jrocx69 02-07-2005, 09:27 PM didnt DG return a punt for a td against the bears in '87. he didnt just get hurt and play on, but returned that punt and during it hurt his ribs and still managed a td and still managed to finish the game
azskinsfan2 02-07-2005, 09:30 PM Reading all this crap about TO really pisses me off. He wants all the attention and he gets it (usually negative) and he deserves it!! If he stood on the Skins emblem at the fifty do you think he'd leave the field alive (I think not ((Lavar)). I gained some respect for his playing this weekend but like said before, it was the Superbowl!!! Most people would give their left @*!)( to play in the Superbowl (that's why TO came back so quickly). As mentioned on ESPN, he never said he was playing to help his team win until the post game show. His mouth and his antics are what give him the bad rep (not being black) and he deserves it all. If Art Monk acted like TO he'd probably be in the HOF by now. He never went after the attention and neither does Favre!! Do the job you get paid for and shut up!!!! I respect Art Monk more than I'll ever respect TO. I don't like TO, I don't like the Iggles and I'm glad they lost!!!
Now bring on the draft and the pre-season!! GO SKINS!!!!!!
Redskins8588 02-07-2005, 10:19 PM "As mentioned on ESPN, he never said he was playing to help his team win until the post game show."
What do you think he was playing for? I cant believe that people just couldnt assume that TO was playing to help his team to win, and that he has to publicly state that. Do people believe that he was out there playing to help his team lose?
Also I should say that I am not a big TO fan, but all of this about his showboating, so what, really, if the guy is that good than so what. It's not braging if you can back it up. And so far he can. Just like his td celebrations, if teams or other players dont like them then dont let him score simple as that.
hurrykaine 02-08-2005, 12:08 AM Yeah i really don't think race has anything to do with it. Favre is held up like he's a warrior god for whatever reason but I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he is white.
I'm with you in that I don't see any media backlash against TO or even Moss having to do with racism.
The Brett Favre deal is something different though. Sure, he's a tough guy, and has been christened a warrior since he's the brave sturdy southern boy from Mississippi who braved the cold at Lambeau and led his team to victory almost all the time - but the reason Favre, and Greenbay are idolized and idealized so much is cuz they're the original success story of the league - Lombardi, and his 5 championships in the 60s. In this league, it has become anathema to criticize the Packers, any of their players, or their fans since they represent how pro-football started out..,old-school, blue collar, small-town, hardworking people coaching, playing, and most importantly, watching the game. The NFL wants to be seen as preserving that tradition. All the other NFL success stories have been in bigger cities...Dallas, Pitt, DC, NY, San Fran, LA (Rams), and now Boston. Though Pittsburgh is now a big city, it still has those same blue-collar roots, and the Steelers organization and their fans are pampered in much the same way as Green Bay.
The bottom line is that the GB fans deserved all they got from Moss - it is an unforgivable double standard to condone the GB fans mooning of the visiting team's bus, but penalize players that harmlessly stick it to the GB fans.
I idolize TO for desecrating the Star in Texas stadium. He is a true warrior for the way he played yesterday, but he does need to get that stick out of his ass and get over his persecution complex - no one's criticizing him for yesterday's performance...every member of the media I heard was lauding his effort.
JoeRedskin 02-08-2005, 12:11 AM It's not braging if you can back it up.
Ummm, yes it is.
Bragging - To assert boastfully
Boast - To glorify oneself in speech, talk in a self-admiring way; to speak with excessive pride.
Redskins8588 02-08-2005, 12:31 AM Ummm, yes it is.
Bragging - To assert boastfully
Boast - To glorify oneself in speech, talk in a self-admiring way; to speak with excessive pride.
Ok thanks for the vocab lesson, but I think that you proved my point. He "glorifies himself in speech, talks about himself in an admiring way, and speaks with excessiv pride of himself" all because when he steps on the field he can perform. He performed well when it was Young throwing him the ball, when it was Garciea, and now when it is McNabb tossing him the rock.
Do I like the fact the he does it? NO!! But he is one of the best to be playing in todays NFL. I would have more of a problem if it was a reciever like Chris Chambers or Chad Johnson acting in that manner. I mean what have they done? They are both very good recievers true, but they do not performe like Owens, Moss, or Harrison.
skinsfanthru&thru 02-08-2005, 01:14 AM I have to say that TO really showed a warriors spirit out there last night, although i dont like him he did play well. As far as the race card goes you cant dismiss it as not being a factor to some degree. NFL fans look at him and think "Typical black man", its sad people still think like that but that is the reality. He is 100% correct in making the comparison between him and Favre. If Favre was cocky the media would label him as confident and a fierce competitor that is able to back up what he says. That is the simple truth.
I know I for one don't think that type of an ignorant thought when I see TO or any other cocky player, but I do think "Typical rich, self absorbed man" cuz a lot of athletes now a days think that just because they are gifted physically that whatever they do has more importance than anyone else around them and that everyone should bow down and bask in their glory. Cuz obviously it means you are disrespecting them when u don't grovel at their feet. Sadly there probably r people that have racial motivations in how they look at players, but comparing an ego-maniac coming back from an injury only about a week and a half ahead of schedule for the biggest game of his career to a player that has battled through numerious difficulties in his life added on to never missing a game at one of the toughest positions in about ten years is kind of a joke isn't it? I don't know about anyone else but I've heard quite a few people not pulling many punches on Favres' play at certain times the past few years and usually Favres' the first one to place the blame on himself in those situations. Has anyone heard TO saying anything about his bad play when he got shut down to only a few receptions against the skins and against the steelers or the multiple games he's been shut down in the past?
I don't neccesarily think TO is looked at like a "bad boy" of the nfl, but more likely a very talented clown. How does he expect to be respected when he shows no respect for others?
He played a hell a game, but lets not make it seem like he did something miraculous. I mean he does get paid millions of dollars a year to go out and do what he did last night right?
jdlea 02-08-2005, 01:48 AM Lost in all of this is the fact that T.O. probably had to sign a waiver so that he could play yesterday. I heard the Eagles may ask him to...MAY?! You're kidding me right? A football player isn't medically cleared to play and decides to anyway. I guarantee the Eagles weren't going to take the heat for him going down and ending his career. I'm positive they made him sign a waiver. I don't care how much the trainer was pushing him to the public, the Eagles wouldn't take that risk.
T.O. decided that he was going to play and that was that. His doctor compared the break in his leg to the one Steve Smith suffered at the begining of the season. It put Steve Smith on the IR. I don't think anyone on this site should question what he did yesterday. 9 catches is 9 catches...hell, the MVP only had 2 more and about 10 more yards. Niether of them got in the end zone, so don't give me this "he never went deep" BS. What he did yesterday was nothing short of miraculous and I gained a tremendous amount of respect for him.
If he signed a waiver, which I have to believe he did, T.O. should be put in the "warrior" class. Hell, I'll put him there even if he didn't. If they had won that game he probably would have been the MVP if it didn't go to McNabb. That was a great effort by a great receiver and I respect him more than just as a good receiver now.
bedlamVR 02-08-2005, 02:47 AM Branch had much more of an impact in the game than T.O. did and T.O. was against the depleated injury ridden secondary Pats. He made some fearless moves for someone comming back from injurybut it was the superbowl... SUPERBOWL get it ?
saden1 02-08-2005, 03:18 AM Ummm, yes it is.
Bragging - To assert boastfully
Boast - To glorify oneself in speech, talk in a self-admiring way; to speak with excessive pride.
You're thinking Freddie Mitchell. I'd like some T.O. quotes where he glorifies himself. Please do provide some quotes.