05-31-2012, 12:52 PM
Ex-football player, wrongly jailed for rape, wants money from state - (
I seriously hate our judicial system.
What pisses me off is how could prosecutors send this guy to jail when there was no DNA? Whoever sent him to jail should be fired ASAP and never be allowed to work as an attorney again.
05-31-2012, 01:12 PM
DNA wasn't necessary - he admitted he had sex with her. He just asserted it was consensual.
05-31-2012, 01:18 PM
The prosecutors were faced with a he said/she said rape case. Sure, in this instance they were wrong. In many other instances, if such cases aren't pursued, more than one or two rapists walk free. You want things black and white with no grey? You're living in the wrong universe.
No matter how hard we wish it didn't - sometimes bad things happen to good people and evil goes unpunished. Right now, society owes this young man a debt it can't repay. Hopefully, steps will be taken to right as much of the wrong as possible.
05-31-2012, 02:40 PM
Well he only did 5 years of jail time, the other 5 was probation/house arrest/ankle bracelet? Sure that's not much better but it's not the same as spending it in jail.
IMO being free is being free.
05-31-2012, 02:44 PM
The problem I have with the system is now that we know she lied she is not getting prosecuted for any crime. WTF is that all about. That little bitch should rot in jail for the 40 yrs he pleaded down to 5. I hope for him he makes an NFL team and can live out his child hood dream and that little bitch rots in hell.
05-31-2012, 02:59 PM
IMO being free is being free.
Just out of curiosity, what does that mean?
05-31-2012, 04:03 PM
Just out of curiosity, what does that mean?
Yeah I'm a little unclear on that myself. Are you saying being under house arrest or being constantly monitored/not allowed to leave the state is being free? Or having to register as a sex offender thereby limiting career options is being free?
05-31-2012, 04:20 PM
DNA wasn't necessary - he admitted he had sex with her. He just asserted it was consensual.
100% correct. Had he decided to go to trial then the Prosecuter would have had the burden to prove there was some form of sexual encounter. But partially his lawyers fault, presented his client with the fact his case didn't look good and if he takes it to a trial and loses he would be looking at 40 yrs in jail. Instead the young man took the plea agreement (basically saying he did it or that there was enough proof to possibly find him guilty) and got the 5 yrs jail, 5yrs home monitering.
The weird fact is apparently all they did was go behind the school and kiss, but she stated they had sex. He was admitting they had sex (consensually) even though they did not. One would think that if he was getting arrested the same day it happened then the detectives would have taken her to the hospital to determin if she had had sex earlier that day. Unless all the evidence was inconclusive. Which would be weird. Nothing adding up but believing her story?
In any case he basically admitted it happened and took the lesser punishment. Hopefully his civil suit works for him cause I'm wondering if the fact he took the plea would wash the gov from any wrong doing. If he denied and went to trial and was found guilty then I could see him winning this case.
He has a better chance of going after the girl with a civil suit then he does the gov. I'm shocked the public is not putting pressure on the prosecuters office and the school board to go after this girl and or her family for the false police report and to have them pay the county back in some way or fashion. I'd be pissed if my local gov made this mistake and was not going to right the wrong.
05-31-2012, 06:49 PM
Another outstanding product of society. How about instead of having her live off the state and being free we lock her up for 5 yrs and let her live off the state another way. Either way she would be living off the state we might as well put her in jail to do her fair share of jail time as punishment.
If she has kids we can do them a favor either give them to their fathers or put them in foster care where they won't grow up to do the same stupid crap learning from her.
I laughed my ass of that you put fathers with the s!!!!!
The problem I have with the system is now that we know she lied she is not getting prosecuted for any crime. WTF is that all about. That little bitch should rot in jail for the 40 yrs he pleaded down to 5. I hope for him he makes an NFL team and can live out his child hood dream and that little bitch rots in hell.
Yes! That is the problem. The decision to let her slide is just.....incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial.....
According to Banks and his private investigator, Gibson refused to tell prosecutors that she had lied, so that she wouldn't have to return the $1.5-million settlement her family won in court after suing the Long Beach Unified School District.