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sevier2 02-21-2013, 03:28 PM Wilson doesn't have the arm or the speed Griffin has. Sometimes we forget how bad ass the guy really is.
did everybody forget about that 70+ yard run against the Vikings? RGIII is one of the fastes PLAYERS, not just quaterbacks, in the entire league. Add that to the bomb TD's he threw against Philly and Dallas, division rivals makes it that much sweeter, and i have no question who i'd rather have.
ON top of the raw talent look at the team around them. Offensively both quaterbacks had similar situations. Hard running backs with decent recievers to throw to. On defense.... whole 'nother story. Seahawks were much better on a consistant basis than we were.
I give props to Wilson, dudes a stud. But He didn't change the culture of Washington, or the NFL for that matter, the way RG has. He's taken over D.C. like Brees in NO did. He's the best thing this franchise has done/gotten in a long time how can anyone even ask if he's worth it?
CultBrennan59 02-21-2013, 08:08 PM We also remember that Wilson didn't get injured and Robert did twice. That's why the question was raised. We also remember that we don't have all our picks for 2 straight years
CRedskinsRule 02-21-2013, 09:10 PM We also remember that Wilson didn't get injured and Robert did twice. That's why the question was raised. We also remember that we don't have all our picks for 2 straight years
just curious if you were hoping we would take Wilson over Griffin last year?
44Deezel 02-21-2013, 10:13 PM I love that this thread popped up again. It was great to see the comment about bulking up Alfred Morris, so he could be our backup Fullback. And the "Rex knows the system, so he will definitely be the backup" comments are epic in hindsight. Awesome. Now onto page 3.
CultBrennan59 02-21-2013, 11:32 PM just curious if you were hoping we would take Wilson over Griffin last year?
Then, RG3. Now, honestly, Wilson, based on picks, health, and production.
donofriose 02-22-2013, 09:12 AM If the Redskins could arrange to get Wilson and the Seattle corners, I would rather have that.
CRedskinsRule 02-22-2013, 10:21 AM Ok, well if its just the cherry picking hindsight game, I'll take Aaron Rodgers, Calvin Johnson, JJ Watts, Von Miller, Patrick Peterson, and Kuechly.
No one would have taken Wilson over Griffin, no one. That he played well is a testament to his ability and confidence, but to say you would rather have him is just a meaningless discussion. What if Wilson had gotten banged by Aldon Smith and Griffin had gone out of bounds and never taken that Ngata hit. Would you still want Wilson. It's a dumb discussion even for early offseason talk. Wilson was passed on by several qb starved teams because his pre draft stock (mainly his height) didn't make him attractive earlier, and several teams were looking at him right around where he was picked (including the Redskins according to reports).
Let me ask it this way, suppose the Skins take Griffin and Wilson in the draft instead of Cousins, do you think Wilson beats out Griffin in training camp? The answer isn't just no, its not in a million years no.
did everybody forget about that 70+ yard run against the Vikings? RGIII is one of the fastes PLAYERS, not just quaterbacks, in the entire league. Add that to the bomb TD's he threw against Philly and Dallas, division rivals makes it that much sweeter, and i have no question who i'd rather have.
ON top of the raw talent look at the team around them. Offensively both quaterbacks had similar situations. Hard running backs with decent recievers to throw to. On defense.... whole 'nother story. Seahawks were much better on a consistant basis than we were.
I give props to Wilson, dudes a stud. But He didn't change the culture of Washington, or the NFL for that matter, the way RG has. He's taken over D.C. like Brees in NO did. He's the best thing this franchise has done/gotten in a long time how can anyone even ask if he's worth it?
Good post and I agree.
Funny how a late season run by Wilson and RG's injury all of a sudden left Wilson as everyone's darling and RG3 almost an afterthought. I know the NFL is the ultimate in what have you done for me lately, but it's ridiculous how quickly opinions change week to week.
I'm very happy to have RG3 and I don't regret what we gave up for him one bit. Besides, judging this one year in makes no sense. Let's see how things stack up after 10 years and see who has more rings and accolades.
CultBrennan59 02-22-2013, 12:19 PM Good post and I agree.
Funny how a late season run by Wilson and RG's injury all of a sudden left Wilson as everyone's darling and RG3 almost an afterthought. I know the NFL is the ultimate in what have you done for me lately, but it's ridiculous how quickly opinions change week to week.
I'm very happy to have RG3 and I don't regret what we gave up for him one bit. Besides, judging this one year in makes no sense. Let's see how things stack up after 10 years and see who has more rings and accolades.
Its because like I said, RG3 got injured twice this year, Russell didn't get injured. All the analysts and NFL guys said RG3 is a great player but will be injury prone because of his style of play. We'll have to wait after this season before an opinion, but RG3 didn't do anything to prove those doubters wrong about getting injured. If this season he plays a lot smarter and doesn't getting injured and mike doesn't put him in a lot of running plays (so the coaches also coach smarter) then opinions will change.
Lotus 02-22-2013, 12:41 PM Good post and I agree.
Funny how a late season run by Wilson and RG's injury all of a sudden left Wilson as everyone's darling and RG3 almost an afterthought. I know the NFL is the ultimate in what have you done for me lately, but it's ridiculous how quickly opinions change week to week.
I'm very happy to have RG3 and I don't regret what we gave up for him one bit. Besides, judging this one year in makes no sense. Let's see how things stack up after 10 years and see who has more rings and accolades.