Yes. If we end up getting dinged for it then it'll probably be deserved. If I am Snyder I am doing everything in my power right now to investigate this internally and be forth-coming beyond reason. Get in front of it.
Skins are already in the clear. Per Charlie Casserly when he talked to the league he said the Saints are the only team that will be punished.
The big thing here is the Saints were warned, continued the behavior, and covered it up.
Posted by Ruhskins a few pages back, worth repeating...
For all the conspiracy theorists that believe the Redskins will get punished...
Charley Casserly @CharleyCasserly
NFL tells me that they did not find a system in Wash, buffalo and Tenn where players had bounties offered to injure them.
03-22-2012, 10:34 AM
As I understand it, every team has to submit in writing to the league offices by the end of next week any info they have on possible similar bounty-like situations and proof that it has been stopped...or something along those lines
03-22-2012, 10:52 AM
Roger Goodell has lost his mind. These suspensions are too harsh. The cap penalties on the Cowboys and Redskins was too harsh. Under Goodell's watch the game is getting weaker and weaker. ............. ... The Saints might not have a team. What about Williams former teams. Are the Bills and Redskins going to be penalized. This reeks!
Crap decision because way to many other teams do it, and it's been going on in the NFL forever. Goodell is a moron, get rid of him.
You really think that is deserved ?? You gotta be getting me man .. this is football ... 99% of the NFL players don't think this is deserved .. this is by far the most BS move the God-dell has ever done ... the fact that SpyGate didn't get the hoodie suspended and this blows a team away for a YEAR .. ........ ...........the Shield is out of control with power.
Mr. Commish needs to really have some of his power stripped away. The guy is an idiot. What the Saints did was wrong. But you're going to take away peoples way of making a living? For something that's been going on since the start of football? Really? ........
Some of you really need to talk less and read more. This isn't about your perception of what they are trying to do with football. This isn't about a bounty system that Gregg Williams has been doing for years on end. This isn't about a man drunk with power trying to exert his will on the game we all love. This isn't about any of those things. This is about a coverup, lying, and deception. The initial "punishment" from the NFL was a simple warning..."don't do it". That's it. Nothing. Zilch. Why? Because they do know that many teams do it. However, when they approach you about it, you acknowledge it, and change your course of action.
What did the Saints do? They lied about it. Denied it. Covered it up for a grand total of 3 years. THIS is what this is about, not the actual bounty which you all keep harping on. I think we all know that the coverup on scandals generally make things worse. Take a look at the MLB steroid scandals. Do people even talk about the guys that came out and admitted it? Nope. Who do we harp on? They guys that are trying to cover it up.
Stop. Think. Stop overreacting. Goodell is doing the job he's paid to do, and with the blessings of the owners, even if it doesn't always pan out for them. Goodell has shown throughout his tenure so far that he will not accept being lied/deceived to. Vick did it and got slammed. Pacman Jones did it and got slammed. What did you think was going to happen when the Saints did it? Arrogance is the cause of a many man's downfall. I feel no pity for any involved.
03-22-2012, 10:53 AM
NPR is even covering this story & the Tebow trade, the best explanation I heard was that the league is using this as a legal strategy to show that it is serious about player safety. NFL is facing recent suits from players & the research on concussions is not looking good for the game in general.
Same thing Mike Wise said in his column today; Goodell is using this both as a warning for any future occurences, and to clearly set the NFL's stance on player safety.
03-22-2012, 10:54 AM
They violated written rules. They denied it. They lied about it having taking care of it. They had a convicted felon contribute funds to this. They got what they deserved
03-22-2012, 10:57 AM
And then there is this: Warren Sapp fingers Jeremy Shockey as the Saints’ bounty snitch | Shutdown Corner - Yahoo! Sports (
key to remember when reading this story, that these are grown men and not 12 year olds
What's worse, the rat or the guy who rats on the rat?
Sapp shouldn't have said anything.
03-22-2012, 11:03 AM
Given the gravity of the situation, the "rat" deserves a medal
03-22-2012, 11:10 AM
They violated written rules. They denied it. They lied about it having taking care of it. They had a convicted felon contribute funds to this. They got what they deserved
Psh, convicted felon convicted melon, who cares. Screw this pansy ass league full of sissies, this is the last straw! I can no longer be a fan of football.