch it in
09-29-2012, 11:19 AM
Fair enough. Not doom and gloom though. Just concern for my team. Maybe unwarranted concern as i have stated. Lets beat tampa either way!
09-29-2012, 11:42 AM
Nick Collins’ career is likely over | ProFootballTalk (http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/09/28/nick-collins-career-is-likely-over/)
09-29-2012, 12:09 PM
Matty do you not see any reasoning in the fact that shanny should not be loved by skins fans UNTIL he wins? I see alot of the same people that praise shanny now say things like gibbs shouldnt have come back. Gibbs went to the playoffs twice Shanny gets alot of love here because of his past success. How come it was so easy to overlook gibbs past success?
I didnt realize I was supposed to hate RG3 until he won a SB in a Redskins uniform, my bad, wont happen again. I will make sure to hate every Redskin player, coach, front office staff, secretary, and announcer that has anything to do with the team from now til that SB crown is achieved.
I don't think anyone is saying Shanahan has done an A+ job here. But I don't think it's fair to say things like all he's done that's noteworthy was to bring in RG3 or his 2 SB wins were a complete fluke. That's a little short sighted if you ask me and really not an intelligent discussion.
punch it in
09-29-2012, 12:33 PM
I didnt realize I was supposed to hate RG3 until he won a SB in a Redskins uniform, my bad, wont happen again. I will make sure to hate every Redskin player, coach, front office staff, secretary, and announcer that has anything to do with the team from now til that SB crown is achieved.
Typical extremist comment. Dont quote me and than twist my words around just to make a splash. There is a huge, i repeat huge difference in saying i want more wins than losses and i want superbowls. Lol. I have not said one thing that even remotely resembles what you are implying that i said. Please.
punch it in
09-29-2012, 12:34 PM
I don't think anyone is saying Shanahan has done an A+ job here. But I don't think it's fair to say things like all he's done that's noteworthy was to bring in RG3 or his 2 SB wins were a complete fluke. That's a little short sighted if you ask me and really not an intelligent discussion.
I also never said this. It is hard to have an intelligent discussion when everyone is either an uber optimist or an uber pessimist though?