09-24-2012, 06:27 PM
Who is Moody?
I'm fairly moody after Sunday's game, but here's who I meant:
Baltimore local Katie Moody might have taken her love for the New England Patriots one tweet too far last night, when she posted this on Twitter....<SNIP>
punch it in
09-24-2012, 06:40 PM
I'm fairly moody after Sunday's game, but here's who I meant:
Baltimore local Katie Moody might have taken her love for the New England Patriots one tweet too far last night, when she posted this on Twitter....<SNIP>
If you know of any petitions to have her dumb ass fired please start a thread on here about it. That is probably the worst thing i have ever heard anybody say in the age of social media.
09-24-2012, 06:56 PM
If you know of any petitions to have her dumb ass fired please start a thread on here about it. That is probably the worst thing i have ever heard anybody say in the age of social media.
Katie Moody is a Sr. Administrative Coordinator at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
I'm too lazy to start an online petition, hopefully Johns Hopkins School of Medicine will exert pressure enough that she resigns.
09-24-2012, 07:00 PM
Katie Moody is a Sr. Administrative Coordinator at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
I'm too lazy to start an online petition, hopefully Johns Hopkins School of Medicine will exert pressure enough that she resigns.
Yup it's stupid, bad.ignorant and all of that but what will you get out of it if she gets fired?
09-24-2012, 07:03 PM
Yup it's stupid, bad.ignorant and all of that but what will you get out of it if she gets fired?
Her ugly behavior needs to have some kind of repercussion. I'd like that Tweet to follow her around like herpes the rest of her life.
And I did say 'resign', I get misquoted enough on this board. Get it right, Big1.
punch it in
09-24-2012, 07:07 PM
Yup it's stupid, bad.ignorant and all of that but what will you get out of it for if she gets fired?
I will get out of it a feeling of joy that american institutions do not see fit having rude insensitive thoughtless stupid ignorant cold hearted soul -less idiots working for them. Especially in any position of superiority. I will get out of it that there is still a sense of importance placed on a human beings moral fiber when given the opportunity to secure a job in this world. What if Coughlin had tweeted that? Would you want him as the coach of your teAm today. Bottom line is there is a place in this world for kind people not unkind people imo.
09-24-2012, 07:14 PM
Yup it's stupid, bad.ignorant and all of that but what will you get out of it if she gets fired?
Yeah, people say dumb things at bad times. Should she be fired for it? No. Will I feel bad if she is? Not in the least. People in positions of power will always be held to a higher standard.
09-24-2012, 07:23 PM
I will get out of it a feeling of joy that american institutions do not see fit having rude insensitive thoughtless stupid ignorant cold hearted soul -less idiots working for them. Especially in any position of superiority. I will get out of it that there is still a sense of importance placed on a human beings moral fiber when given the opportunity to secure a job in this world. What if Coughlin had tweeted that? Would you want him as the coach of your teAm today. Bottom line is there is a place in this world for kind people not unkind people imo.
Well thats you.I've seen and heard worse.AGAIN not defending her but you honestly mean to tell me you have never heard anything that stupid at other sporting events?One reason I won't take my grandkids to games anymore is because of behavoir just like this not just at the pro level,college to,and I will tell you at some pee/wee level outings to.Look I agree it was stupid and ignorant of her...get her banned from tweeting but to go after her empoyer to make her "resign" is just makes you as bad as she is.
09-24-2012, 07:25 PM
Yeah, people say dumb things at bad times. Should she be fired for it? No. Will I feel bad if she is? Not in the least. People in positions of power will always be held to a higher standard.
When it comes to their job absolutly,but when it comes to being a sports fan doing something on your own time,no.