03-22-2012, 11:18 AM
They violated written rules. They denied it. They lied about it having taking care of it. They had a convicted felon contribute funds to this. They got what they deserved
Saints took it too far but these punishments are simply ridiculous.
03-22-2012, 11:20 AM
Saints took it too far but these punishments are simply ridiculous.
Well just 2 games is even more ridiculous. The ONLY thing that I think could maybe be a bit too much is that Payton is essentially suspended for much of next off-season. Lift the suspension after the playoffs and let him be involved with the team for senior week, combines, pro days, free agency
03-22-2012, 11:22 AM
What's worse, the rat or the guy who rats on the rat?
Sapp shouldn't have said anything.
If he 100% trusts his source, and it sounds like he does, then why not? To me the rat looks way worse here than Sapp.
03-22-2012, 11:23 AM
I think the lies and denials made it the level it is.
03-22-2012, 11:27 AM
Well just 2 games is even more ridiculous. The ONLY thing that I think could maybe be a bit too much is that Payton is essentially suspended for much of next off-season. Lift the suspension after the playoffs and let him be involved with the team for senior week, combines, pro days, free agency
This investigation went on for 2 years. Goodell knew about it. Why didn't he stop it when it was going on? He's so worried about safety then he should've came out and said..."anyone caught doing this will be suspended and docked draft picks"...right there he could've ended this right away. Whether it's right or wrong this has been the culture of football. Defensive players, next year, will try and knock out offensive players. The only difference is funds won't be exchanged.
03-22-2012, 11:36 AM
This conversation is getting absurd, **taps out**
03-22-2012, 11:46 AM
They violated written rules. They denied it. They lied about it having taking care of it. They had a convicted felon contribute funds to this. They got what they deserved
Who was the convicted felon?
03-22-2012, 11:50 AM
If he 100% trusts his source, and it sounds like he does, then why not? To me the rat looks way worse here than Sapp.
Wow. Just wow. You'd fit right in with Baltimore's mean streets.Stop Snitchin' - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (
For those who have a problem with this, who would side with rulebreakers, liars and decievers, who, by doing so, would encourage deceit in others and endorse activity that, at the very least, blurs the lines between good hard play and causing intentional harm, I just don't know what to say. Integrity, sportsmanship, honesty ... are these concepts you endorse? Or are they just empty words symbolizing archaic concepts easily discarded when they become obstacles to acheiving a goal?
If you believe in these concepts or believe they are concepts for which we as a society ought to strive - defend the Payton's, Williams' and Loomis actions in this matter in a way that demonstrates how those actions exhibited, promoted or in any way protected these concepts. [HINT: "B/c everybody does so it" is not such a demonstration].
Despicable conduct warranting harsh sanction.
03-22-2012, 11:56 AM
This conversation is getting absurd, **taps out**
Although fitting, "absurd" is not the word I would use. I am having a hard time not being completely disgusted by some of the arguments being made in opposition to this.
Shock, a sort of resigned "Wow, I knew it would be bad but this is surprising", sure - I get that. However, the vehemence with which rule breaking liars are being defended is both mind boggling and disheartening.
03-22-2012, 11:57 AM
If he 100% trusts his source, and it sounds like he does, then why not? To me the rat looks way worse here than Sapp.
DAS RITE DAS RITE. snitches get stitches dawg. Fo'realz.