08-24-2012, 01:36 PM
Cool story
Trent Dilfer: Matt Hasselbeck saved my life | NBC Sports (
Outstanding story. Matt Hasselbeck is truly one of the best people in all of sports...not really sure why his brother couldn't bet the same
Forgot all about what Dilfer went through. Nice to hear about the good guys for a change.
08-24-2012, 02:47 PM
Ah, he was there but not one of the originals.
So...anyone think Mike Jenkins is headed to Indy?
Jenkins is on the PUP. He is still recovering from off season shoulder surgery.
He won't be ready for the season opener.
Not good for his trade stock.
08-24-2012, 02:51 PM
Back in the day Berman was the man. He definitely helped put ESPN on the map.
That said he's overstayed his welcome. His act got tired a long time ago. Hearing him in the booth last night was just painful. Kolb to Fitzgerald, HELLOOOOOO. I'm like dude why are you yelling?
I'm hoping they bring this guy into a booth.
punch it in
08-24-2012, 02:58 PM
Back in the day Berman was the man. He definitely helped put ESPN on the map.
That said he's overstayed his welcome. His act got tired a long time ago. Hearing him in the booth last night was just painful. Kolb to Fitzgerald, HELLOOOOOO. I'm like dude why are you yelling?
Well said. I did used to like Berman too. I was a little harsh i guess because as a kid/teenager and into my twenties i was a fan. Well said.
08-24-2012, 04:53 PM
Outstanding story. Matt Hasselbeck is truly one of the best people in all of sports...not really sure why his brother couldn't bet the same
Because sometimes one brother is just clearly inferior in all ways - just look at CRed. He tries but, well, you know ....
08-24-2012, 05:07 PM
Outstanding story. Matt Hasselbeck is truly one of the best people in all of sports...not really sure why his brother couldn't bet the same
Uh oh!! Some tim hasselbeck beef??
08-24-2012, 05:32 PM
Berman commentary from Redskins-Buccaneers game in 2007:
"And Randel El receives the high punt from Bidwell at the 30. He runs left, now he's back, back, back backbackBACKBACK and down at the 22."
punch it in
08-24-2012, 05:38 PM
Berman commentary from Redskins-Buccaneers game in 2007:
"And Randel El receives the high punt from Bidwell at the 30. He runs left, now he's back, back, back backbackBACKBACK and down at the 22."
08-24-2012, 05:50 PM
Uh oh!! Some tim hasselbeck beef??
Maaaan...don't even get me started