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tryfuhl 04-14-2012, 04:13 PM Critical signing, since an abnormally high percentage of Fletcher's responsibility in this upcoming season is going to come in the offseason, where we know he's healthy and ready to run the defense around him.
As for actual on field performance, I think his best days as a Redskin are probably behind him. But the Redskins never got a Plan B in the fold, and so even a hobbled 37-year old Fletcher saves us from the alternative and probably prevents Perry Riley from being exposed as a coverage liability a bit longer.
You need to get laid, desperately.
Ruhskins 04-14-2012, 04:26 PM They usually are. However in this case the skins are not able to make player friendly restructures because if they are player friendly they are not team friendly. With the cap problems the skins have that would not be workable. That would mean pay-cuts. The LF signing means good-bye Cooley and others or take a pay-cut (can you say veterans minimum).
I know I won't get everything right, but I was under the impression that when a player is asked to restructure their contract, it typically entails lowering their base-salary to give the team cap room and turning that money into guaranteed money. Although the cap room helps, to me it seems that it is slightly more beneficial for the player. I believe the only time it is not beneficial for the player is when they are asked to take a pay cut.
In terms of cutting players to get more space, right now the biggest benefit would come from cutting Hall, who would give us about 5 mil in space. The benefits of cutting Cooley would be about 1.6 mil. Right now, I think the best course of action for the team would be to restructure contracts, instead of releasing players and creating additional holes/needs.
REDSKINS4ever 04-14-2012, 04:36 PM Ok...who are the skins going to forfiet (or ask for a serious pay reduction)now that LF got his deal. Cooley? Moss? Orakpo? TWilliams? Every action causes a reaction...especially with their salary cap situation.
Remember everybody is replacable even LF.
Unless the deal was unable to be reached is what I said. But the Redskins and Fletcher struck a deal. Bart Scott is one of the few players that I could think of with plenty of experience and knowledge of the inside linebacker position in a 3-4 defense. I said nothing at all about sending players to the NYJ for Scott had the Redskins and Fletcher not come to terms to an agreement. I simply speculated about sending an unconditional draft choice(4th rd or 5th rd) to the Jets for Scott. But now that London has re-signed, trading a conditional draft choice to the Jets for Scott doesn't need to happen now.
Making the assumption that something negative will accompany the Fletcher signing without....any real info to support it is just more of the same....tired ass "sky is falling" rhetoric......
Yup, let's wait and see how the deal is structured.
Ruhskins 04-14-2012, 04:48 PM Making the assumption that something negative will accompany the Fletcher signing without....any real info to support it is just more of the same....tired ass "sky is falling" rhetoric......
But the sky IS FALLING!!!!!!!
takethecake 04-14-2012, 05:54 PM My two cents:
The redskins ABSOLUTELY DID NOT overpay for Fletcher. As others have said, it's not just the league leader in tackles you're getting; you also get the leader of our team, and reward a player who has worked his butt of the last few years. For the other Caps fans out there, this deal kind of reminds me of the deal Laich got recently. Yeah Laich's probably not worth all the money he's making, but he deserves it for being a consistent, solid player who has a huge influence in the locker room.
And for everyone saying its risky to give a multi-year contract to an older player, that only applies to older players who AREN'T physical freaks. Think of this as giving the same contract to a 32 year old.
CRedskinsRule 04-14-2012, 07:21 PM Remember they have to be willing to restructure!
As Ruhskins said, usually a restructure is favorable to the player, or at least minimally impactful to them. For example, why would TW not change his base salary of 13.9mill this year to a 10mil and a 3.9 million salary. That move alone would change his cap number from 13.9Million this year to 6.4 (3.9+2.5 prorated "bonus")million which nets a 7.5 million dollar cap savings this year. Based on GTripp's salary cap numbers, he already accounts for Fletcher counting somewhere in the neighborhood of 6million this year, so that combined with the minor restructure above would mean LF's number could be 13 Million without having to cut anybody.
Also remember that due to the rule of 51, and the fact that rookies won't likely sign until after June 1st. There is plenty of time to massage the cap numbers using many different methods without causing us to be forced to cut someone to pay for Fletcher's contract.
Things I guarantee, Fletcher's contract will not cause us to cut TW or Orakpo. And if Cooley or Moss goes, I think it's as much production based as anything related to keeping Fletcher.
81forHOF 04-14-2012, 08:05 PM I'm happy that Flecth is back. We still need to draft an inside linebacker, tho.
FRPLG 04-14-2012, 09:05 PM Whistler, many if not most board members here have a good grasp of the salary cap and how it works. Most got that way by reading explanations here. Restructures are ALWAYS player friendly. Nothing is special about our situation.
Evilgrin 04-14-2012, 09:12 PM I don't give a rats ass about pro bowls, but the people saying he is slowing down? Didn't he just get named to the All Pro team? Lead the league in total tackles, if that's slowing down then we should expect him to just be top five this year.