02-22-2005, 11:18 AM
CRT3, just like Bohnzie said throw in a few more posts (183) and you can have Sean Taylor as your avatar.
If you need help, just ask Malcolm. I think he's already surpassed me in posts and he's only been here for a couple of months! Just kidding Malcolm :)
It's all good man. You know my deal dude... what better way to spend work hours than talk about the Skins? ;)
Its freaking avatar. Thats it. If you want your avatar to change, then do your part by posting more like everyone else did. Whats the big deal? Why is that so hard to understand?Sorry Redskin P I was just responding to Daseal. I have not made it a serious issue but I have asked questions, whats wrong with that? I have been posting but between wife, kids and work I have other things that I do. So by posting messages like this it makes me one closer to getting rid of Morton. With my luck he will return and score on more then one return and will be crowned the king of all return men.
02-22-2005, 01:13 PM
Sorry Redskin P I was just responding to Daseal. I have not made it a serious issue but I have asked questions, whats wrong with that? I have been posting but between wife, kids and work I have other things that I do. So by posting messages like this it makes me one closer to getting rid of Morton. With my luck he will return and score on more then one return and will be crowned the king of all return men.
No worries CRT3. You don't need to apologize. It's all good.
02-22-2005, 03:59 PM
i am this close to turning off avatars altogether...they add nothing to the site, except to be able to see certain skins. i personally like how the avatar represents your rank.
i understand having personal issues with morton, however if that is changed based on one or 2 requests, that opens a flood gate to other changes...keeping people focused on little things instead of the broad picture
matty's in is his call to make, and i back it 100%.
02-23-2005, 09:48 PM
How ironic - We're Redskins fans living in the past.
YEs Daseal, VERY APPROPRIATE.............we live in the past because the future keeps looking worse..................... :(
02-23-2005, 09:53 PM
We've been giving you a hard time my opinion, the avatars can stay the same because the most important thing is the content on the forum..........
P.S. However, if you go "old school".........can I get dubs on the Art Monk Avatar.......
:D............ just kidding...........