05-02-2012, 09:05 PM
Not that I want to encourage or condone suicide but in the case of collision sport athletes there is an odd sense of honor in the self-inflicted chest wound in light of preserving the brain for future research. If for nothing more then the fact that it seems a painful way to go.
05-02-2012, 09:20 PM
I hope that Junior Seau didn't take his own life. We remember him as a defensive competitor on the gridiron. But as a person and a man, he always was a class act. He's one of the greatest to ever play the game.
05-02-2012, 09:25 PM
Really sad as thoughts and prayers are with his family! :(
05-02-2012, 09:38 PM
just awful news. the second i heard he was dead i knew it was suicide. i had a feeling thats what really happened when he "feel asleep at the wheel" a year or so ago. it will be interesting to find out if a note was left, or if he had talked to anyone before taking his life. one of the all time greats, rip.
anyone else remember his nike commercial with dennis hopper? i used to love it
Nike commercial featuring Stanley talk about Junior Seau - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaIsuqhHS8g)
There was no note left. They have ruled it a suicide and texted his ex-wife and kids the night before telling that he loved them.
05-02-2012, 09:53 PM
I read that he is now the 8th member of the Chargers SB Team in 94 to have died.. Weird
05-02-2012, 10:15 PM
I had a person really close to me kill themselves. Honestly I think it's the most selfish act someone can make. I don't feel sorry for anyone that chooses to go that route unless there is some mental issue that caused it. While the evidence is building there might be something to head trauma, My opinion is that it might have more to do with supplements, hgh, steroids, or other enhancements that have come about in the last 30 or so years. I would love to see the evidence of how many players has this issue when they didn't wear helmets.
05-02-2012, 10:39 PM
Will never happen I know you should never say never but theres to much $$$$$ in this game/business.
Agreed. There is waaaaaay too much money invested in this sport and I can't imagine it will change.
05-02-2012, 10:42 PM
Not that I want to encourage or condone suicide but in the case of collision sport athletes there is an odd sense of honor in the self-inflicted chest wound in light of preserving the brain for future research. If for nothing more then the fact that it seems a painful way to go.
Didn't Duerson do that as well so his brain could be studied? Having lost several people to suicide it is never easy and hell if it ever makes total sense especially for the people left behind.
05-02-2012, 10:49 PM
Didn't Duerson do that as well so his brain could be studied? Having lost several people to suicide it is never easy and hell if it ever makes total sense especially for the people left behind.
Yeah, thats probably where he got the idea from. Just tragic but at least it won't be for nothing.
Kind of crazy though. I mean a lot of us have probably thought at one time or another how great it would be to be a star football player with millions of dollars and celebrity. Never mind a star player in sunny San Diego.
However if he was suffering from depression brought on by head injuries to the point where he was willing to take his own life.....maybe all the money and fame isn't worth it.
05-02-2012, 11:05 PM
This is so sad to see. I didn't want to post so soon after seeing the news just because it was so fresh. After living in San Diego for a few years as a teenager and seeing his impact on that area firsthand, he easily became one of my all time favorite non-Redskin players. It's such a shame to have all signs pointing towards his demons winning out and him leaving the world this way. Sometimes those of us putting on the bravest front are the ones needing help the most. RIP Junior I hope you're at peace now.